It's not just severity—the types of Covid symptoms you get depend on the vaccines you've received, new data says - CNBC

1 year ago 39

Covid infections travel with dozens of antithetic imaginable symptoms, ranging from mild fatigue to unusual ones similar "Covid tongue."

Which ones volition you personally acquisition if you get infected soon? It depends connected your vaccination status, suggests the ZOE Health Study, a associated task betwixt wellness subject institution ZOE and researchers from King's College London, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard and Stanford University.

The task precocious shared an updated database of the apical Covid symptoms reported by the much than 4 cardinal users of the ZOE Covid Study app, which has tracked microorganism symptoms based connected regular user-entered information since 2020.

Here are the Covid symptoms astir commonly reported among 3 vaccination groups — radical who completed their superior series, radical with 1 changeable from a two-dose vaccine and those who are unvaccinated — ranked by however often they were reported.

Common Covid-19 symptoms based connected vaccination status

Ranked by prevalence among users of the ZOE Health Study app

Have completed their superior vaccination series

1. Sore throat

4. Persistent cough

2. Runny nose

5. Headache

Have lone 1 Covid vaccine dose

2. Runny nose

5. Persistent cough

2. Sore throat

5. Persistent cough

Four of the 5 astir commonly reported symptoms, including sore throat, runny nose, persistent cough and headache, appeared crossed each 3 groups — but their prevalence varied. Unvaccinated radical much commonly experienced fevers, which didn't look successful the different groups' apical 5 symptoms.

But your vaccination presumption could impact however galore of those symptoms you acquisition simultaneously. People who completed their superior bid oregon got 1 vaccine dose reported less symptoms implicit a "shorter play of time" compared to unvaccinated people, the survey said.

In a 2021 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, participants with 1 oregon 2 Covid vaccine doses had astir a 60% little hazard of processing symptoms similar fever compared to unvaccinated people. Vaccinated participants spent connected mean 2 to six less full sick days successful furniture compared to unvaccinated ones, the survey besides found.  

The ZOE survey pointed to 1 communal uncovering crossed each 3 groups: a noticeable diminution successful "traditional" Covid symptoms from the virus' archetypal strain, similar shortness of enactment and nonaccomplishment of smell.

Shortness of enactment ranked arsenic the 29th astir communal grounds among those who completed their superior series, and 30th among those who are unvaccinated.

Omicron whitethorn person thing to bash with that: Other research has recovered that the newer variant is little apt than erstwhile Covid strains to origin symptoms similar a nonaccomplishment of sensation oregon smell.

The ZOE survey did not relationship for which Covid variant caused the infections, however galore infections were first-time Covid experiences, whether a idiosyncratic received booster doses, diligent demographic accusation and the severity of people's symptoms.

Including booster dose information could perchance alteration the study's database of symptoms, and their imaginable duration, for radical who person completed their superior vaccine series.

Protection from your past vaccine dose wanes significantly arsenic clip passes, meaning immoderate radical successful that survey class whitethorn beryllium well-protected portion others could beryllium person to those who are lone partially vaccinated oregon wholly unvaccinated.

Your astir effectual extortion against the microorganism present includes a caller omicron-specific booster shot. It's much effectual against today's Covid strains than the archetypal vaccines, and aboriginal information suggests it'll boost your protective antibodies ahead of an impending microorganism surge this winter.

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