How to easily edit texts, unsend messages on iPhone iOS 16 - USA TODAY

2 years ago 65
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Cody Godwin   | USA TODAY


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For galore people, the quality to edit a Tweet oregon unsend an email has been thing that lone existed successful their wildest dreams - oregon with a paid subscription. 

However, recently, Apple announced a diagnostic successful their iOS 16 bundle update that excited galore of america prone to a typo oregon two; the quality to edit and unsend substance messages.

But determination are a fewer parameters; it lone works connected iPhones moving iOS 16 (or higher) and tin lone beryllium done wrong a fewer minutes of sending a message. 

Apple's iOS 16 software besides includes information updates, the quality to customize fastener screens and upgrades to absorption modes. 

How bash I edit a substance message?

To edit a substance message:

  1. Hard property connected the connection bubble you privation to edit 
  2. Tap ‘edit’
  3. Make the changes you want
  4. Press the cheque mark to prevention the changes

Edits tin lone beryllium made wrong 15 minutes of sending the message. 

Unsending a connection is precise akin to editing one, but this tin lone beryllium done within 2 minutes of sending. 

To unsend a message:

  1. Hard property connected the connection bubble
  2. Select “unsend” from the dropdown menu 

Digital trail  

Changing a connection won't go unnoticed successful the recipient's inbox. 

A tiny enactment volition look beneath the substance bubble saying it has been edited. The recipient tin pat and see what the archetypal connection said.

If the recipient's iPhone is not up-to-date, the edited connection volition travel done arsenic a caller substance message. 

The diagnostic does not enactment if you're trying to edit a connection sent to an Android device. 

More problems, solved

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