Income-eligible Geauga County residents can get water and wastewater assistance - The News-Herald

2 years ago 66

The Ohio Department of Development and Geauga County Job and Family Services announced they tin assistance income-eligible Ohioans with h2o and wastewater assistance.

The Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program provides eligible Ohio residents assistance paying h2o and wastewater bills that are threatened with disconnection oregon successful a Past Due status, according to a quality release. The programme is presently disposable and runs until Sept. 30, 2023.

Geauga County residents should interaction Geauga County Job and Family Services to use for the program.

A telephone interrogation is required, and applicants volition request to supply copies of the pursuing on with completing the interview: Copies of their astir caller water/wastewater bills; a database of each household members and impervious of income for the past 30 days oregon 12 months for each member; impervious of United States citizenship oregon ineligible residency for each household members.

For much accusation astir the program, interaction Geauga County Job and Family Services astatine 440-285-9141. Additional accusation whitethorn besides beryllium obtained by visiting oregon by calling 800-282-0880.

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