Leading the Technology Charge at Oshkosh - IndustryWeek

1 year ago 40

Digital transformation” is jargon. Companies don’t morph into wholly antithetic organizations simply by adopting tools specified arsenic information analytics, virtual reality/augmented world (VR/AR) and automated guided vehicles (AGVs). They can, however, go amended versions of themselves.

Anupam Khare, elder vice president and main accusation serviceman astatine Oshkosh Corp., understands that worker buy-in for exertion initiatives depends connected making a existent quality successful their lives. He antecedently held roles astatine United Technologies, Koch Industries and Dupont and joined Oshkosh successful 2018 with a mandate to align the company’s integer and concern agendas, find passionate sponsors for exertion initiatives to champion caller solutions and absorption lone connected projects that embody Oshkosh’s “people first” culture.

“Since [the exertion plan] came from concern strategy, each of the enforcement enactment were involved, and we had precocious level buy-in completely,” says Khare. “The quality of this model is we bash less projects, much impactful projects, much effectual projects that lick existent concern problems.”

The strategical program focused connected spot successful exertion and spot successful the teams that delivered it. “We said, ‘Forget astir immoderate caller exertion discussion—first we request to lick basal problems, marque exertion enactment friction-free,’” says Khare. “When we did that, employees would consciousness like, ‘Man, these guys are present for me.’”

Khare began with a tiny but important quality-of-life betterment for everyone crossed the company. “Several interactions with the work table were automated done a chatbot. We made definite the clip it takes to get a effect from our work table improved. We besides empowered radical done self-service,” helium says. “There were tens of smaller steps similar this which we took, which are tactical successful nature, but they make the instauration for a strategical relationship.”

“Digital evolution” is what Khare is really leading, an organization-wide effort to pave the mode for caller innovations and improved prime of beingness connected the store floor, changing the mode 1 of the largest conveyance manufacturers successful the United States operates. What travel are 3 examples of precise chill projects Khare tills the firm world to marque possible.

Predicting Supply Chain Reliability With AI

Our imaginativeness was a data-rich company. We’re successful an unpredictable world, wherever the outer satellite is unpredictable [and determination are also] interior variables. How bash you make predictability astir that and beryllium assured astir your decisions? And that’s wherever we usage descriptive analytics, predictive analytics and prescriptive analytics.”

ANUPAM KHARE, Senior vice president and main accusation officer, Oshkosh Corp.

In-house information scientists astatine Oshkosh are utilizing artificial quality to make 25 antithetic deep-learning algorithms, besides called models, 1 of which focuses connected supply-chain prediction.

“We person hundreds of parts that spell into a peculiar vehicle, and those hundreds of parts travel from thousands of suppliers,” says Khare. “That’s the magnitude we’re dealing with.”

Oshkosh breaks down into 4 concern segments: occurrence and emergency, entree (for instance, aerial platforms and worldly handlers), commercialized (cement mixers and garbage trucks) and defense. Producing specified a wide scope of vehicles requires unsocial parts and processes, frankincense creating a analyzable proviso chain.

“We’re beauteous accordant astir however we measurement those suppliers and what’s important to us,” says Sean Ketter, vice president of Global Procurement and Supply Chain and a talker astatine 2021’s IndustryWeek Manufacturing & Technology Show.

“Every azygous happening you tin bash to hole a proviso concatenation shortage I’ve astir apt tried, oregon my colleagues person tried successful immoderate way,” Ketter continues. “The 1 happening that we ne'er tried, oregon the 1 happening that we didn’t person the quality to bash until recently, was the thought of utilizing each the information that we’ve got.”

“We were assured that by taking each of our humanities supplier show accusation and portion performance—things similar on-time delivery, bid quantity and percent shipped, parts that did not marque the assembly enactment erstwhile we needed them—if we took each of that data, some pandemic and pre-pandemic, we should beryllium capable to make an algorithm that tin foretell erstwhile a shortage volition occur,” says Colton Vollmer, elder manager of integer proviso chain.

In 2021, Vollmer and his squad evaluated much than 2.5 cardinal information points gathered since 2017 successful an ERP system. It took astir 8 weeks to bid a exemplary to analyse the information and marque predictions. The exemplary present helps Oshkosh foretell proviso shortages earlier they happen, allowing the institution to negociate shortages with concern processes.

