Harry Styles' Reaction To Being Hit With A Bottle At His Chicago Concert Should Not Have Me Laughing Like This, OMG - BuzzFeed

2 years ago 76

IDK what's going on, but crowds person been reallll bold lately.

Lady Gaga had thing thrown astatine her connected her Chromatica Ball tour...

closeup of woman  gaga

Jeff Kravitz / FilmMagic

Mila Kunis got booed successful Brooklyn, for nary existent crushed different than the information that she's not from there...

Mila talking into a mic

Rich Polk / Getty Images for IMDb

And now, we person idiosyncratic throwing a vessel astatine Harry Styles during a Chicago circuit stop.

closeup of Harry

Amy Sussman / Getty Images

Yup — successful a video circulating Twitter, helium tin beryllium seen addressing the assemblage connected his Love On Tour erstwhile idiosyncratic randomly changeable a vessel astatine him...

harry connected  stage

Twitter: @TheHarryNews

Hitting Harry straight successful the groin area.

harry bending implicit    successful  pain

Twitter: @TheHarryNews

The "Strong" vocalist instantly hunched implicit successful symptom arsenic helium reached down and clutched his crotch. "Well, that's unfortunate," helium breathed into the mic, inactive looking down.

harry looking down

Twitter: @TheHarryNews

Harry takes a portion to recover, shaking his legs and bouncing astir arsenic helium attempted to stitchery himself.

closeup of harry

Daniele Venturelli / WireImage

"OK, shingle it off," helium said aloud, drafting cheers of enactment from the crowd. He past started joking astir the ordeal erstwhile the symptom had subsided, earlier jumping backmost into the performance similar the pro that helium is.

Twitter: @TheHarryNews

DYING astatine his effect — but connected a much superior note, I'm gladsome he's OK. Be bully retired there, you guys.

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