Money tip for students: College students living in off-campus properties should consider renters insurance - User-generated content

2 years ago 73

College students who rent an flat oregon location should see purchasing renters insurance, according to the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA). This security provides sum if their belongings get stolen, burned successful a occurrence oregon destroyed by a earthy disaster.

“If you’re surviving successful a dorm, your parents’ homeowners security whitethorn screen immoderate losses you experience, but this won’t beryllium the lawsuit if you’re renting a location oregon apartment,” Lt. Gov. Jacqueline Coleman said. “Our medication volition ever enactment acquisition first, and that includes making definite students recognize the fiscal aspects of college.”

Students should cheque with their security cause to marque definite they cognize what’s covered and what the deductible is if they record a claim.

Some colleges connection dorm security arsenic portion of their enrollment package. Such policies often person a debased monthly outgo and a tiny deductible, dissimilar galore homeowners’ policies.

When buying renters insurance, students should see replacement versus existent currency value. Replacement means they’ll get a caller mentation of the aforesaid item; existent currency worth volition springiness them an magnitude based connected the item’s utilized value.

KHEAA is the authorities bureau that administers Kentucky’s pupil fiscal assistance programs, including the Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship (KEES). Many of KHEAA’s pupil assistance programs are funded by Kentucky Lottery revenue. For much accusation astir Kentucky scholarships and grants, sojourn; constitute KHEAA astatine P.O. Box 798, Frankfort, KY 40602; oregon telephone 800-928-8926.

In addition, KHEAA administers the KY Saves 529 program, which allows families to prevention for college. For much accusation astir KY Saves 529, sojourn

KHEAA besides disburses backstage Advantage Education Loans for its sister agency, KHESLC. For much accusation astir Advantage Education Loans, sojourn

Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority

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