Groundhog Day 2023: Punxsutawney Phil predicts six more weeks of winter - CBS News

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Punxsutawney Phil gives his wintertime upwind forecast successful Pa.

Punxsutawney Phil gives his wintertime upwind forecast successful Pa. 08:36

Pennsylvania's astir celebrated groundhog emerged from his burrow connected a acold Thursday greeting and saw his shadow, declaring determination would beryllium six much weeks of winter.  Punxsutawney Phil made his prediction arsenic a deadly storm wreaked havoc successful the South and the Northeast was bracing for a unsafe Arctic blast.

People gathered Thursday astatine Gobbler's Knob arsenic members of Punxsutawney Phil's "inner circle" summoned him from his histrion stump astatine dawn to larn if helium has seen his shadiness - and they accidental helium did. According to folklore, if helium sees his shadiness determination volition beryllium six much weeks of winter. If helium doesn't, outpouring comes early.

Groundhog Day Groundhog Club handler A.J. Dereume holds Punxsutawney Phil, the upwind prognosticating groundhog, during the 137th solemnisation of Groundhog Day connected Gobbler's Knob successful Punxsutawney, Pa., Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023.  Barry Reeger / AP

The "inner circle" is simply a radical of section dignitaries who are liable for readying the events, arsenic good arsenic feeding and caring for Phil himself.

The yearly lawsuit successful Punxsutawney originated from a German fable astir a furry rodent. Officials successful the assemblage - which is astir 65 miles northeast of Pittsburgh - welcomed a assemblage of thousands to this year's festivities.

According to records dating backmost to 1887, Phil has predicted wintertime much than 100 times. Ten years were mislaid due to the fact that nary records were kept, organizers said.

The 2022 forecast called for six much weeks of winter, arsenic did the year before.

While Punxsutawney Phil whitethorn beryllium the astir celebrated groundhog seer, he's surely not the lone one. New York City's Staten Island Chuck made his prediction for an aboriginal outpouring during an lawsuit Thursday astatine the Staten Island Zoo.  

Phil and Chuck made their predictions arsenic a deadly tempest system lashed a ample swath of the confederate U.S. with bands of sleet and snowfall for a 3rd time connected Wednesday. The tempest grounded much than 3,300 flights, near hundreds of thousands without power, forced schoolhouse closures and made already treacherous driving conditions worse.

At slightest 8 weather-related deaths person been confirmed successful Texas, according to numbers obtained by CBS News Wednesday.

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