Mississippi Development Authority announces V-QUAD Entrepreneurs Technical Assistance Program grant winners - Gwcommonwealth

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Below is simply a property merchandise from the Mississippi Development Authority:

The Mississippi Development Authority is pleased to denote the 2022 V-Quad Entrepreneurs Technical Assistance Program assistance grant winners.

Five applicants were awarded $20,000 V-Quad ETAP grants successful collaboration with MDA’s Office of Technology, Innovation & Entrepreneurship and MDA’s Energy and Natural Resources Division. The grants volition beryllium utilized by the 5 teams to person method assistance from 1 of Mississippi’s 4 probe universities – the University of Mississippi, Mississippi State University, Jackson State University and the University of Southern Mississippi.

Teams receiving ETAP grants volition beryllium paired with a applicable probe assemblage to lick circumstantial method challenges posed by the applicants. Each squad volition person up to 9 months from the grant day to implicit their projected tasks.

Examples of eligible projects see the usage of cleanable vigor and energy-efficient products and services, cultivation products and services, robotics, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and unmanned aerial and terrestrial vehicles and genomics applied wrong the vigor and agriculture sectors.

“MDA congratulates the winners of these grants, and we look guardant to the occurrence of these projects. This adjacent procreation of innovators and entrepreneurs is the aboriginal of manufacture and volition assistance physique stronger communities and a stronger system for Mississippi,” said MDA Deputy Executive Director Laura Hipp.

Winners of the 2022 V-Quad ETAP grants include:

– C & H Safety and Security

– College of Architecture, Art and Design, Mississippi State University

– JEF Advanced Technologies

– Department of Sustainable Bioproducts, Mississippi State University

– A-Z Farmer’s Market Project

The archetypal 10 applicants were evaluated connected criteria that included: product/technology, people market, fiscal and task squad management.

For much accusation astir the V-Quad ETAP assistance program, delight interaction O-TIE Director Joe Donovan astatine jdonovan@mississippi.org oregon (601) 359-2399.

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