
1 year ago 34

The app offers you thousands of German grammar exercises, arsenic good arsenic lessons and summaries of the cardinal grammatical topics.

You don’t request to instrumentality leveling tests, conscionable prime immoderate taxable and commencement learning it, careless of whether you are connected A1,A2,B1,B2 oregon C1.

Thanks to a cleanable and idiosyncratic affable interface, you tin lick dozens of exercises successful a enactment to memorize concepts and grammar rules successful a abbreviated time. When you decorativeness an workout session, you tin cheque your people and a elaborate correction of your answers.

The pursuing topics are covered:

-Basics (A1-A2)
• Bestimmter Artikel
• Pluralform
• Personalpronomen
• Verbkonjugation - Präsens
• Possessivpronomen
• Nominativ
• Akkusativ
• Dativ
• Präpositionen
• Trennbare Verben
• Reflexive Verben

-Intermediate (A2-B1)
• Perfekt
• Adjektivdeklination
• Passiv
• Verben mit Präpositionen
• Relativsätze

-Advanced (B1-B2-C1)
• Konjunktiv II
• Nominalisierung
• N-Deklination

…and galore much coming connected the adjacent updates!

This app does not necessitate an net transportation to work.

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