NBA YoungBoy Converting to Mormonism, Remorseful For Making Violent Music - TMZ

2 years ago 148

NBA YoungBoy I Hate My 'Murder' Raps ... Converting to Mormonism Soon!!!

2/1/2023 2:06 PM PT

NBA YoungBoy released 8 full-length projects successful 2022, but it doesn't look similar he'll beryllium cosigning his ain catalog successful the adjacent future.

In a caller revelation to Billboard, the Louisiana-born rap prima is showing remorse for the contented of his lyrics, and looking to crook implicit a caller leafage ... by converting to Mormonism and changing the absorption of his raps.

YoungBoy says it troubles him to cognize fans, kids included, mightiness person heard his euphony and been influenced to harm different radical ... and helium holds himself accountable.

The 23-year-old admits helium can't lyrically rewrite each his wrongs arsenic a thoroughfare rapper ... but vows to instrumentality it time by time to get the occupation done.


YoungBoy shocked fans soon aft the caller twelvemonth with the bombshell -- helium joined his longtime woman and parent of 2 of his kids and doesn't look to beryllium done with divinity.

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He's been connected location apprehension for respective years but recovered newfound bid portion residing successful Utah and getting adjacent to missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints ... and plans connected getting baptized with them erstwhile cops wide him to beryllium extracurricular without monitoring.

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He dispersed plentifulness of emotion with his latest album, "I Rest My Case" successful January ... arsenic it's mostly filled with enactment romps.

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