'Groundhog Day' at 30: Andie MacDowell reveals Bill Murray's on-set shenanigans - Yahoo Entertainment

2 years ago 123

Kevin Polowy

Life imitated creation for Andie Macdowell connected the acceptable of Groundhog Day, which was released 30 years ago, connected Feb. 12, 1993.

Just arsenic her Pittsburgh quality shaper Rita Hanson yet falls for the time-looping charms of cynical weatherman Phil Connors portion helium is stuck reliving the aforesaid Groundhog Day successful Punxsutawney, MacDowell, too, was charmed by her incomparable co-star, Bill Murray.

“I’ll archer you the comic happening astir Bill, you don’t cognize what to expect with him. He is simply a unique person,” MacDowell told Yahoo Entertainment during a 2019 Role Recall interview (watch above, with Groundhog Day starting astatine 3:30). “He is extremely creative. Fresh. Every clip helium does a scene, it’s fresh, it’s new, he’s adding nuances to it. Off camera, he’s conscionable arsenic weird, possibly weirder. Because he’s conscionable being him.”

Whimsical Murray stories abound from present to the furthest corners of the internet, and MacDowell has a fewer to stock from their clip moving together.

Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell successful  a country   from the movie  'Groundhog Day', directed by Harold Ramis, 1993. (Photo by Columbia Pictures/Getty Images)

Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell successful a country from the 1993 movie 'Groundhog Day,' directed by Harold Ramis. (Photo by Columbia Pictures/Getty Images)

“People would travel from each implicit to spot him,” she recalls. “And connected Friday nights helium would say, ‘I’m sorry, folks. I don’t bash autographs connected Fridays.’ And didn’t substance wherever they came from. But the comic happening is however helium would accidental it, radical accepted it. They weren’t huffy astatine him. Nobody was aggravated oregon saying disfigured things to him.”

There was different clip Murray and MacDowell were filming a country successful car unneurotic erstwhile Murray stepped connected the state and jettisoned them from the set.

“He conscionable took off,” she says. “And I was like, ‘What are you doing? Where are we going, Bill? And helium goes, ‘Oh, I conscionable thought we’d spell for a ride.’ So we conscionable near [for] astir 10, 15 minutes.”

Groundhog Day is presently streaming connected AMC+.

This communicative was primitively published Feb. 2, 2022.

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