Jeffrey Dahmer's Father Says There Were Clues Son Was Killing in Dr. Phil Interview - TMZ

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Jeffrey Dahmer's Dad Signs Son was a Killer In Dr. Phil Interview

11/16/2022 2:15 PM PT

Jeffrey Dahmer's begetter says determination were astatine slightest a mates opportunities to halt his son's execution spree successful its tracks -- which helium described successful gruesome item to Dr. Phil.

Lionel Dahmer's interrogation with the TV big is included successful a 3-day Dahmer peculiar Phil and co. are airing this week ... and TMZ got a clasp of a mates clips from the sit-down addressing 2 antithetic times erstwhile Lionel felt helium should've realized thing was amiss with his kid.

First, Lionel tells astir the clip erstwhile Jeffrey was inactive surviving with his grandma successful Milwaukee -- a play during which he'd already started to termination radical -- and however determination was a mysterious woody container Jeff kept that Lionel suspected had pornography inside.

When helium tried opening it up, helium says Jeffrey was capable to bargain himself a time ... and past sneak retired a severed quality head, which helium replaced with porno magazines and the like. Lionel says helium wishes helium would've pressed the contented the time helium wanted it unfastened -- due to the fact that if helium did, helium says Jeff told him post-arrest that the jig would've been up, perchance redeeming lives.

Lionel was besides asked astir what helium thinks acceptable Jeffrey down this acheronian path, and helium discusses however erstwhile helium was young and going done puberty -- he'd mutilate animals and seemingly get a intersexual thrill by playing with their innards. In hindsight, the signs were there.

BTW, these moments the real-life Lionel talks astir are covered successful the Netflix bid arsenic good ... but Phil's guests, and the victims' families at-large, aren't happy with however it was portrayed.

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