Intruders break in to Wright and Keegan's home

1 day ago 5

Lewis Adams

BBC News, Essex

PA Media Mark Wright wearing a tuxedo portion    lasting  adjacent  to Michelle Keegan, who is wearing a sparkling achromatic  dress. Both are smiling.PA Media

Mark Wright and Michelle Keegan picture the spot arsenic their "dream home"

Police are investigating aft 4 radical broke into the location of TV personalities Mark Wright and Michelle Keegan.

The joined couple, 38 and 37, reported intruders forced introduction to their location successful Essex astatine astir 18:20 GMT connected Tuesday.

Essex Police said the radical carried retired a hunt of the spot "before fleeing".

Wright and Keegan, who is pregnant, picture the spot arsenic their "dream home" connected Instagram, wherever they tally an relationship that has 664,000 followers.

@WrightyHome/Instagram A ample  achromatic  location   with bushes and a tiled driveway retired  the front. It is illuminated with lighting astatine  night. There are tons  of windows looking retired  towards the driveway, wherever  the pictured was taken.@WrightyHome/Instagram

The mates started gathering their location successful 2021 and charted their advancement connected Instagram

Essex Police has accrued "high visibility" patrols successful the country portion an probe continues.

The unit said its officers were astatine the country wrong 8 minutes connected Tuesday.

"We are exploring a fig of lines of enquiry including but not constricted to forensic opportunities, CCTV and witnesser statements," a spokeswoman said.

"Anyone with accusation should interaction america arsenic soon arsenic possible."

Wright roseate to fame connected world amusement The Only Way Is Essex, portion Keegan archetypal appeared connected tv arsenic Tina McIntrye successful ITV soap opera Coronation Street.

The mates person utilized the Instagram relationship to illustration their advancement successful gathering their location since 2021.

The BBC has contacted Wright and Keegan's representatives for comment.

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