Hecate - PC Remote Control

1 year ago 32

Hecate - PC Remote Control is simply a elemental and user-friendly exertion that allows you to easy power your PC from your phone.

With Hecate, you tin remotely power the rodent and keyboard connected your computer, motorboat applications, power the measurement and playback of media, nonstop links and substance from your telephone to your computer, and entree the past of sent data.

Here's a person look astatine immoderate of the cardinal features of Hecate:

• Mouse control:
With Hecate, you tin power the rodent connected your machine utilizing your phone. You tin click the near and close rodent buttons by tapping connected the touchpad area, and you tin usage two-finger swipes to simulate rodent instrumentality up/down movements.

• Type substance from your phone:
Hecate allows you to benignant substance connected your telephone and person it instantly look connected your computer's screen. Simply click connected the keyboard icon successful the app and commencement typing.

• Launch applications from the taskbar:
Hecate makes it casual to motorboat applications connected your machine that are pinned to the taskbar (to the close of the commencement button). You tin simply prime the exertion from the Hecate app connected your telephone and it volition unfastened connected your computer.

• Computer measurement control:
Hecate allows you to set the measurement connected your machine straight from your phone. You tin besides usage Hecate to power the playback of media connected your computer, with the quality to skip tracks, play/pause, and more.

• Sending links from telephone to computer:
Hecate makes it casual to nonstop links from your telephone to your computer. Simply click connected the "Share" icon successful immoderate browser connected your telephone and prime Hecate - PC Remote Control. The nexus volition instantly unfastened successful a browser connected your computer.

• Send substance from telephone to computer:
With Hecate, you tin easy nonstop substance from your telephone to your computer. Simply item the substance you privation to send, click connected the ellipsis, past click connected the "Share" icon and prime Hecate - PC Remote Control. The substance volition beryllium copied to your computer's clipboard.

• Access to the past of sent data:
Hecate keeps a grounds of each the information that you person sent from your telephone to your computer, truthful you tin easy entree it later.

• Connecting aggregate devices:
Hecate allows you to link aggregate devices to your computer, truthful you tin power your PC from aggregate phones if you want.

To usage Hecate - PC Remote Control, your telephone and PC indispensable beryllium connected the aforesaid network. For example, if your machine is connected to your location web via cablegram oregon Wi-Fi, your telephone indispensable besides beryllium connected to the aforesaid Wi-Fi web successful bid to usage Hecate.

Overall, Hecate - PC Remote Control is simply a versatile and convenient app that allows you to easy power your PC from your phone. You tin download Hecate - PC Remote Control for your machine from the Windows Store.

Install Hecate - PC Remote Control for your machine from Windows Store:

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