Here's what really happens when you edit and unsend iPhone texts. - USA TODAY

2 years ago 63

Kim Komando  |  Special to USA TODAY

If you person an iPhone 8 oregon later, you've astir apt already updated to iOS 16. The latest operating strategy has galore caller information features you should beryllium using.

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Here’s different buried mounting that conscionable got upgraded: Your iPhone’s quality to observe sounds and alert you. Tap oregon click for steps to acceptable up customized sounds, similar your home’s appliances.

One of the astir noteworthy features of iOS 16 is the quality to edit and unsend substance messages. It’s not arsenic clear-cut arsenic it seems. Here’s the truth.

Myth: When you unsend a text, the recipient volition ne'er know.

Reality: Your recipient gets a notification.

Yes, you tin instrumentality backmost a connection you sent, but there’s much to it. The unsend diagnostic lone works with iMessage (iPhone to iPhone), and you and the recipient indispensable beryllium moving iOS 16.

If you unsend a connection to idiosyncratic moving an older mentation of iOS, they’ll inactive spot it, and you’ll get a notification reminding you of that.

Here are a fewer much things to support successful caput erstwhile unsending a message:

• You tin lone instrumentality backmost a connection wrong 2 minutes of sending it.

• The recipient tin work your connection earlier you unsend it.

• If you unsend a message, it volition vanish from the recipient’s screen, but they’ll beryllium notified that you unsent it.

Now that you cognize however it works, here’s however to unsend a message:

• While successful an iMessage conversation, tap and clasp the connection you privation to unsend.

• Tap Undo Send.

iOS 16 adds much information features to support your privateness and information. Tap oregon click present for the iPhone (and Android) information features worthy enabling.


iPhone features you're not using

Your iPhone is susceptible of truthful overmuch more.

ProblemSolved, ProblemSolved

Myth: When you edit a text, the recipient volition ne'er know.

The reality: You guessed it – they’ll get a notification.

Editing a substance follows the aforesaid rules. You can, but it lone works with iMessage, and some iPhones indispensable beryllium moving iOS 16.

If you edit a connection you sent to idiosyncratic moving an older mentation of iOS, each your edited messages volition look connected their screen, and they’ll get notifications of your edits.

Here are immoderate things you request to cognize erstwhile editing a message:

• You person 15 minutes to edit a text.

• You tin edit a connection up to 5 times.

• The recipient tin work your connection earlier you edit it.

• The recipient tin pat your edited connection and spot its edit history.

Here’s however it’s done:

• While successful an iMessage conversation, pat and clasp the connection you privation to edit.

• Tap Edit and marque your changes.

• Tap the blue checkmark when you’re done.

Are you an iPhone family? Here’s however to way your kid’s phone.

Myth: When you delete a text, it’s gone.

The reality: Those deleted messages instrumentality astir for a bit.

When you delete a substance thread, it’s stored successful a folder connected your iPhone’s precocious deleted messages record for 30 days. You tin retrieve it oregon delete it permanently close past and there. That besides means anyone tin spot your deleted messages if they person your passcode.

Here's the bully news: Text messages you unsend bash not look successful the precocious deleted messages file.

Here’s however to delete oregon retrieve precocious deleted messages:

• Open the Messages app and pat Edit successful the apical left.

• Tap Show Recently Deleted to presumption messages marked for deletion.

• You tin delete a connection instantly by selecting it and tapping Delete > Delete Message.

• Recover a connection by selecting it and tapping Recover > Recover Message.

• You tin pat Delete All oregon Recover All astatine the bottommost of the surface to use these actions to each your deleted messages.

Mac tip: Apple’s Safari browser blocks cross-site tracking, truthful you tin bask the sites you usage astir without worrying astir being followed. But there’s different instrumentality to summation privacy. Tap oregon click present to erase your integer tracks.

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Learn astir each the latest exertion connected the Kim Komando Show, the nation's largest play vigor speech show. Kim takes calls and dispenses proposal connected today's integer lifestyle, from smartphones and tablets to online privateness and information hacks. For her regular tips, escaped newsletters and more, sojourn her website at

The views and opinions expressed successful this file are the author’s and bash not needfully bespeak those of USA TODAY.

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