Highway 49 southbound lanes at railroad tracks now closed - WXXV News 25

2 years ago 50

MDOT tells america each six lanes of Highway 49 volition adjacent Tuesday nighttime opening astatine 7.

The lane closures shifted implicit the play with the northbound lanes reopened. Right now, conscionable the southbound lanes are closed.

The I-10 exits for Highway 49 southbound are besides closed.

If you’re traveling southbound connected 49, you’ll beryllium forced to detour astatine Landon Road and Crossroads Shopping Center, otherwise, you volition person to get connected I-10.

The large headaches volition travel Tuesday night, erstwhile some northbound and southbound lanes of Highway 49 volition close.

MDOT officials accidental they program connected reopening Highway 49 to postulation connected Thursday which is really astir 2 days up of schedule.

The closures person been indispensable arsenic Kansas City Southern Railroad and MDOT worked unneurotic to regenerate the railroad tracks adjacent I-10 and Creosote Road.

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