Great Lakes Storm Brings Snowfall and Possible 20-Foot Waves - The New York Times

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Climate|Great Lakes Storm Brings Snowfall and Possible 20-Foot Waves

Michigan saw up to a ft of snowfall successful immoderate areas, and Wisconsin was getting up to six inches from the storm.

A outer  representation  of the cardinal  Great Lakes connected  Monday.

Christine Chung

  • Published Oct. 17, 2022Updated Oct. 18, 2022, 6:07 a.m. ET

An aboriginal play wintertime tempest successful Michigan’s Upper Peninsula was expected to bring snow, beardown winds and highly precocious waves that could origin flooding astir the Great Lakes region, forecasters said.

The storm, which began connected Sunday evening, moved implicit bluish Lake Huron connected Monday. Warnings astir predominant gusts of beardown upwind were successful effect done Tuesday for Lake Superior and Lake Michigan, according to the National Weather Service successful Marquette, Mich.

At Lake Superior, waves could scope heights of betwixt 20 and 25 feet and could adjacent escalate to 31 feet, the Weather Service said.

At Bergland Dam adjacent Lake Superior, astir 11 inches of snowfall had accumulated done mid greeting connected Monday, said Greg Michels, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service successful Marquette. Snow was expected to dilatory down arsenic it continued.

While the aboriginal onset of the snowfall was not uncommon for the Upper Midwest, the heaviness of the snowfall was “uncommon,” Mr. Michels said. Winter tempest warnings and wintertime upwind advisories were successful effect done Tuesday evening for parts of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and bluish Wisconsin.

“This is an aboriginal play snowfall,” helium said, adding that it had occasionally snowed successful the country arsenic aboriginal arsenic September. “It’s a small soon for this benignant of dense snow, but not unheard of.”

Additional snowfall of up to six inches was besides accumulating successful bluish Wisconsin, the Weather Service successful Green Bay said, adding that the “worst conditions” were expected Monday afternoon.

Up to a ft of snowfall was imaginable connected Monday successful Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, the National Weather Service said.

The snowfall was expected to taper disconnected for northwestern Michigan connected Monday but proceed into Tuesday for the north-central portion of the state, Mr. Michels said.

The wintertime tempest volition “start losing its power present Tuesday evening” but volition agelong into Wednesday, Mr. Michels said. While the tempest volition diminish, a water effect — a rainfall oregon snowfall signifier created by the enactment betwixt temperatures of a water and aerial astatine a higher elevation — volition persist arsenic it moves on, helium said.

“Right present it’s a operation of a tempest and water effect,” Mr. Michels said. “Lake Superior really creates its ain weather.”

A acold beforehand was moving done the Midwest, wherever overnight frost warnings were successful effect successful states including Missouri, Indiana and Kansas.

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