Îlot Balmoral, sustainable creative building by Provencher_Roy - Parametric Architecture

1 year ago 36

Îlot Balmoral, developed by Société d’Habitation de Montréal (SHDM) and designed by Provencher_Roy, a 13-floor mixed-use bureau gathering is portion of the “Quartier des Spectacles” located successful Îlot Balmoral, Montréal.
Îlot Balmoral is location to National Film Board (NFB) caput bureau explicitly designed for its filmmaking activities.

Architect Claude Provencher, the co-founder of Provencher_Roy, explains the project’s story: “We developed 4 visions of what an bureau gathering designed specifically for the taste system could look like. Îlot Balmoral was designed to accommodate the town’s highly capillary and dynamic nature. The Quartier des Spectacles is present astir a taste halfway of its ain question of resurrection and translation successful the municipality cloth surrounding the Place des Arts.”

Îlot Balmoral rotates astir 2 architectural structures of 13 stories, separated by an atrium that provides fantabulous earthy light.

Îlot Balmoral is an astir cleanable cube, the colour of achromatic solid powder, rising from the municipality fabric. The airy and creaseless façade of the gathering tin beryllium utilized arsenic a immense screen. The solid pulverization texture besides provides vigor summation power indoors. This effect connected vigor summation besides meets the company’s LEED Gold sustainability target.

The ample interior courtyard, illuminated by the airy filtering successful from the exterior, divides the halfway of the gathering into a slant to make 2 volumes. The signifier of the axis is based connected the pedestrian travel that runs betwixt Place des Arts Metro Station and Place des Festivals.

To picture the rift and constituent of the gathering connected the horizon, a agleam reddish interior decorativeness was chosen to opposition with the achromatic and shiny outer shell. This colour prime sets Îlot Balmoral isolated from the much accepted bureau buildings successful the surrounding area.

Project Info

Architect: Provencher_Roy
Developer: Société d’Habitation de Montréal (SHDM)
Year: 2019
Total Construction Area: 27.850 sqm
Main Contractor: Groupe TEQ
Lighting Design: CS Design
Structure: Nicolet Chartrand Knoll Ltee
Contractor: Construction management: Groupe TEQ
Electromechanical: Dupras Ledoux inénieurs
Acoustic Consultant: Davidson Legault
Other Collaborators: AECOM / Exim / Go multimédia / Technorm
Photograph: Stéphane Brügger

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