Lessons, connections and improvements: Wrapping up Quality Month 2022 - Michigan Medicine Headlines

1 year ago 37

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Key takeaways:

  • Fifty-nine posters were featured astatine this year’s Quality Month Symposium, on with a fistful from affiliate organizations U-M Health West and MyMichigan.
  • The themes for this year’s lawsuit were conscionable civilization and intelligence safety. Discussion connected these topics was kicked disconnected by keynote talker Jo Shapiro, M.D., FACS.
  • This year’s Jack Billi grant honoree was Scott Ciarkowski, PharmD, MBA.

Michigan Medicine prime and information enactment was enactment successful the spotlight this October astatine the 24th yearly Quality Month symposium. Throughout the month, module and unit were fixed the accidental to enactment successful learning sessions, web and stock prime and information betterment stories.

As November begins and Quality Month wraps up, it’s clip to look backmost astatine immoderate of the highlights.

An online success

Although this year’s lawsuit was held virtually, information proved to beryllium plentiful. Fifty-nine posters were featured, on with a fistful from affiliate organizations U-M Health West and MyMichigan. Altogether, much than 420 module and unit were represented done the work.

Teams presented their betterment enactment astatine poster sharing sessions held passim October, answering questions and sharing their successes on the way.

Poster projects demonstrated prime and information improvements, whether successful diligent attraction oregon organizational systems and processes. All posters aligned with the organization’s BASE strategical priorities portion besides touching connected each Michigan Medicine halfway value.

“Even though Quality Month took spot successful an online setting, the enthusiasm and engagement from module and unit was remarkable,” said Chief Quality Officer Brook Watts, M.D., M.S. “The hard enactment enactment into each poster and colleagues supporting each other’s enactment genuinely shows the dedication to prime and information astatine our organization.”

To instrumentality a look astatine each posters shared successful October, sojourn this link.

Just civilization and intelligence safety

The themes for this year’s symposium were conscionable civilization and intelligence safety, 2 important topics that were discussed astatine the opening of the month.

Jo Shapiro, M.D., FACS, an subordinate prof of otolaryngology, caput and cervix country astatine Harvard Medical School, kicked things disconnected with a keynote code connected fostering intelligence information successful our organizations. She discussed the fundamentals of intelligence information and made the lawsuit arsenic to wherefore it is truthful important successful the wellness attraction field. Participants were encouraged to deliberation of ways they could individually and organizationally lend to a civilization of spot and respect.

To proceed the discussion, attendees heard from Nicole Templeton, administrative manager of the Office of Patient Safety, who shared accusation successful a focused learning league connected Just Culture and Michigan Medicine’s plans to adopt.

Kathrynn Thompson, precocious reliability lead, besides conducted a sheet treatment connected conscionable civilization and intelligence safety. Panel members included nurses, physicians and administrators.

The Quality Department volition besides beryllium offering a caller people connected Just Culture that volition statesman successful the winter. If you are interested, you tin pre-register here.

Concluding the event

Toward the extremity of the month, 2 nonmigratory teams shared their enactment successful prime betterment and diligent information during Internal Medicine’s Grand Rounds. Topics included “Improving Osteoporosis Screening Rates astatine MM” and “Penicillin Allergies: Demystifying the Delabeling Process.”

The past week of October included a networking session, which served arsenic an accidental for participants to stock ideas, sermon challenges and barriers, and observe successes.

Jack Billi Award

For the 3rd year, Quality Month concluded with the presumption of the Jack Billi award.

The grant is named for Jack Billi, M.D., a longtime U-M doc and module subordinate who has had a tremendous interaction connected organizational prime betterment work. It was established to admit idiosyncratic who exhibits the passionateness for prime betterment that Billi inspired.

This year’s honoree is Scott Ciarkowski, Pharm.D., M.B.A., the manager of pharmacy prime and safety. According to the information form, Ciarkowski is simply a “quality champion” successful his section with an interaction crossed aggregate departments passim the institution. He is said to “tackle opportunities to amended head-on by utilizing axenic enquiry skills, routinely visiting the Gemba, and being precise wide and cautious successful instances wherever helium needs to disagree oregon question existent state.”

Ciarkowski was honored connected Oct. 27 astatine the Quality Month wrap-up session. If you would similar to presumption the solemnisation oregon immoderate different Quality Month sessions, sojourn the Quality Month YouTube page.

Digital certificate ‘badge’

New this twelvemonth is the awarding of integer certificates, oregon badges. Individuals earned badges for attending events, submitting posters, presenting oregon being nominated for the Jack Billi Award for Inspiring Quality Improvement.  

If you lone attended events, you’ll request to marque definite you are registered astatine this link. This is conscionable 1 tiny mode to admit your committedness to improvement.  

If you person questions connected this oregon thing other related to Quality Month, delight nonstop an email to Quality-Month@med.umich.edu.

Thank you to each module and unit who made this year’s Quality Month a success!

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