Note Keep - Notes and Lists

1 year ago 34

Wanna instrumentality memos and notes, oregon support way of your tasks easy and rapidly ?

We created Note support - Notes and Lists to accidental your time !!
Organize thoughts, discoveries, and ideas, oregon program important tasks to bash connected regular ground !!
Plan a large event, prehend a infinitesimal of inspiration to make thing new, and way your database of regular errands that are excessively important to hide .

This App volition assistance you :

📝 Capture ideas :

And to marque definite you don’t ever suffer superb ideas not related to tasks,
routine and dates, prevention movies and euphony lists, absorbing recipes and overmuch more, determination is besides a tags conception to the app wherever you tin store virtually
any accusation you privation and find them easy by checking tags.

✔️ Make Your Todo List, Shopping List, ...etc :

In the checklist mode, you tin adhd arsenic galore items arsenic you similar and put their.
After the database is finished and saved, you whitethorn cheque oregon uncheck each enactment
connected your database with a speedy tap.

📌 Pin diagnostic :

Pin your astir important notes oregon To-Do lists that you usage the astir to marque them casual to find and access.

🎨 Colorize Your Notes oregon To-Do lists :

Note support - Notes and Lists supports colour notes. Write notes oregon lists and colour them with your chosen colour to easy recognise them among different notes and lists.

💾 Export to PDF oregon Txt ... and much :

Note support - Notes and Lists app supports notes and lists export to a batch oregon format including pdf and Txt, casual to stock speedy notes with friends, classmates...

🌑 Change app taxable to acheronian mode :

The Black Theme oregon acheronian mode helps you prevention artillery beingness not to notation it helps taking it casual connected your eyes.

🏷️ Label diagnostic :

Add labels to codification notes to rapidly signifier and get connected with your life. If you request to find thing you saved, a elemental hunt volition crook it up.

And much ...

It's an casual App that deserves the proceedings !!

Any issues, Email america via
Hope this escaped and basal notes taking app helps you making your
work and beingness easy.

Thank You !!

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