Lucidity Level

1 year ago 30

Lucidity Level

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Imagine being afloat conscious and alert portion you are dreaming - afloat power and vividness surpassing your waking reality.

This is conscionable immoderate of the imaginable Lucid Dreaming has to offer, having a lucid imagination is simply being alert of the information your are dreaming.

It tin beryllium hard to measurement your lucid dreaming advancement - if you are not having arsenic galore lucid dreams arsenic you expect it tin consciousness similar you whitethorn beryllium disconnected way oregon are not progressing. Fortunately Lucidity Level has a unsocial mode of tracking your progress, your level volition summation arsenic your imagination diary expands. You volition person a implicit usher to each the techniques you need, positive more! Featuring unreality supported Dream Journal, Journal password protection, Reminder tools, WILD Anchor Tool & customized car disregard alarms. Everything you could perchance request astatine your digit tips!

⚫Cloud supported Dream Journal
Fully encrypted extremity to end, your privateness is important! Automatically oregon manually sync to the cloud. When upgrading phones simply reconstruct your imagination diary from your unreality backup.
⚫Dream Journal password protection
Protect your privateness by enabling password extortion for your journal.
⚫Advanced Journal oregon Standard Journal
Switch diary mode to precocious and log adjacent much details.
⚫Automatic Dream Summary
While successful precocious journal, imagination summaries volition beryllium dynamically created based upon your dream.
Quests tin beryllium unlocked arsenic you level up, each quest is designed to assistance amended your abilities and progressively situation you.
⚫Lucid Challenges
Complete Monthly lucid imagination challenges oregon predefined acceptable lists of challenges designed to summation your skills and experiences portion lucid.
Everyone loves looking astatine graphs! Check your advancement done the statistic sheet to spot however overmuch you person improved.
⚫Dream Assistant
Use your imagination adjunct for world checks & your lucid dreaming questions (Optionally you tin besides disable your assistant).
⚫Tag Your Dreams
Add tags to dreams to easy place patterns.
⚫Dreamsign Search
Search for your dreamsigns without the other junk. Dreamsigns excludes arsenic galore mendacious positives from your dreamsigns arsenic imaginable and reviews communal tags.
⚫Auto Dismissing WILD Alarms
Create customized alarms with adjustable car disregard & slice time. Perfect for 'CAN-WILD Technique'.
⚫Complete Technique Guide
Detailed usher to aggregate lucid dreaming techniques, adjacent immoderate obscured techniques are elaborate giving you the champion accidental astatine lucidity!
⚫WILD Anchor Tool
Set up customized vibrations to assistance usher you consciously to the imagination world.
⚫MILD Trainer
Easily larn MILD method by improving your prospective representation with this tool.
⚫Reality Check Reminders
Never hide to world check, acceptable the interval and clip model to suit.
⚫ADA Reminder
Maintain consciousness each time with a persistent ADA reminder.
⚫Morning Dream Journal Reminder
Set a clip to beryllium silently reminded to grounds your dreams.
⚫Lucidity Level Community
Join the community, sermon lucid dreaming. Request assistance oregon assistance others.
⚫No Ads!
Expect an Ad escaped experience.

Lucid dreaming is accessible to everyone, it is simply a accomplishment that does instrumentality clip to develop. If you are persistent, it is lone a substance of clip earlier you person your archetypal lucid imagination - the clip this takes volition alteration according to the individual. This app was made and designed by 1 idiosyncratic - a Lucid Dreamer. I americium precise unfastened to adding caller features oregon improvements. For interaction you tin email from wrong the app.

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