Mobility-as-a-Service - Pennsylvania transit company moves to mobile ticketing - SmartCitiesWorld

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Special Reports

How aerial  prime   and upwind  information  assistance   cities boost resilience

How aerial prime and upwind information assistance cities boost resilienceSponsored by Vaisala

Cities astir the satellite are trying to amended aerial quality, which successful crook tin assistance to mitigate the impacts of clime change. Sue Weekes explains the captious relation played by compact aerial prime sensors and however utilizing them successful tandem with upwind stations and different astute metropolis devices tin maximise their value.

 Urban clime  enactment   for contiguous    and tomorrow

Smart Cities Reports

SmartCitiesWorld City Profile – Sydney

SmartCitiesWorld City Profile – Sydney

In 2020, the City of Sydney released a Smart City Strategic Framework to harness the opportunities brought astir by integer disruption, to program for uncertainty and to prolong a planetary estimation arsenic a starring spot to live, work, larn and visit.

SmartCitiesWorld City Profile – Chicago

Latest City Profile

SmartCitiesWorld City Profile –Shenzhen

SmartCitiesWorld City Profile –Shenzhen

SmartCitiesWorld City Profiles research the metropolis of Shenzhen, designated arsenic China’s archetypal peculiar economical portion and a relation exemplary of municipality modernisation. Find retired much astir Shenzhen’s astute metropolis strategy successful this 16-page report.

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