Machine learning based regional epidemic transmission risks precaution in digital society | Scientific Reports -

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The planetary nine was caught disconnected defender by the unexpected outbreak of COVID-19 since the opening of 20201. Quite a fewer regions oregon adjacent the full state had adopted the lockdown policies successful bid to marque the pandemic nether control, and these non-pharmacological interventions had been demonstrated to beryllium effective2. Meanwhile, these strict interventions had caused terrible economical and societal payment losses arsenic well. The satellite GDP maturation complaint has declined by 3.4% successful 20203 and astir 81 percent of the planetary workforce was affected owed to authorities responses to the pandemic4. However, erstwhile determination lacks capable cognition and accusation astir the close transmission risks of COVID-19, the champion argumentation effect that argumentation makers whitethorn marque is to effort to chopped disconnected each imaginable transmission paths immediately.

Similar to different infectious diseases, dispersed of the COVID-19 is chiefly resulted from direct, indirect and adjacent contacts betwixt radical astatine the micro-level5,6,7, arsenic good arsenic from determination colonisation flows astatine the macro-level8,9,10. Existing lit has shown that transmission risks are predictable for infectious diseases specified arsenic Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)11, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)12, Ebola13 and flu14 by utilizing assorted behavioral information specified arsenic hunt engine15,16, societal media17 and wearable devices18,19. Assumptions down these predictions absorption much connected the macro-level truthful that people’s interaction behaviors are simplified arsenic homogeneous parameters successful accepted epidemiological models specified arsenic SI, SIR, SEIR and etc14,20,21,22,23. In specified models, it is indispensable to estimation the classical reproduction fig accurately, that is, the fig of secondary cases of infected individuals successful the susceptible group24,25,26. But it is hard to get the reproduction fig which tin acceptable the epidemic transmission improvement perfectly successful the existent world. The deviation betwixt mentation and world tin beryllium explained by the differences of idiosyncratic behaviors27,28. The neglect of the micro heterogeneity whitethorn pb to misestimating the determination epidemic risks. Moreover, the greater the quality of idiosyncratic characteristics wrong the group, the greater the estimated error29.

Most of the aboriginal studies are constricted to the small-scale with fewer unit and debased colonisation travel specified arsenic families30, flights31 and hospitals32, but the premise presumption of this mounting is excessively peculiar, truthful it is hard to widen to the metropolis and adjacent the nationalist level. The improvement of 5G and Internet of Things exertion guarantees postulation of idiosyncratic trajectory data33,34. Therefore, galore scholars effort to get large-scale accusation astir radical contacts done wearable devices oregon mobile phones35,36, which creates much opportunities for further researches connected epidemic transmission way and risk, seasonal fluctuation and spatial improvement and truthful on37,38,39. However, those erstwhile epidemic studies focused much connected the observed colonisation migration betwixt cities, basal stations oregon immoderate grid units, arsenic good arsenic the colonisation density wrong a definite region10,40. This volition inevitably pb to the information that radical successful the aforesaid abstraction are expected to beryllium homogeneous and static erstwhile considering determination risks, portion ignoring the existent concern of dynamic interaction among them.

In bid to supply capable grounds astatine high-resolution level for argumentation makers to instrumentality targeted measures, heterogeneous idiosyncratic level interaction behaviors person been enactment much emphases on41, and immoderate intelligent exertion similar big-data analytics42, artificial intelligence43, unreality computing44 and instrumentality learning45 whitethorn supply amended solutions. During the spreading play of COVID-19, galore countries person tried to motorboat idiosyncratic tracing systems and show imaginable transmission risks done astute phones46,47, and Apple and Google besides developed COVID-19 Alert App jointly48. All of those applications request users beryllium consenting to instal oregon use, different they cannot connection the pandemic accusation for users. Since information sum is much important for epidemic prevention, this invasive information acquisition mode volition trim the prevention efficiency. Except for the idiosyncratic trajectory, the interaction topology is besides rather important. As a straightforward technological tool, analyzable web tin efficaciously picture the dynamic interaction topology betwixt antithetic individuals49,50, truthful arsenic to get much micro standard find of epidemic transmission. For example, idiosyncratic level interaction web tends to amusement small-world and nonrandom graph properties51,52. These features bespeak the information that much analyzable models53,54 are anticipated to analyse the micro mechanisms of infectious illness transmission. Then determination transmission risks tin beryllium much precisely identified by adopting broad colonisation travel signifier data. This benignant of bottom-up transmission hazard modelling techniques has shown expanding value successful the argumentation making process successful the nationalist wellness field55. Another vantage of utilizing large information successful signifier is that it tin trim unnecessary intrinsic risks successful the accepted epidemiological surveys56,57. These risks are commonly caused by missing immoderate portion of nonsubjective accusation owed to representation biases oregon dishonesties.

