Novel bioink capable of constructing physiological blood vessels - EurekAlert

1 year ago 36

Bioengineered humor  vessel

image: Bioengineered humor vessels demonstrated physiological characteristics of existent humor vessels, including beardown vasoconstriction, vasodilation, perfusability and more. view more 

Credit: Shrike Zhang lab/BWH

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) stay among the starring causes of planetary morbidity and mortality. In patients with CVD, humor vessels―which transport blood, oxygen, and nutrients―can go constricted oregon obstructed, starring to galore complications. While revascularization and grafting are communal procedures carried retired during surgeries, biofabricated grafts utilized during these operations tin person galore drawbacks, for example, anemic mechanical strength. To flooded these issues, researchers astatine the Brigham utilized bioengineering advancements to amended 3D bioprinting of vascular tissues with functional and mechanical hallmarks. The squad utilized crosslinking properties of earthy polymers to make a double-network hydrogel bioink susceptible for bioprinting conduits. These conduits had cardinal physiological characteristics of humor vessels including beardown vasoconstriction, vasodilation, perfusability, and obstruction show comparable to autochthonal vessels. In enactment with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the researchers besides showed the anticipation of utilizing these vessels for SARS-CoV-2 pseudoviral testing.

“The vessels we person printed genuinely mimic a batch of the mechanics of autochthonal vessels,” said elder corresponding author, Y. Shrike Zhang, PhD, of the Division of Engineering successful Medicine. “This probe demonstrates the imaginable for specified conduits to service arsenic vascular models for grafts successful vascular surgeries, different illness studies, and wide biomedical applications.” The different co-corresponding authors included Xuanhe Zhao, PhD, of the Department of Mechanical Engineering astatine MIT, and C. Keith Ozaki, MD, of the Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery astatine the Brigham.

Read much successful Science Advances.

Method of Research

Experimental study

Subject of Research


Article Title

Microfluidic Bioprinting of Tough Hydrogel-based Vascular Conduits for Functional Blood Vessels

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COI Statement

: Y.S.Z. sits on the Scientific Advisory Board of Allevi by 3D Systems, which, however, did not sponsor oregon bias the existent research. A provisional patent resulting from the enactment has been filed by the Brigham and Women’s Hospital (filed 26 July 2022). The authors state that they person no other competing interest

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