Meta Quest Pro is better, but not enough to make VR mainstream - Axios

1 year ago 43
Axios' Ina Fried wearing a Meta Quest Pro headset

Axios' Ina Fried wearing a Meta Quest Pro headset. Photo: Meta

Having spent immoderate clip with the caller VR headset, I tin accidental that the Meta Quest Pro is by acold the astir comfy and applicable headset I person tried.

Yes, but: It's acold much an indicator of the absorption things are headed than a awesome that the aboriginal has arrived.

While others volition beryllium out with reviews today, I person lone spent a fewer hours utilizing the instrumentality astatine home, seizing the precious moments erstwhile each the radical successful my location who request caregiving were retired truthful I could afloat immerse myself.

  • And that gets to the situation of VR: It doesn't lend itself good to a busy, multitasking life.
  • I volition say, though, that this headset comes mode person to fitting successful with my messy location and engaged life. During my abbreviated clip I did a premix of games, watching videos and trying retired productivity apps.

Pros: Pass-through video (being capable to spot your existent satellite arsenic a backdrop) is simply a crippled changer, allowing immoderate of the immersive benefits of VR without needing to wholly unopen disconnected the existent satellite oregon person a immense unfastened space.

  • Improved optics mean that you tin really work the substance of a web leafage oregon document. That's not unsocial capable to get existent enactment done, but you surely can't bash truthful without this level of detail.


  • Battery beingness is inactive beauteous pitiful, meaning you person to either enactment plugged successful (if sitting astatine a desk), oregon recharge the Quest Pro to usage it for much than an hr oregon two.
  • You are paying a batch ($1,499) to beryllium astatine the starring edge. In a mates of years, the Quest Pro volition look ridiculously bulky and limited, adjacent though it is the authorities of the creation of what's imaginable successful a commercialized instrumentality today.

Between the lines: While galore astatine Meta are pushing hard that this is simply a enactment device, the astir apt aboriginal buyers are those who already walk clip gaming successful VR and privation the champion experience, arsenic good arsenic aboriginal adopters who privation the latest and greatest.

The bottommost line: I judge virtual and augmented world volition person a large spot successful the aboriginal of computing and the Meta Quest Pro is an important interim step.

  • But I besides deliberation the manufacture does itself a disservice erstwhile it positions devices arsenic much acceptable for premier clip than they are.
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