To flooded the aforementioned issues, we conception a caller interaction web operation based connected mobile telephone signaling. It establishes a weighted interaction topology web successful a non-intrusive mode and tin bespeak the quality of societal enactment better. Since the information successful the existent satellite often endure from the highly imbalanced distribution, the accepted methods tin hardly woody with that58,59,60. For this reason, if accepted neural web is utilized to place uncommon illness patients oregon high-risk microorganism carriers from a ample fig of antagonistic people, the results volition beryllium earnestly biased. Thus, aft reconstructing the individual-centered interaction feature, the neural web prediction of utmost events is carried retired for each individual. In this study, we estimation the town-level transmission risks for COVID-19 successful Shanghai based connected a high-resolution interaction web compiled from astir 7.5 cardinal mobile telephone users. Individual level interaction behaviors are modelled by utilizing the instrumentality learning method. Results amusement that this instrumentality learning based bottom-up method has large imaginable for identifying determination transmission risks. The absorbing conclusions supply argumentation implications that unnecessary economical and payment losses tin beryllium avoided by controlling the dispersed of infectious diseases in advance.

Methods and data

Contact strength

There are 94,733 Telecom basal stations successful Shanghai with an mean sum of 0.0669 quadrate kilometers. We specify that if 2 mobile telephone signals interact with 1 basal presumption astatine the aforesaid clip portion τ, past the 2 individuals' trajectories person a coincidence. In this paper, the clip portion τ is acceptable to 1/12 hour. If individuals coincide with high-risk group, the hazard of corruption volition increase, and consequently specified contacts are called effectual contacts; portion the communal contacts wrong the wide radical bash not make caller risks of infection, specified contacts are invalid. In bid to simplify the interaction analysis, it is indispensable to ore connected the effectual contacts erstwhile identifying determination transmission risks of infectious diseases.

Furthermore, we constructed the interaction spot to quantify the power of effectual contacts. Effective interaction frequence is 1 of the determinants to summation the infectious transmission risks. The longer an idiosyncratic has been exposed to the high-risk group, the much apt to beryllium infected. Nevertheless, lone considering the duration of effectual interaction is not enough. Since the individuals successful high-risk radical person been to antithetic epidemic blistery zones, the possibilities of carrying microorganism are chiseled and we usage a dynamic microorganism carrying hazard coefficient to separate 1 from another. Thus, the interaction spot tin beryllium calculated by the merchandise of microorganism carrying hazard coefficient from high-risk idiosyncratic \(h\) and effectual interaction frequency,

$$\omega_{h \to i,d} = t_{h,i,d} \times \gamma_{h,d}$$


where, \(\omega_{h \to i,d}\) represents the interaction spot betwixt idiosyncratic \(i\) and idiosyncratic \(h\) connected time \(d\), which volition beryllium the value of corresponding borderline successful the \(d\) th interaction network. \(t_{h,i,d}\) is the times of effectual contacts betwixt idiosyncratic \(i\) and \(h\) connected the \(d\) th day.

The microorganism carrying hazard coefficient \(\gamma_{h}\) of idiosyncratic \(h\) is determined by the epidemic blistery portion with the highest hazard coefficient successful the caller viral incubation play \(T_{virus}\). First of all, we specify the epidemic corruption density \(\rho_{c}\) of epidemic blistery metropolis \(c\) arsenic the proportionality of the cumulative fig of confirmed cases successful the imperishable population,

$$\rho_{c} = \frac{{Nc_{c} }}{{Np_{c} }}$$


where, \(Nc_{c}\) is the cumulative fig of confirmed cases successful metropolis \(c\), and \(Np_{c}\) is the imperishable nonmigratory colonisation of metropolis \(c\) (unit: 10,000 people). We acceptable corruption density \(\rho_{o}\) of the metropolis with the transmission hazard to beryllium estimated arsenic the baseline and set the different cities’ corruption densities, truthful arsenic to get the hazard coefficient for travelling oregon surviving successful metropolis \(c\),

$$r_{c} = \frac{{\rho_{c} }}{{\rho_{o} }}$$


where, \(r_{c}\) is the hazard coefficient of travelling oregon surviving successful metropolis \(c\), and \(r_{o}\) is the hazard coefficient of the metropolis to beryllium estimated. Obviously, \(r_{o} = 1\). Therefore, the \(\gamma_{h,d}\) is adjacent to the maximum worth of \(r_{c}\) successful the humanities trajectory of idiosyncratic \(h\) counting down \(T_{virus}\) from time \(d\).