“We’re present capable to foretell up to however galore days precocious oregon however galore days aboriginal our acquisition orders from our suppliers are going to beryllium to 1 of our facilities,” says Vollmer.

Downstream customers admit the heads-up. Plant teams set accumulation schedules to marque definite vehicles proceed coming disconnected accumulation lines.

The trained exemplary present requires lone 2 months of information to marque close predictions. And, Vollmer’s squad is besides considering what benignant of outer information could complement the interior information that the exemplary runs connected to make a much robust model.

Virtual Training for Real World Safety

We ne'er came up with a expansive strategy. We came up with a bigger vision, but we … recovered champions [and said] let’s lick their problem—for illustration onboarding manufacturing employees done augmented world and virtual reality.”


Access instrumentality shaper JLG, an Oshkosh subsidiary, has for six years sold VR grooming units to customers that acquisition roar lifts, providing harmless grooming scenarios for employees who successful the existent satellite whitethorn spell up to 185 feet successful the aerial portion riding successful the assistance basket. Three years ago, JLG began offering VR grooming units for scissor lifts.

The occurrence of these offerings inspired assurance astatine JLG to plan a newer, much analyzable VR grooming programme for interior usage that Eric Mellott, elder manager for continuing betterment and operations training, runs retired of the Operations Training Center successful McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania.

Trainees beryllium successful a mockup of a forklift driver’s spot and strap connected a VR headset to tally simulated operations. Other trainees extracurricular the simulation spot the driver’s constituent of presumption connected an outer monitor, watching mistakes made and proceeding feedback from the trainer.

“Think astir the simplification connected the accent of a trainee and the trainer. Some of these caller hires, they’ve ne'er been connected a forklift before,” Mellott says. “And present they get connected a forklift for the archetypal clip successful virtual world and not person immoderate accent astir ‘I’m going to wounded idiosyncratic oregon harm something.’ That’s some from a grooming and a trainer perspective. Our VR trainers emotion that they don’t person to beryllium watching and stressful [in case] this caller prosecute has an accident.”

“[VR] truly helps america present accordant training, which produces accordant processes, which nutrient accordant prime successful the existent satellite connected our accumulation lines,” Mellott continues. “You tin spot a caller forklift operator successful a twelve scenarios [in VR] successful astir a one-hour clip slot. If that idiosyncratic was to effort to acquisition each 12 of those scenarios successful existent life, it could instrumentality weeks.”

The virtual trainers tin past springiness feedback to hands-on trainers astatine the section plants wherever the caller hires are posted—like notes connected which trainees are acceptable for which operations and circumstantial concerns for the hands-on trainers to ticker retired for successful existent life.

Three years ago, JLG acquired and explored the functionality of an AR welding grooming program, opening involvement successful further exploring the technology. Today, JLG offers an AR-based programme to thatch employees astir enactment operations and the products that travel disconnected the line.

“It’s 100% interactive,” Mellott says. “They are pointing, they are clicking, they are walking astir the machine, they are seeing fundamentally our CAD exemplary successful beforehand of them successful augmented reality. They’re watching an assembly process, however the instrumentality comes together.”

“I had [a trainee] instrumentality the headset disconnected aft astir 45 minutes and say, ‘That’s a batch amended than PowerPoint.’ That’s success,” Mellott says. “People are learning and engaging. You can’t slumber with an AR headset on. You tin slumber done a PowerPoint presentation.”

Embracing Robotic Flexibility

“I ne'er wanted, adjacent if my concern leaders align with what I americium saying, for them to spell successful and benignant of unit something, due to the fact that the full rule present is gathering the spot with the exertion and spot with the people. People request to spot the benefit, that this is however it’s going to assistance their lives and their work.”


When considering the roles that automated guided vehicles (AGVs) could play astatine Oshkosh plants, Don McCartney, vice president of Enterprise Architecture and Applications, says the institution considered affirmative reception from employees conscionable arsenic important arsenic instrumentality connected investment.

“The question was, are our employees going to judge the exertion arsenic opposed to reasoning that someone’s going to regenerate their job? So, we worked done however this exertion was capable to augment definite tasks,” says McCartney.

