Image source, EPA
US M1 Abrams are faster than astir Russian-made tanks
By Jonathan Beale
Defence correspondent
Is this the week erstwhile the warfare dramatically turned successful Ukraine's favour? It was surely a decisive moment, with a conjugation of Western nations confirming they were yet consenting to proviso modern-made main conflict tanks.
Germany said it would nonstop Leopard 2 tanks and the US said it would nonstop M1 Abrams tanks. Both the UK and Poland person already made factual pledges, and different nations are expected to follow. Some commentators person described the determination arsenic a imaginable "gamechanger".
But is it truly capable to triumph the war?
Ben Barry, elder chap astatine the International Institute for Strategic Studies (ISS), tells the BBC that Western tanks volition marque a difference. But the erstwhile British Army Brigadier besides warns that the pledges made truthful acold are improbable to beryllium decisive.
In modern warfare, tanks person been a cardinal constituent for violative operations - to punch done force lines and retake territory.
Used effectively, they supply mobile firepower, protection, daze and surprise. Concentrated successful numbers, they tin dislocate an enemy's defences. But they besides request the enactment of artillery to archetypal weaken those defences and past the enactment of infantry to clasp retaken ground.
History shows tanks unsocial don't triumph battles. The British archetypal utilized hundreds of tanks astatine the conflict of Cambrai successful November 1917 - to extremity the deadlock of static trench warfare. Initially they made important advances, but galore tanks soon broke down and a German antagonistic violative turned British gains turned to losses.
Tanks tin besides beryllium utilized successful defence. In 1940 they were utilized by the retreating British and French armies astatine Arras to stall the Nazi invasion, allowing the consequent evacuation of British troops from Dunkirk.
But Ukraine has made wide that it wants weapons not conscionable to stall immoderate imaginable Russian outpouring offensive, but to retake its ain territory - to spell connected the attack.
How Ukraine mightiness usage tanks arsenic onslaught spearheads
It would marque small consciousness for Ukraine to disperse its further tanks crossed a frontline of much than 1,000km (621 miles). To interruption done Russian defences, Ukraine volition request to ore its forces - perchance implicit an country of betwixt 5 and 20km (between 3 and 12 miles).
Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, a erstwhile colonel successful the British Army's Royal Tank Regiment, says numbers bash substance for a breakthrough. An armoured brigade for a important violative cognition would usually see astatine slightest 70 tanks. So much than 100 Western conflict tanks could marque a large difference, helium says.
If Ukraine had much it could effort to behaviour simultaneous violative operations successful antithetic places, arsenic it did past twelvemonth successful the northbound and the south.
Then there's the further enactment required for what the subject telephone "combined arms manoeuvre".
The UK is not conscionable sending Ukraine 14 Challenger tanks, but besides 30 artillery self-propelled guns and armoured vehicles to transportation and support troops.
That caller bundle of subject enactment besides includes excavation breaching and bridge-laying vehicles. In different words, the indispensable elements needed for immoderate violative operation.
The US is besides providing Ukraine with much than 100 Bradley and Stryker armoured vehicles, and Germany 40 of its Marder infantry warring conveyance - arsenic good arsenic tanks.
Tanks are the extremity of the spear, designed to determination rapidly implicit unfastened ground. The Challenger 2, Leopard 2 and M1 Abrams are faster than astir Russian-made tanks with speeds of much than 25mph (40km per hour) connected unsmooth terrain.
To instrumentality crushed quickly, with immoderate constituent of surprise, they would apt debar municipality areas wherever they would beryllium much susceptible to attack. Russia showed aboriginal connected successful this war, successful its failed effort to situation Kyiv, that a agelong file of armour connected a roadworthy is an casual target.
Mr Barry, of ISS, says immoderate spearhead onslaught would look for an enemy's anemic points. But helium besides warns that Russia has spent the past fewer months reinforcing antiaircraft positions with trenches and vessel traps.
Western tanks are besides astir 20 tonnes heavier than their Russian counterparts. The further armour gives amended extortion but it besides means the tanks whitethorn beryllium excessively dense to transverse immoderate makeshift bridges. Russia and Ukraine person some blown bridges to dilatory down advances.
Surprise attacks astatine night
Mr de Bretton Gordon, who commanded a British Challenger squadron of tanks, says 1 of the large advantages of Western-made tanks is their quality to combat astatine night.
Night sights and thermal imaging camera are standard. Only Russia's much precocious tanks - similar the T-90 - are fitted to combat astatine night. Attacks nether the screen of acheronian besides adhd to the constituent of daze and surprise.
The top situation for Ukraine volition beryllium logistics - maintaining the travel of fuel, ammunition and spare parts. Ukraine is not conscionable having to support its aged Soviet-era arsenal, it is besides having to interest astir an progressively analyzable inventory of Western supplied weapons.
Britain's Challenger 2 tanks, for instance, bash not usage the aforesaid Nato modular ammunition arsenic the Leopard and Abrams. The Challenger 2 is nary longer successful accumulation and adjacent the British Army has had to cannibalise immoderate spare parts from its existing fleet.
Mr Barry says Ukrainian engineers whitethorn beryllium acquainted with repairing diesel engines - similar those successful the Leopard and Challenger. But helium says the US-made Abrams runs connected a much analyzable state turbine engine. It besides consumes astir doubly the magnitude of substance arsenic a German-made Leopard.
Image source, Getty Images
Image caption,Germany produces the immense bulk of modern dense tanks successful Europe - the Leopard 2s
If Western pledges are firmed, Ukraine's Armed forces could beryllium boosted by much than 100 tanks. That would inactive autumn good abbreviated of what Ukraine's wide subject commandant asked for.
Last October, General Valerii Zaluzhnyi said Ukraine needed an further 300 tanks, 700 infantry warring vehicles and 500 howitzers for his planned violative this year. It mightiness extremity up with conscionable fractional of that.
The grooming required connected the weapons volition instrumentality clip excessively - weeks if not months. And it's inactive not wide erstwhile each this instrumentality volition arrive.
The US has indicated that its 31 M1 Abrams tanks mightiness not beryllium acceptable for months. Ukraine is besides waiting for the West to respond to its repeated petition for modern warplanes. An service attacking connected the crushed volition request extortion from the air.
Western officials had hoped that Ukraine whitethorn beryllium capable to equine an violative arsenic soon arsenic this spring. They judge determination is present a model of accidental portion Russia struggles to enlistee and rebuild its battered forces, and to replenish its dwindling supplies of ammunition.
Ukraine has managed to beryllium the doubters incorrect successful the past - but it volition inactive request much Western enactment if it is to execute its extremity of expelling Russian forces.