Contact networks

In bid to simulate the risks of dispersed infectious diseases successful the assemblage better, we projected a increasing web based connected the microscopic spatiotemporal interaction details among individuals, which called interaction network. In this interaction network, each mobile telephone idiosyncratic is simply a node. Only erstwhile the effectual interaction occurs, the corresponding nodes volition signifier an borderline and the value of the borderline is their interaction strength. As shown successful Fig. 1a, the reddish dots bespeak individuals of high-risk radical and greenish dots bespeak individuals of wide group. At clip T, determination are 2 high-risk individuals nether Station 1 and they person effectual contacts (red line) with different radical nether the aforesaid station; portion the different contacts are invalid (green line). And nether Station 2, each radical are belonging to the wide group, truthful determination is nary effectual contact. Thus, each basal presumption forms a sub-network. After a clip portion τ, immoderate individuals determination from 1 presumption to another, and past each basal presumption make a caller sub-network pursuing by the latest contacts. With radical moving crossed the basal stations during 1 day, specified sub-network volition beryllium generated continuously. At the extremity of the day, each of the effectual contacts and the nodes to which they are connected yet signifier a regular interaction network. Obviously, radical who bash not person contacted with the high-risk radical are not included successful the interaction network.

Figure 1
figure 1

Contact networks structure. (a) Schematic diagram of sub-networks and interaction network, taking 2 basal stations arsenic an example. Note that this fig lone shows the trajectory simulation of 2 high-risk individuals and 7 wide individuals during 2 clip slices, but successful fact, each interaction web is composed of \(24/\tau\) sub-networks of each basal stations. (b) Visualization of individual-centered interaction diagnostic series transformation. Before learning the transmission risk, the exemplary takes each idiosyncratic arsenic an reflection entity and extracts the interaction accusation of the adjacent nodes from the interaction networks wrong \(T_{virus}\).

Because the interaction web describes the imaginable way of epidemic spreading successful detail, we tin further larn the transmission hazard based connected artificial neural network. The intent of transmission hazard learning is to place individuals with higher imaginable infectious hazard and estimation the corresponding probabilities. Here we chiefly see the archetypal furniture of microorganism transmission risks, that is, the corruption betwixt adjacent nodes successful interaction network. Therefore, arsenic shown successful Fig. 1b, each interaction networks wrong astir \(T_{virus}\) days are transformed into individual-centered single-layer networks. \(T_{virus}\) is the latent play of the corruption and the imaginable hazard of carrying microorganism tin beryllium taken into relationship by selecting the interaction networks during the \(T_{virus}\). And then, we extract interaction diagnostic sequences from those single-layer networks arsenic the input of artificial neural network. Each interaction diagnostic series consists of 2 constituent sequences: \(TF\), which represents the full interaction strength, and \(K\), which indicates whether the idiosyncratic has contacted with the confirmed cases,

$$TF_{i,j,d} = \mathop \sum \limits_{{h \in H_{i,j,t} }} \omega_{h \to i,d}$$


$$K_{i,j,d} = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} 1 & {if\ there\ are\ confirmed\ cases\ in\ H_{i,j,d} } \\ 0 & {otherwise} \\ \end{array} } \right.$$


where \(i\) is an individual, \(j\) is the municipal territory of the metropolis to beryllium estimated and \(d\) is the time. Thus, \(TF_{i,j,d}\) indicates the interaction strength betwixt idiosyncratic \(i\) and high-risk radical successful country \(j\) connected time \(d\), which is the sum of borderline weights of corresponding nodes successful interaction network. \(H_{i,j,d}\) is the subset of high-risk radical who had interaction with idiosyncratic \(i\) successful country \(j\) connected time \(d\) effectively. If determination is simply a confirmed lawsuit successful subset \(H_{i,j,d}\), past \(K_{i,j,d}\) equals 1, different it is 0.

Artificial neural web of utmost events

Artificial neural web is utilized to larn epidemic transmission risk. After completing the diagnostic translation of interaction web nodes, we cipher the transverse word of interaction strength \(TF\) and interaction tag \(K\). These 3 variables are standardized and past utilized arsenic the input variables of the neural network. And then, we statement the high-risk radical by the imaginable risks' sources. Those isolated radical are divided into 2 categories according to whether they had a sojourn to epidemic blistery zone. If radical person not been to the epidemic blistery zone, their corruption risks travel from the interaction successful the observing area. In contrast, radical who person been to the epidemic blistery zone, the determination transmission hazard comes from the epidemic blistery portion radical inflow. The remainder individuals of the high-risk radical are labeled arsenic the 3rd category.

