'I have worked from home in 78 different countries'

1 year ago 41

Katie successful  AzerbaijanImage source, Katie Macleod

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Katie discontinue her 9 to 5 bureau occupation to question the world

By Auryn Cox

BBC Scotland News

For Katie Macleod, moving from location has meant logging connected to her laptop from pod hotels successful Tokyo, amid sandstorms successful the Sahara and adjacent taking Zoom calls portion successful the Himalayas.

The 28-year-old has been to 78 countries portion inactive managing to support moving arsenic a freelance graphic designer.

"I'm hoping to sojourn 100 countries earlier I'm 30," she says.

Katie is 1 of a increasing fig of integer nomads who person swapped a imperishable bureau for a bid of locations astir the world.

She has been documenting her travels connected her blog and, since opening backmost successful 2018, has seen her chosen manner turn successful popularity.

"I'd personally pin that down to the pandemic, nowadays determination are much distant jobs than ever successful the world," she says.

Image source, Katie Macleod

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One of Katie's favourite memories she has made since becoming a integer nomad is floating successful a blistery aerial balloon successful Turkey

Dave Cassar, the planetary caput of planetary for MBO Partners, the institution that commissioned the report, believes a akin inclination is happening successful Europe.

"We haven't been capable to find a azygous survey done successful Europe connected this taxable exclusively, but we person been pulling successful the information and it's precise akin to the US," helium tells BBC Scotland.

"In fact, per capita successful Britain, the information suggests that a greater percent of radical are really taking connected this manner of nomadism."

Image source, Katie Macleod

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Katie says that the manner isn't ever arsenic glamorous arsenic Instagram makes it look but for her the pros outweigh the cons

Katie grew up successful Inverness and studied graphic plan successful Edinburgh. Following a palmy internship, she began moving for a London-based advertizing agency.

But she says she recovered it monotonous, dull and uninspiring.

"The docket of a emblematic time astatine enactment was ever pre-determined, I had precise small clip to enactment connected my idiosyncratic goals and dreams," she says.

"Had I known successful schoolhouse and assemblage that this manner existed, I would person been much definite successful making the indispensable choices to realise the imagination sooner," says the 28-year-old graphic designer.

"Luckily I chose a vocation that is precise suitable for integer nomadism."

The Covid pandemic made planetary question much hard but Katie adapted by converting a van and travelling astir the UK.

As soon arsenic she could, Katie returned to moving astir the satellite preferring to enactment successful places that person "co-living spaces" tailored specifically to moving professionals. Otherwise she stays successful Airbnbs oregon hotels which she says are becoming amended astatine providing the facilities for travellers to enactment remotely.

Katie acknowledges that being perpetually connected the determination tin beryllium a struggle.

"I've slept connected much airdrome floors than I tin count," she says.

"I've struggled to find immoderate net to work, been conned into spending much wealth due to the fact that I'm a foreigner, and had a batch much nutrient poisoning than your mean Joe."

Image source, @CoachCatCripps

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Catriona enjoying a solid of vino portion moving connected her laptop successful Paris

According to caller probe by societal concern Flexibility Works, astir a 4th of desk-based workers successful Scotland accidental their leader has granted them implicit state to enactment wherever they like.

Catriona Cripps is 1 of the radical who has adopted the integer nomad manner pursuing the pandemic.

She had been moving arsenic a concern manager successful Stirling for the past 20 years and was forced to enactment from location erstwhile lockdown happened.

Having agelong wanted to unrecorded successful Spain, she saw distant moving arsenic an accidental to execute that goal.

So, successful June, she sold her location and began travelling crossed Europe, moving online successful hotels and cafes.

"I conscionable thought if I don't bash it present erstwhile americium I going to bash it?," she says.

"I'm successful my sixties, I person less responsibilities, I nary longer person aged parents and my children are each grown up," she says.

Catriona has been enjoying the experience, truthful acold visiting 7 antithetic countries, though she admits that the changeless question tin beryllium "quite disruptive".

"It's large to accidental I've done 15 cities and 7 countries, but that was a batch of question which eats into your time rather a bit," she says.

"I present recognise that what I request to bash is settee successful places a wee spot longer alternatively than being connected the determination each 2 oregon 3 days."

The different large situation for her has been uncovering places with unchangeable capable Wi-fi to let her to get connected with her work.

"Although hotels and Airbnbs accidental they person Wi-fi it tin beryllium a spot deed oregon miss which is not perfect erstwhile you're moving online."

Image source, J David Simons

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J David Simons wrote his caller 'The Responsibility of Love' portion traveling crossed the satellite arsenic a integer nomad

Another integer nomad, J David Simons, believes that the biggest logistical occupation for radical surviving this manner is not having an address.

"It is truthful important successful presumption of banking, tax, visas, rental agreements and those sorts of things that you tin amusement you person a imperishable address," helium says.

David is simply a writer and writer from Glasgow who sold his location successful 2017 and had been travelling crossed the satellite erstwhile the pandemic happened.

He says: "I had a large travel planned for Mexico and Cuba, large apartments rented successful Mexico City and Havana to enactment in, each of which had to beryllium cancelled.

"That took maine disconnected the roadworthy mostly for the past mates of years erstwhile I person been flitting chiefly betwixt Scotland and Spain. But, of course, with Brexit kicking in, I'm lone capable to walk 90 retired of each 180 days successful Europe now."

The 68-year aged is presently readying a travel to Spain successful the wintertime to enactment connected his adjacent novel.

"I've ever been thing of a nomad," helium says.

"When the integer connection gyration came astir - robust broadband, escaped Wi-Fi internet, I could spot the accidental to question and enactment remotely.

"So I started calling myself a integer nomad, adjacent wrote a abbreviated communicative astir it."

David believes that the rising costs of surviving successful Scotland and the UK whitethorn animate different distant workers to springiness integer nomadism a try.

"It's not a question of however overmuch wealthiness you have, it's much a question of whether you person enactment that you tin bash remotely," helium says.

"Work that pays capable to money your manner which successful galore places is acold cheaper than successful the UK.

"You besides request an adventurous tone I conjecture and to beryllium consenting to clasp changeless alteration without the payment of the anchor that radical telephone home."

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