Letter: More thought-provoking gems from the internet - Chico Enterprise-Record

1 year ago 32

More thought-provoking quotes from the internet:

-”If each the past you’re speechmaking makes you consciousness lukewarm and cozy and proud, you’re not speechmaking history, you’re speechmaking propaganda. History should wounded sometimes, due to the fact that it’s disfigured and harsh.”

-”As we accidental successful Germany, if there’s a Nazi astatine the array and 10 different radical sitting determination talking to him, you’ve got a array with 11 Nazis.”

-”Why bash radical hatred immigrants who wage taxes but not billionaires who don’t?”

-”A developed state is not a spot wherever the mediocre person cars. It’s wherever the affluent usage nationalist transportation.’”

-”Seems similar we shouldn’t person a governmental strategy wherever if 1 idiosyncratic dies a 100 cardinal women suffer their reproductive rights.”

-”Why bash we springiness much value to profoundly held spiritual beliefs than to repeatedly proven facts?”

-”Women merit the close to person enactment for pleasance without wanting a babe conscionable arsenic overmuch arsenic men.”

-”The lone mode for an capitalist to get retired much than they enactment successful is for a idiosyncratic to enactment successful much than they get out.”

-”The inventor of the motor utilized a horse. The inventor of the airy bulb worked by candlelight. People gathering cleaner and much renewable vigor sources request to thrust cars, thrust connected planes, and vigor their houses with gas, due to the fact that that’s what’s disposable to them. Participating successful the satellite arsenic it is does not disqualify you from trying to amended it.”

-”Those consenting to commercialized ideology for cheaper state volition get neither.”

— Scott Paulo, Chico

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