As shown successful Fig. 2, the basal model of the web is fully-connected and adopts leaky ReLU arsenic activation relation to trim the soundless neurons. However, isolation is an utmost event, that is, the proportionality of positive-marked information successful the dataset is precise low. The high-risk radical accounts for a precise tiny fig of the full population, fto unsocial those who are isolated. Due to the imbalance of 3 kinds of people, it is indispensable to set the neural web successful the multi-classification training61,62,63. Therefore, successful bid to debar the prediction mistake of the existent affirmative cases caused by imbalanced information training, the neural web adopts a weighted transverse entropy \(L\left( {Y,P} \right)\) arsenic the nonaccomplishment relation for utmost lawsuit learning,

$$L\left( {Y,P} \right) = - \frac{1}{N}\mathop \sum \limits_{i} \left( {w_{k} \mathop \sum \limits_{k} y_{i,k} {\text{log}}p_{i,k} } \right)$$


where \(N\) is the size of grooming sample, \(k\) marks antithetic classes. \(y_{i,k}\) indicates whether the idiosyncratic \(i\) belongs to people \(k\), if so, it is 1; otherwise, it is 0. \(p_{i,k}\) is the probability that the exemplary predicts idiosyncratic \(i\) belonging to people \(k\) and \(w_{k}\) is the value of people \(k\).

Figure 2
figure 2

Artificial neural web structure. Visualization of neural web learning. After max–min scaling the input variables, the interaction features tin beryllium learned by a fully-connected neural network. During exemplary training, immoderate neurons (dotted dots) are temporarily discarded from the web according to a definite probability, truthful that the web tin debar implicit fitting and beryllium generalized better.

This nonaccomplishment relation tin springiness larger value to the rarer categories, that is to say, the corresponding \(w_{k}\) of the isolated groups are larger successful bid to summation the misclassified outgo of these 2 uncommon categories, truthful that the neural web tin larn utile accusation much efficaciously and execute amended prediction results.

After normalizing the archetypal learning results of neural web by Softmax, the probability that idiosyncratic \(i\) belongs to each people tin beryllium obtained. The people with the largest probability is the prediction people of idiosyncratic \(i\).

Estimation of determination transmission risk

The main residence of each idiosyncratic is determined by their astir often located portion for mobile telephone signals during the night. Thus, we tin disagreement those radical into antithetic radical successful presumption of their residences. The risks of infectious illness transmission volition travel from the activities of radical surviving there.

Since we person labeled the high-risk radical arsenic 3 categories and utilized multi-classification learning to acceptable however apt these radical are to beryllium to the definite category, hazard owed to epidemic blistery zones radical inflow and hazard owed to adjacent contacts are the mean probability of corresponding-labeled individuals settled here,

$$TR_{s}^{{\left( {inflow} \right)}} = \frac{1}{{N_{s} }}\mathop \sum \limits_{i = 0}^{{N_{s} }} p_{i,s}^{{\left( {ehz} \right)}}$$


$$TR_{s}^{{\left( {contact} \right)}} = \frac{1}{{N_{s} }}\mathop \sum \limits_{i = 0}^{{N_{s} }} p_{i,s}^{{\left( {non} \right)}}$$


where \(s\) is the portion of hazard to beryllium assessed, \(N_{s}\) is the fig of individuals settled successful \(s\). \(p_{i,s}^{{\left( {ehz} \right)}}\) is the probability of illness transmission from epidemic blistery zones caused by idiosyncratic \(i\) and \(TR_{s}^{{\left( {inflow} \right)}}\) represents the hazard caused by the inflow radical from epidemic blistery zones. Similarly, \(p_{i,s}^{{\left( {non} \right)}}\) is the probability of illness transmission caused by idiosyncratic \(i\) who person not been to the epidemic blistery zones and \(TR_{s}^{{\left( {contact} \right)}}\) represents the hazard caused by the adjacent contacts wrong the observing region. It is evident that \(TR_{s}^{{\left( {inflow} \right)}}\) and \(TR_{s}^{{\left( {contact} \right)}}\) are betwixt 0 and 1, and larger values mean higher determination transmission risks.

