Make Action! PicoPicoMaker

1 year ago 30


The Power of imaginativeness tin interaction the sky!
Make your precise ain enactment crippled stages and stock them with your friends & family!

You tin play this crippled perfectly free!
This crippled is perfectly suited for everyone including KIDS.

-Basic Instructions-
There are [PLAY], [MAKE] and [SEARCH] enactment buttons connected the main menu.

Tap [PLAY] button: Play the games each you want!
You person a assortment of stages to take from.
The scope of signifier levels are wide prepared,
from beginners to precocious level,including the utmost levels that are brainsick difficult!

Tap [MAKE] button: Make your ain stages. You go the crippled creator!
Simple pat controls marque it easy!
Select from 30 types of items you tin spot anyplace you want.
Tap an point connected the database and past pat connected the presumption wherever you privation to spot it.
(Squares similar a chess committee are shown successful a signifier surface successful bid to marque this process simpler.)
Once an point is placed, you tin spot the aforesaid point continuously by alternating betwixt tapping the presumption (square) successful a signifier and the "PLACE" button.

You tin besides pat an point you've already placed to spot further options.
(e.g. You tin take circumstantial settings for the velocity of cannon ammunition movements and the moveable scope of blocks!)

Play & find retired if you tin implicit the signifier you made!
You tin adjacent bash the trial play during the process of making a signifier by utilizing the "TEST" fastener successful the precocious close country of the screen.
Try your ain brand-new signifier close away!

Tap [SEARCH] button: Find fashionable stages -- stages made by different users and more.
-Random: Search for random stages made by players utilizing this App.
-History: Look done stages you've already played. (You tin besides cheque if you've completed a signifier oregon not.)
-Official Website: Open this App’s authoritative website to commencement the search.
When you person recovered the 1 you privation to play, pat connected the signifier and usage "START" button.
-Enter ID: Paste the GameID and pat "Enter ID" button, if you are incapable to commencement the signifier aft utilizing "START" fastener successful the authoritative website.
(32 alphanumeric characters shown connected the authoritative website is the GameID.)

Now, you're acceptable to commencement the crippled you found. Enjoy!

[Send your archetypal signifier to friends & family]
If you privation to stock your archetypal signifier with someone, nonstop them the transcript of your stage's URL via email!
(Downloading this App is required successful bid to play your stage.)
Post your archetypal signifier connected Twitter, Facebook and LINE are besides available!
You tin besides person amusive searching online for "PicoPicoMaker" successful your escaped time!
Enjoy uncovering caller stages different users person made!

Everyone loves the retro-looking pixel graphics games they grew up with!
Connect with radical from each implicit the satellite with PicoPicoMaker!
Start your planetary enactment crippled adventure!

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