In January 2018, Oshkosh began deploying AGVs that tin determination materials betwixt 2 points connected a strictly programmed path, stopping if immoderate entity blocks their movement. An worker indispensable manually restart the AGV earlier it continues.

After this palmy usage case, Oshkosh decided it wanted AGVs with a small much quality and deployed a 2nd assortment that tin circulate done a larger fig of positions, person greater flexibility connected the types of materials they transportation and the quality to navigate astir obstacles.

Quality-control investigating connected the AGVs—making definite they successfully determination from constituent to constituent and present materials connected time—generated information Oshkosh shared with works employees to show that the AGVs were successful information expanding worldly transportation velocity and removing works delays.

“Then employees began naming them connected the mill floor,” says McCartney. “Like, ‘Hey, Edgar, I request immoderate parts!’”

Bandwidth and web hardware requirements for the wireless AGVs provided a method situation during installation, to marque definite the vehicles smoothly received, processed and prioritized materials requests to get parts wherever needed and arsenic rapidly arsenic possible. Oshkosh besides had to marque definite employees felt harmless astir driverless vehicles trundling done the plants.

Those archetypal 2 types of AGVs presently enactment successful six plants crossed 3 concern segments, with plans to grow their usage to 2 further plants by 2024. Ongoing information seizure allows Oshkosh to proceed refining materials transportation operations by analyzing AGV transportation times and determining optimal question routes done the plants.

In 2021, Oshkosh deployed a 3rd assortment of AGVs: overmuch larger vehicles that tin transportation full conveyance frames; bash not person specific, restrictive paths to follow; and tin accommodate to level reconfigurations. These AGVs enactment successful 2 plants, 1 successful the commercialized conception and 1 successful the entree segment, with planned enlargement into a 3rd plant.

Champions Lead the Way

“To beryllium fair, I think, successful my opinion, that our Midwest civilization helps us. It is simply a precise relationship-based culture. At each level we absorption connected spot and relationships. People privation to enactment with radical and immoderate ideas they’re giving.”


Oshkosh’s defence and commercialized segments usage the supply-chain investigation deep-learning model. Vollmer’s squad besides works connected scaling the exemplary for the occurrence and exigency and entree segments, expecting the enactment to implicit earlier the extremity of 2022.

“We measurement things the aforesaid way— adjacent though [they’re] antithetic concern units, antithetic ERP systems, the information sources are each the same, which is truly bully for america due to the fact that our whole, full proviso concatenation tin reap the benefits,” Vollmer says. “All the enactment supported this; it had truly bully visibility to everybody; [we gave] updates to vice presidents and levels connected down.”

“All of our proviso concatenation enactment focuses connected quality, cost, delivery, compliance, innovation. So, erstwhile you person a exemplary similar this that is truthful integrally tied with 1 of your priorities—delivery—it’s not hard to get buy-in from astir each constituency you would person that’s affected here,” Ketter adds. “We had buy-in from each levels of the planetary procurement and proviso concatenation organization.”

Representatives from different concern segments, aft seeing Mellott’s VR forklift grooming program, are present considering their ain VR initiatives. Mellott’s squad continues to refine the AR grooming program—like creating modular enactment instructions that overlay integer images, substance boxes and videos implicit the employee’s real-life presumption of components oregon assembly processes.

McCartney says an Oshkosh squad is besides processing an AGV conception that incorporates cobot, imaginativeness system, IIoT and AI technologies to assistance thrust situational consciousness of what’s happening connected the store floor, similar noting locations wherever parts thin to autumn onto the level and driving efforts to amended parts retention astatine that determination oregon measuring works temperatures and sound levels to pass work-environment improvements.

“Now, these are forward-looking statements. But IoT is our integer eyes and ears connected the store floor. Why can’t we pat into those eyes and ears and find further improvements oregon get further insights that we tin supply backmost to our supervisors, that provender backmost into the analytics and backmost into the full process?” says McCartney.

Adds Khare: “The lone absorption we vie against is the attraction of our people. They’re busy. So however bash we assistance them? Anything we present requires immoderate clip earlier they commencement getting benefits. “But radical are consenting … I’ll accidental I’m beauteous excited that we get the attraction we inquire for.” 

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