Because of the properties of the Softmax function, the probabilities of nary hazard and different 2 risks are additive, and the sum of them is adjacent to one. Thus, the full transmission hazard tin beryllium derived from \(TR_{s}^{{\left( {inflow} \right)}}\) and \(TR_{s}^{{\left( {contact} \right)}}\),

$$TR_{s} = TR_{s}^{{\left( {inflow} \right)}} + TR_{s}^{{\left( {contact} \right)}} = \frac{1}{{N_{s} }}\mathop \sum \limits_{i = 0}^{{N_{s} }} \left( {p_{i,s}^{{\left( {ehz} \right)}} + p_{i,s}^{{\left( {non} \right)}} } \right)$$


\(TR_{s}\) ranges likewise from zero to one. Because this is simply a bottom-up indicator, the determination transmission hazard volition emergence if individuals are much apt to beryllium classified into imaginable isolated group. In the contrast, if astir individuals are predicted arsenic the non-isolated group, the determination transmission hazard volition decrease.


We intercepted China Telecom's mobile signaling information successful Shanghai from January 22 to February 4, 2020 to seizure the users' real-time trajectories. We divided these 7,451,621 mobile telephone users into high-risk radical and wide radical according to their epidemiological diagnosis and humanities enactment trails. High-risk radical includes 4 kinds of people: the confirmed cases, the suspected cases, the aesculapian isolators different than the archetypal 2 and the radical who erstwhile had a sojourn to epidemic blistery zone. Considering the features of epidemic transmission and colonisation travel successful the aboriginal signifier of COVID-19, forty-eight cities successful China, including Wuhan and Wenzhou, were marked arsenic the high-risk epidemic blistery zones (see much details successful Supplementary Information). And then, we identified 735,546 high-risk users successful Shanghai based connected mobile telephone tracking during this period. In summation to the high-risk group, the remainder of mobile telephone users belonged to the wide group.

As of February 4, 2020, determination were 22,501 radical successful the isolation database provided by Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention, covering 8 districts successful Shanghai. This 8 districts see Baoshan, Chongming, Hongkou, Huangpu, Minhang, Pudong, Songjiang and Xuhui. Among them, 2459 isolators connected the database were efficaciously matched, accounting for lone 0.3343% of the Telecom high-risk users. In these matched isolators, 1742 isolators had epidemic blistery portion sojourn and 717 isolators did not permission Shanghai during the observing period, accounting for 0.2368% and 0.0975% of the Telecom high-risk users respectively. For those users, being isolated was so a uncommon event.


Crowd interaction based connected mobile telephone tracking

According to the interaction network, we tin get the assemblage interaction characteristics connected clip trend, determination organisation and antithetic groups. Generally, the spatiotemporal interaction characteristics are accordant with the concern successful Shanghai astatine that time, which besides corroborate the rationality of the interaction network. In these 14 days, each high-risk idiosyncratic was exposed to effectual interaction 51.81 times a time connected average, portion that of individuals successful the general radical was lone 27.33 times. As shown successful Fig. 3a, the effectual interaction frequencies of each isolators, non-isolated high-risk radical and wide radical showed L-shaped arsenic a whole. These curves declined astatine the beginning, and January 24 was a turning point. Since then, the curves person tended to beryllium stable. On January 22, the effectual interaction frequence of each non-isolated high-risk idiosyncratic was 213.36 times, which was higher than that of isolated group. However, the concern reversed since the Spring Festival. The regular effectual interaction frequence of non-isolated high-risk radical has been little than that of isolators, and closed to that of wide group, maintained astatine astir 30 times per capita. After February 3, radical returned to work, and determination was nary evident rebound successful the effectual interaction frequence successful Shanghai. This indicated that the policies of tighten question regularisation and keeping societal region called for by the authorities were good implemented. The mean effectual interaction frequence of high-risk radical (Fig. 3b) successful Pudong was the highest, accounting for 176.36 times a day, which was partially owed to the immense inter-cities colonisation travel of Pudong Airport. Similarly, the effectual interaction frequence successful Minhang, which has different airdrome and Hongqiao Railway Station with the largest rider postulation measurement successful Shanghai, was besides precise high. As an important concern country successful Shanghai and a captious road proscription hub connecting Jiangsu Province, Jiading had an effectual regular interaction frequence of 147.10 times a day. In contrast, the effectual interaction frequencies of high-risk radical successful suburbs specified arsenic Chongming and Fengxian, and municipality centers specified arsenic Yangpu and Hongkou were overmuch lower.

Figure 3
figure 3

Crowd interaction features of COVID-19 successful the early stage. (a) The regular effectual interaction frequence per capita. The Spring Festival vacation successful 2020 was primitively from January 24 to January 30, past extended to February 2 owed to COVID-19. On January 23, Wuhan announced the lockdown of the metropolis and different section governments called connected radical to trim unnecessary outdoor activities and support societal distance. (b) Map of high-risk group’s mean effectual interaction frequency. (c) Contact spot earlier and aft the Spring Festival. We divided the fourteen days into 3 slots: earlier the Spring Festival (January 22–January 23), the Spring Festival (January 24–February 2) and aft the Spring Festival (February 3–February 4).

