How to identify autism spectrum disorder in adults - Nebraska Medicine

1 year ago 41

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Autism spectrum disorder, besides known arsenic autism oregon ASD, is becoming progressively common. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, astir 1% of the satellite – oregon 75,000 radical – person ASD. Even much surprising, an estimated 5.4 cardinal (or 2.2%) U.S. adults person ASD. That fig whitethorn look large, but ASD features a wide scope of symptoms and levels of severity. 

"Autism spectrum upset occurs successful each age, racial, taste and socioeconomic groups," says Lisa Neitzke, PhD, BCBA, Nebraska Medicine licensed scientist and adjunct prof of science astatine UNMC/Munroe-Meyer Institute. "While not everyone is diagnosed astatine an aboriginal age, aboriginal detection is cardinal to improving outcomes aboriginal successful life."

Below, we outline 5 communal questions (and answers) astir ASD successful adults.

1. Can adults beryllium diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder?

Adults tin beryllium diagnosed with ASD. Most symptoms typically contiguous earlier property 18, but others whitethorn not afloat manifest until aboriginal successful life, erstwhile societal demands transcend idiosyncratic capabilities.

2. What are the signs of ASD successful adults?

Some adults with ASD grounds symptoms that lucifer attention shortage hyperactivity upset oregon ADHD. Other symptoms whitethorn include:

  • Difficulty interpreting what others are reasoning oregon feeling
  • Trouble interpreting facial expressions, assemblage connection oregon societal cues
  • Difficulty regulating emotions
  • Trouble keeping up a conversation
  • Inflection that does not bespeak feelings
  • Difficulty maintaining the earthy give-and-take of a conversation
  • Tendency to prosecute successful repetitive oregon regular behaviors
  • Only participating successful a restricted scope of activities
  • Strict consistency to regular routines oregon outbursts erstwhile changes occur
  • Exhibiting strong, peculiar interests

3. How is autism diagnosed?

A multi-factorial valuation is the champion instrumentality for diagnosing ASD successful adults. The valuation should see an in-person valuation arsenic good arsenic a thorough appraisal of your developmental past from a genitor oregon caregiver who knew you during your childhood. Sometimes it whitethorn beryllium hard to find an informant similar this. If so, a spouse, partner, oregon adjacent person tin assistance implicit the indispensable screenings by reporting connected your existent behavior.

If you're reasoning astir seeking an autism evaluation, online ASD assessments tin supply a bully starting point. However, astir online standing scales bash not person capable reliability and validity to supply close diagnoses, and they don't instrumentality into relationship your developmental history. Therefore, objective expertise is required to correctly construe your results and marque a due diagnosis.

4. Who tin diagnose ASD successful adults?

If you fishy ASD, you should speech to your superior attraction provider. Your doc tin notation you to a behavior wellness specialist, specified arsenic a licensed psychologist, who is authorized to implicit intelligence testing. It's important to find a wellness attraction supplier with circumstantial cognition of the ASD developmental disabilities and valuation methods suited for adults, arsenic they are antithetic than those for children oregon adolescents. (Some clinicians with acquisition evaluating children and adolescents whitethorn not person acquisition evaluating adults.)

5. Is an autism diagnosis covered by insurance?

Although ASD evaluations are progressively recognized arsenic aesculapian necessities, security sum often differs among providers. Check with your security supplier to spot what they volition cover. 

The bottommost line: ASD tin manifest otherwise and is often a life-long condition, but aboriginal diagnosis and attraction tin marque a important difference.

If you oregon your loved 1 is struggling, telephone 800.922.0000 to docket an assignment with a behaviour wellness specialist.

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