iPhone 14 crash detection feature triggering 911 calls from roller coasters - WKBW 7 News Buffalo

2 years ago 86

A caller diagnostic connected Apple's latest iPhone is seemingly sensing those riding roller coasters request assistance from exigency services.

According to Apple, if an iPhone 14 detects a car crash, an alert volition punctual the idiosyncratic that the telephone volition automatically telephone 911 aft 20 seconds unless you cancel it.

Well, according to the Wall Street Journal and the Dayton Daily News, since the caller telephone went connected merchantability successful September, the Warren County Communications Center successful Ohio has received 911 calls from radical riding a coaster astatine Kings Island amusement parkland successful Cincinnati, the newspapers reported.

Melissa Bour, the manager of Warren County exigency services, told the Dayton Daily News their communications halfway that betwixt Sept. 9 to Oct. 9, they've received 12 specified calls.

Bour added that the halfway saw the astir calls connected Oct. 1 and Oct. 9, with each time receiving 5 911 calls, the paper reported.

Similar 911 calls person besides been reported aft passengers rode connected a roller coaster astatine Six Flags Great America adjacent Chicago, CBS reported.

According to Apple, to disable the feature, spell to settings, exigency SOS, and past crook disconnected the telephone aft terrible crash.

The quality outlets reported that you could besides spot the Apple merchandise connected airplane mode earlier getting onto the ride.

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