Figure 3c illustrates the differences successful interaction spot among isolators, non-isolated high-risk radical and wide radical successful 3 slots. Before the Spring Festival, the interaction spot of the 3 groups was comparatively close. However, the authorities had taken the quarantine measures, adopted the question regularisation argumentation and appealed for keeping societal region successively since January 23. These actions brought that the non-isolated high-risk radical and the wide radical person reduced the interaction spot by much than fractional during the Spring Festival. Although determination was a flimsy summation aft returning to enactment connected February 3, the interaction spot inactive remained low. Owing to gathering for aesculapian observation, the isolated cases' mobile telephone signaling would beryllium received by the aforesaid basal presumption frequently, which caused incessant effectual contacts. In addition, astir isolators person a larger microorganism carrying hazard coefficient. Therefore, adjacent if the wide colonisation mobility successful Shanghai declined, the interaction spot of isolators inactive accrued during the reflection play continuously.

Neural web classification

After constructing the Shanghai interaction networks, we trained the neural web nether antithetic hyper-parameter settings. We took the neural web with wide transverse entropy nonaccomplishment relation arsenic the baseline and compared the classification results of the neural web with weighted transverse entropy nonaccomplishment relation with it (Table 1). Except for the nonaccomplishment function, the neural web operation of baseline is the aforesaid arsenic that adopted successful our utmost events model. Our classification extremity is to accurately find existent positives, but radical who are truly apt to beryllium infected relationship for a tiny portion of the population. A ample proportionality of antagonistic cases volition marque galore indicators specified arsenic accuracy fail. For example, adjacent if each affirmative cases are classified arsenic negative, accuracy volition adjacent the proportionality of antagonistic cases successful the samples and the effect volition amusement precise well. In our information set, the accuracy volition ne'er beryllium little than 99%, which makes nary consciousness to measurement the prime of the model. Conversely, callback tin measure whether each existent affirmative examples person been predicted and tin enactment our survey objectives better.

Table 1 Recall of COVID-19 vulnerability hazard successful trial set.

The baseline recalls of 2 isolated radical are lone 1.89% and 0.00% respectively. However, by utilizing the precocious utmost lawsuit neural web model, 70.85% of the isolators with a sojourn to epidemic blistery portion tin beryllium identified successfully. Even if the highest callback of isolators without sojourn to epidemic blistery portion is lone 31.19%, it is inactive importantly higher than that of baseline. The results amusement that our improved exemplary is superior to the wide neural web successful utmost lawsuit prediction and tin efficaciously place the individuals who are included successful the Shanghai CDC isolation database owed to the antithetic ways of contacts. According to the ablation experimentation results, the exemplary with Leaky ReLU slope of 0.01 and uncommon class value proportionality of 20% was selected to foretell the vulnerability hazard of each individuals.

COVID-19 transmission risks successful shanghai

Since we person labeled the isolators into 2 categories, the determination transmission hazard tin beryllium divided into the pursuing 2 kinds correspondingly: 1 is the hazard caused by the inflow of radical from epidemic blistery zones, and the different is the hazard caused by adjacent contacts wrong Shanghai. Figure 4a shows 2 types of COVID-19 transmission risks successful Shanghai. As a whole, Shanghai transmission hazard owed to the epidemic blistery zones' radical inflow was 30.76%, among which Pudong, Fengxian, Jiading, Jinshan and Chongming transcend the metropolis mean risk. In contrast, the transmission hazard owed to epidemic blistery zones successful Songjiang was the lowest, lone 12.07%. That's due to the fact that Songjiang has a assemblage municipality and large-scale concern areas, a ample fig of students and migrant workers returned location arsenic aboriginal arsenic earlier the Spring Festival, and did not instrumentality until the observing period. Besides, Hongkou and Jing'an, which are located successful the halfway of the city, person comparatively debased transmission hazard owed to the inflow from epidemic blistery zones, which was astir 15%. Meanwhile, the COVID-19 transmission hazard owed to adjacent contacts successful Shanghai was 7.9%, among which Qingpu, Putuo, Fengxian, Changning and Jinshan transcend the metropolis mean level. It is worthy noting that the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center is located successful Jinshan, wherever each isolators get the medical care. The centralized aesculapian isolation whitethorn beryllium 1 of the captious reasons for the precocious transmission hazard caused by adjacent contacts successful Jinshan.

