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Noor Noman is simply a freelance writer successful New York City who has worked arsenic a writer, editor, shaper and presenter. They absorption connected the intersection of civilization and politics, peculiarly LGBTQ issues, feminism and race. Their sum besides focuses connected South Asia, which led them to prosecute an M.Phil. and a Ph.D. successful South Asian studies astatine the University of Oxford. They person worked astatine Bloomberg, Mic, Brut and The Juggernaut, among different places.
Noor Noman is simply a freelance writer successful New York City who has worked arsenic a writer, editor, shaper and presenter. They absorption connected the intersection of civilization and politics, peculiarly LGBTQ issues, feminism and race. Their sum besides focuses connected South Asia, which led them to prosecute an M.Phil. and a Ph.D. successful South Asian studies astatine the University of Oxford. They person worked astatine Bloomberg, Mic, Brut and The Juggernaut, among different places.