Medicinal cannabis found to reduce opiate pain medicine usage - Hospital Healthcare Europe

2 years ago 79

A survey has recovered that medicinal cannabis usage substantially reduced the usage of opiate-based painkillers and improved carnal functioning

Medicinal cannabis usage appears to beryllium associated with a simplification successful patient’s usage of opiate-based analgesics and improvements successful self-reported carnal functioning according to a survey by US researchers.

In the US determination has been an opiate situation of epidemic proportions. Data from the CDC bespeak that successful the twelvemonth ending successful June 2020, 48,006 deaths were attributable to overdosing connected synthetic opioids different than methadone. Fortunately, it appears that the level of opiate-related deaths successful the US is opening to autumn with a flimsy alteration successful 2019 compared to 2017. Although determination whitethorn beryllium immoderate fig of reasons arsenic to wherefore deaths are falling, 1 imaginable mentation for this simplification is greater usage of medicinal cannabis (MC) usage compared to opiates. In fact, a 2017 survey identified however patients reported little usage of opiates, antidepressants, alcohol, anti-anxiety, migraine and slumber medications after utilizing MC. Despite this imaginable emergence successful use, an overview of the efficacy, tolerability and information of cannabis-based medicines for chronic symptom absorption concluded that determination were inconsistent findings of the efficacy of cannabinoids successful neuropathic pain, achy spasms successful aggregate sclerosis and for immoderate chronic pain. However, many US states person taken steps to legalise and decriminalise the usage of MC. As a result, for the contiguous study, the US squad sought to characterise the demographics and usage patterns of those who had physician-approved aesculapian cannabis entree and to analyse patient’s perceptions of changes successful wellness functioning and usage of opiate-based symptom medicines (OBPM) aft entree to MC. The squad developed a 66-item questionnaire that was distributed online, assessing a wide scope of factors including demographics, aesculapian conditions, wellness functioning and changes successful symptom medicine usage earlier and aft usage of MC.

Medicinal cannabis and changes to opiate-based medicine use

A full of 2,183 responses were included of whom 54.4% were pistillate and astir 2 thirds (64.9%) were aged 30 to 59. A 3rd (33%) of respondents reported that they had 6 oregon much ailments and astir fractional (47.9%) reported having symptom and intelligence wellness issues, whereas symptom unsocial was reported by lone 9.1%.

The bulk (54.9%) reported utilizing medicinal cannabis regularly passim the time and 7.8% had been utilizing medicinal cannabis for much than 10 years.

In presumption of carnal functioning, bodily symptom (e.g., the level of symptom oregon interference of symptom successful mean work) was reportedly improved by 89.6% of respondents aft usage of MC, arsenic was societal functioning (84.3%).

Prior to MC usage, 60.9% of respondents were utilizing OBPM with 36.8% utilizing hydrocodone-acetaminophen (paracetamol) oregon oxycodone-acetaminophen (26.8%). However, aft utilizing MC, 41.7% reported that they had stopped utilizing symptom medicines and 37.5% had reduced their symptom medicines. Interestingly, 11.5% reported improved functioning aft utilizing MC and reducing their OBPM.

The authors concluded that medicinal cannabis whitethorn play an important relation astatine some the idiosyncratic and assemblage level arsenic a viable alternate to opioids for symptom absorption and without negatively affecting wellness functioning.

Prtichett CE et al. Medical Cannabis Patients Report Improvements successful Health Functioning and Reductions successful Opiate Use Subst Use Misuse 2022

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