Figure 4
figure 4

COVID-19 transmission risks successful Shanghai. (a) Two kinds of COVID-19 transmission risks successful 16 districts of Shanghai. (b) Map of Shanghai full transmission hazard successful territory level. Baoshan, Jiading and Qingpu find successful the westbound of Shanghai, bordering Jiangsu Province; portion Qingpu and Jinshan borderline connected Zhejiang Province. According to Baidu Migration Index, Jiangsu and Zhejiang are the 2 large provinces of migration to Shanghai from January 22 to February 4, 2020 (see much details successful Supplementary Information). (c) Map of street-level transmission hazard owed to epidemic blistery zones radical inflow. (d) Map of street-level transmission hazard owed to adjacent contacts wrong Shanghai.

It tin beryllium seen from Fig. 4b that the areas with precocious full transmission hazard of COVID-19 were chiefly concentrated astatine the borderline of Shanghai. Pudong’s full hazard was peculiarly high, reaching 66.55%. On the contrary, the full transmission hazard successful the halfway of Shanghai was comparatively low. In presumption of hazard owed to inflow from epidemic blistery zones, the transmission risks successful suburban streets were overmuch higher than that successful municipality (Fig. 4c), particularly the eastern, confederate and northwestern borders of Shanghai. The streets of Pudong successful peculiar merit notation ─ the transmission risks from epidemic blistery zones of astir streets were each greater than 60% but for Lujiazui and different number areas. The streets with precocious hazard owed to adjacent interaction (Fig. 4d) were chiefly concentrated successful the westbound of Shanghai, and Xianghuaqiao thoroughfare of Qingpu had the highest risk, with a hazard of 36.51%. In addition, immoderate streets located successful urban, specified arsenic Caoyangxincun thoroughfare and Ganquanlu street, besides person precocious risk, reaching 13.51% and 13.40% respectively.

Discussion and conclusion

In this paper, a determination epidemic transmission hazard precaution based connected instrumentality learning is proposed. Firstly, we separate whether individuals look astatine the aforesaid clip done the trajectories recorded by their mobile phones and conception the interaction networks according to the mode they contact. Then, the interaction web is transformed into an individual-centered interaction diagnostic matrix, and the utmost lawsuit neural web is utilized to classify the isolated people. Finally, according to the classification results, we prime the optimal exemplary to foretell the probability of each idiosyncratic becoming a high-risk infected idiosyncratic and estimation the determination transmission risks.

We conducted a large-scale experimentation with astir 7.5 cardinal radical successful Shanghai astatine the opening of the COVID-19 outbreak successful 2020. In the lawsuit of highly imbalanced samples, the exemplary tin foretell the uncommon categories effectively, and the callback tin scope much than 70% among the isolators with epidemic blistery portion sojourn. However, the callback of the isolators without high-risk areas sojourn past is lone 31.19%, but it is inactive higher than that predicted by wide neural network. On the one hand, this benignant of isolators lone accounts for 0.0975% of the samples. The scarcity of specified isolators not lone makes it hard to seizure their interaction features, but besides the proportions of assorted groups successful the information acceptable volition beryllium earnestly unbalanced, which besides tin easy pb to exemplary misjudgment. On the different hand, the sum of the illustration is insufficient. Considering that determination were 40.92 cardinal mobile telephone users successful Shanghai successful 2020, the illustration of China Telecom's mobile telephone users is adjacent little than one-fifth of Shanghai's mobile telephone market. Nevertheless, the COVID-19 cases utilized successful this survey lone screen fractional of Shanghai and the cases successful the different 8 districts are not taken into account. Due to the regulation of experimental data, the full population's interaction concern successful Shanghai was not afloat described erstwhile constructing interaction network, which volition person a antagonistic interaction connected the prediction results of the model. However, arsenic a whole, the precaution model is of large value for the determination transmission hazard estimation of COVID-19 and different akin epidemics.

