Native Americans recall torture, hatred at boarding schools - The Associated Press - en Español

2 years ago 70

MISSION, S.D. (AP) — After her parent died erstwhile Rosalie Whirlwind Soldier was conscionable 4 years old, she was enactment into a Native American boarding schoolhouse successful South Dakota and told her autochthonal Lakota connection was “devil’s speak.”

She recalls being locked successful a basement astatine St. Francis Indian Mission School for weeks arsenic punishment for breaking the school’s strict rules. Her agelong braids were shorn successful a deliberate effort to stamp retired her taste identify. And erstwhile she broke her limb successful an accident, Whirlwind Soldier said she received shoddy attraction leaving her with symptom and a limp that inactive hobbles her decades later.

“I thought determination was nary God, conscionable torture and hatred,” Whirlwind Soldier testified during a Saturday lawsuit connected the Rosebud Sioux Reservation led by U.S. Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, arsenic the bureau confronts the bitter bequest of a boarding schoolhouse strategy that operated successful the U.S. for much than a century.

Now 78 and inactive surviving connected the reservation, Whirlwind Soldier said she was airing her horrific experiences successful hopes of yet getting past them.

“The lone happening they didn’t bash was enactment america successful (an oven) and state us,” she said, comparing the attraction of Native Americans successful the U.S. successful the 19th and 20th centuries to the Jewish Holocaust during World War II.

“But I fto it go,” she aboriginal added. “I’m going to marque it.”

Saturday’s lawsuit was the 3rd successful Haaland’s yearlong “Road to Healing” inaugural for victims of maltreatment astatine government-backed boarding schools, aft erstwhile stops successful Oklahoma and Michigan.

Starting with the Indian Civilization Act of 1819, the U.S. enacted laws and policies to found and enactment the schools. The stated extremity was to “civilize” Native Americans, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians, but that was often carried retired done abusive practices. Religious and backstage institutions that ran galore of the schools received national backing and were consenting partners.

Most closed their doors agelong agone and nary inactive beryllium to portion students of their identities. But some, including St. Francis, inactive relation arsenic schools — albeit with drastically antithetic missions that observe the taste backgrounds of their Native students.

Former St. Francis pupil Ruby Left Hand Bull Sanchez traveled hundreds of miles from Denver to be Saturday’s meeting. She cried arsenic she recalled astir being killed arsenic a kid erstwhile a nun stuffed lye soap down her pharynx successful effect to Sanchez praying successful her autochthonal language.

“I privation the satellite to know,” she said.

Accompanying Haaland was Wizipan Garriott, a Rosebud Sioux subordinate and main lawman adjunct caput for Indian affairs. Garriott described however boarding schools were portion of a agelong past of injustices against his radical that began with the wide extermination of their main nutrient root — bison, besides known arsenic buffalo.

“First they took our buffalo. Then our onshore was taken, past our children, and past our accepted signifier of religion, spiritual practices,” helium said. “It’s important to retrieve that we Lakota and different Indigenous radical are inactive here. We tin spell done anything.”

The archetypal measurement of an investigative study released by the Interior Department successful May identified much than boarding 400 schools that the national authorities supported opening successful the precocious 19th period and continuing good into the 1960s. It besides recovered astatine slightest 500 children died astatine immoderate of the schools, though that fig is expected to summation dramatically arsenic probe continues.

The National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition says it’s tallied astir 100 much schools not connected the authorities database that were tally by groups specified arsenic churches.

“They each had the aforesaid missions, the aforesaid goals: ‘Kill the Indian, prevention the man,’” said Lacey Kinnart, who works for the Minnesota-based coalition. For Native American children, Kinnart said the volition was “to assimilate them and bargain everything Indian retired of them but their blood, marque them despise who they are, their culture, and hide their language.”

South Dakota had 31 of the schools including 2 connected the Rosebud Sioux Reservation — St. Francis and the Rosebud Agency Boarding and Day School.

The Rosebud Agency school, successful Mission, operated done astatine slightest 1951 connected a tract present location to Sinte Gleska University, wherever Saturday’s gathering happened.

All that remains of the boarding schoolhouse is simply a gutted-out gathering that utilized to location the eating hall, according to tribal members. When the gathering caught occurrence astir 5 years ago, erstwhile pupil Patti Romero, 73, said she and others were connected manus to cheer its destruction.

“No much worms successful the chili,” said Romero, who attended the schoolhouse from ages 6 to 15 and said the nutrient was sometimes infested.

A 2nd study is pending successful the probe into the schools launched by Haaland, herself a Laguna Pueblo from New Mexico and the archetypal Native American furniture secretary. It volition screen burial sites, the schools’ interaction connected Indigenous communities and besides effort to relationship for national funds spent connected the troubled program.

Congress is considering a measure to make a boarding schoolhouse “truth and healing commission,” akin to 1 established successful Canada successful 2008. It would person a broader scope than the Interior Department’s probe into federally tally boarding schools and subpoena power, if passed.


This communicative has been corrected to accurately notation to Rosalie Whirlwind Soldier.

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