Artificial quality has been wide adopted successful galore fields successful our existent life64,65,66, including the prevention and power of infectious diseases. Different from the erstwhile studies connected epidemic transmission done wearable devices oregon mobile phones, this instrumentality learning based determination epidemic transmission hazard precaution is wholly bottom-up and tin beryllium utilized for aboriginal informing of determination epidemic connected the premise of anonymity. When facing the changes of determination isolation and travel regularisation policies67,68, which are precise communal successful reality, this method has amended flexibility and tin marque self-adaptive adjustment. In addition, utilizing mobile telephone signaling to estimation the hazard of determination epidemic dispersed tin supply effectual auxiliary accusation enactment for authorities argumentation making and epidemic prevention enactment with precocious ratio and debased cost. Especially for low-income and middle-income countries, it tin alleviate the fiscal difficulties caused by epidemic prevention and control. In bid to instrumentality effectual involution measures, it requires adjacent enactment betwixt argumentation makers and exemplary prediction during the outbreak of epidemic69. But, remarkably, integer governance has raised the planetary interest connected the citizens' privateness extortion erstwhile utilizing nationalist data70,71,72. Therefore, each countries request to strictly abide by the information privateness instrumentality erstwhile utilizing trajectory information and the scope of information usage should beryllium constricted successful accordance with the minimization principle, including obtaining the explicit consent of users, collecting arsenic small accusation arsenic imaginable and ensuring information security. At the aforesaid time, the information and accusation holders should warrant the information privateness done emerging technology, specified arsenic desensitizing data, and trim the anticipation of information maltreatment from the source73.

As mentioned above, this method was projected for determination epidemic transmission hazard precaution. Its main intent is to supply aboriginal informing earlier a large-scale epidemic outbreak and supply auxiliary accusation to determination makers. Labor loss, accumulation suspension, commercialized obstruction, and rising marketplace uncertainty whitethorn each go the consequences of nationalist epidemic prevention policies. If the governors cannot equilibrium the power measures and economical pressures well, an economical situation whitethorn travel the pandemic74. By controlling the hazard earlier the microorganism spreads widely, governors tin mean the tremendous economical and societal disruption caused by power measures for infectious diseases. Thus, the probe plan chiefly focuses connected the interaction web and utmost events classification. On the 1 hand, we wage attraction to the inflow hazard from the outer epic blistery portion erstwhile calculating the interaction strength; connected the different hand, the transmission hazard has a comparatively agelong model play (14 days successful the experiment), which has an interaction connected the interaction spot and the idiosyncratic centered interaction feature. As a proactive prevention and power method, the champion clip for it to enactment is erstwhile determination are lone a fewer infected radical due to the fact that of the aforementioned mechanics design. Generally, the regulation of this hazard precaution is that erstwhile a large-scale and wide outbreak occurs successful the city, specified arsenic the Omicron microorganism pandemic successful Shanghai successful the outpouring of 2022, its aboriginal informing effect volition beryllium greatly reduced. The outbreak of the Omicron microorganism pandemic this clip is truthful abrupt that societal resources specified arsenic the CDC, nationalist wellness departments, connection operators and truthful connected are afloat occupied. Therefore, it is worthy to retrospectively analyse the differences of these 2 outbreaks successful the future.

Data availability

The information that enactment the findings of this survey are disposable from Shanghai Ideal Information Industry (Group) Co., LTD but restrictions use to the availability of these data, which were utilized nether licence for the existent study, and truthful are not publically available. Data are nevertheless disposable from the authors upon tenable petition and with support of Shanghai Ideal Information Industry (Group) Co., LTD.


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This enactment was supported by the National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars of China (71925010), the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality Grant (20DZ1200600), the Three-year Action Program of Shanghai Municipality for Strengthening the Construction of Public Health System (GWV-1.1) and the Shanghai Talent Development Fund (2021098). We convey Shanghai Ideal Information Industry (Group) Co., LTD for providing entree to the information utilized successful this survey and Fudan Association for Computational Social Science for providing method supports.

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Authors and Affiliations

  1. School of Data Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China

    Zhengyu Shi

  2. Institute for Global Public Policy, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China

    Haoqi Qian

  3. LSE-Fudan Research Centre for Global Public Policy, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China

    Haoqi Qian

  4. MOE Laboratory for National Development and Intelligent Governance, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China

    Haoqi Qian & Libo Wu

  5. Shanghai Ideal Information Industry (Group) Co., Ltd, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200120, China

    Yao Li

  6. Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200032, China

    Fan Wu

  7. Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular Virology, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200032, China

    Fan Wu

  8. School of Economics, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China

    Libo Wu

  9. Institute for Big Data, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China

    Libo Wu


Z.S. Develop exemplary and information processing, constitute the main content; H.Q. Develop exemplary and information processing, plan the insubstantial structure, revise the main content; Y.L. Data processing; F.W. Design the study, cod the data; L.W. Design the survey and the insubstantial structure, revise the main content.

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Correspondence to Haoqi Qian oregon Libo Wu.

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Shi, Z., Qian, H., Li, Y. et al. Machine learning based determination epidemic transmission risks precaution successful integer society. Sci Rep 12, 20499 (2022).

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  • Received: 29 March 2022

  • Accepted: 18 November 2022

  • Published: 28 November 2022

  • DOI:

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