OIG Advisory Opinion Highlights Further Concerns for Patient Assistance Programs - JD Supra

1 year ago 32

Patient assistance programs (PAPs) that question to subsidize diligent co-payments for drugs covered by Medicare whitethorn impact compliance challenges. A caller U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) Advisory Opinion raised concerns astir 1 imaginable operation that was designed to assistance crab patients covered by Medicare Part D wage for costly medications.

On Sept. 30, 2022, the OIG issued Advisory Opinion 21-19, which was the OIG's archetypal 1 evaluating an statement involving a conjugation of manufacturers subsidizing outgo sharing for their ain drugs successful the discourse of an implemented Part D program. Advisory opinions are binding lone connected the requestors, but they supply penetration into however the OIG mightiness presumption akin arrangements. The OIG determined that, depending connected the intent of the arrangement, the programme could make prohibited remuneration nether the national anti-kickback statute.

The projected statement would fundamentally found a caller outgo assistance exemplary based successful portion connected OIG's 2005 Special Advisory Bulleting (2005 Bulletin) to facilitate cost-sharing subsidies, whereby aggregate pharmaceutical manufacturers would articulation unneurotic to signifier a "coalition" to subsidize Part D enrollees' outgo sharing for those manufacturers' drugs. Specifically, the requestor's statement would let participating pharmaceutical manufacturers to subsidize 3 categories of costs: 1) outgo sharing incurred by eligible Part D enrollees erstwhile filling prescriptions for participating pharmaceutical manufacturers' Part D oncology drugs, 2) wellness security premiums for definite Medicare beneficiaries, 3) specified programs designed to beforehand oncology screening and summation wellness equity by promoting objective proceedings information and 4) requestor's operating costs.

The programme would besides impact definite safeguards. For example, an autarkic 3rd enactment would administer the logistics of the projected statement nether a declaration that would comply with the idiosyncratic services and absorption contracts and outcomes-based outgo arrangements harmless harbors to the Medicare/Medicaid Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS).1 This head would marque definite the idiosyncratic beneficiaries met the eligibility criteria and would besides guarantee that a wide scope of pharmacies would judge a subsidy paper provided to the beneficiaries. The requestor would instrumentality different safeguards, including a compliance program, regular compliance audits and refraining from selling the programme to prescribers, beneficiaries and others arsenic an inducement to prescribe immoderate drug. Particular drugs would not beryllium promoted, and instead, a database of each covered products would beryllium published successful a "neutral fashion."

In the 2005 Bulletin, the OIG identified perchance abusive PAP structures nether the AKS.2 The OIG's 2005 guidance included a short, cursory treatment of imaginable PAP structures that could trim the hazard of fraud and abuse, galore of which were included successful the requestor's operational model. Specifically, the 2005 Bulletin suggested that the hazard of an amerciable inducement successful the "coalition" exemplary "potentially whitethorn beryllium reduced if 1) the programme contains features that adequately safeguard against incentives for paper holders to favour 1 cause merchandise (or immoderate 1 supplier, provider, practitioner oregon Part D plan) implicit another, 2) the programme includes a ample fig of manufacturers, including competing manufacturers and manufacturers of some branded and generic products, capable to sever immoderate nexus betwixt the subsidy and a beneficiary's prime of drug, and 3) each participating pharmaceutical shaper offers subsidies for all of its products that are covered by any Part D program formulary."3 Additionally, a programme which Part D enrollees wage a information of their cause costs out-of-pocket whitethorn trim the hazard of maltreatment by maintaining an inducement for the beneficiary to find arsenic effective, lower-cost drugs.4 Having been "further informed by astir 2 decades of enforcement experience, assorted appraisals of the medication of the Medicare Part D program, and expanding cause prices," the OIG issued guidance connected due safeguards and "law avenues" it believed existed for pharmaceutical manufacturers and others to assistance guarantee that each Part D beneficiaries tin spend medically indispensable drugs.

In evaluating the requestor's "coalition" model, the OIG appears to measurement backmost from its anterior guidance and the 2005 statements, which it described arsenic "preliminary commentary."5 The OIG recognized that specified an statement fundamentally guarantees that each participating shaper would recoup its fiscal contributions for outgo sharing due to the fact that lone those Part D enrollees who are taking that participating manufacturer's drugs would beryllium eligible for help. The statement would let the backing manufacturers to subsidize a patient's cause costs lone for their ain drugs and not for drugs of immoderate different backing manufacturer. This creates a concern that, successful the OIG's view, has the imaginable for abuse.6 In the 2005 Bulletin, the OIG warned that "cost-sharing subsidies tin beryllium precise profitable for manufacturers, providing further incentives for abuse. So agelong arsenic the manufacturer's income terms for the merchandise exceeds its marginal adaptable costs positive the magnitude of the cost-sharing assistance, the shaper makes a profit. These profits tin beryllium considerable, particularly for costly drugs for chronic conditions."7 The OIG besides discussed akin concerns successful a 2014 Bulletin by observing that "the quality to subsidize copayments for their ain products whitethorn promote manufacturers to summation prices, perchance astatine further outgo to national healthcare programs and beneficiaries who are incapable to get copayment support."8

Evaluating the statement nether the AKS, the OIG recovered that the requestor and participating manufacturers would supply remuneration successful the signifier of invaluable cost-sharing subsidies (through a subsidy card) to eligible Part D enrollees who are specifically prescribed the participating manufacturers' drugs. By subsidizing a Part D enrollee's out-of-pocket costs for lone the participating manufacturers' ain drugs (and specifically for enrollees with a past medicine non-adherence arsenic a effect of precocious cost-sharing obligations), the statement would let these manufacturers to transmission nonstop remuneration, via the requestor, to Part D enrollees that would region a fiscal obstruction truthful that eligible Part D enrollees will, oregon beryllium induced to, acquisition lone the participating manufacturers' drugs. Further, the OIG stated that specified cost-sharing subsidies would not conscionable the requirements of immoderate statutory objection oregon regulatory harmless harbor to the national AKS.

Because the remuneration to a qualifying Part D enrollee would beryllium contingent connected the acquisition of the contributing manufacturers' oncology products, specified arrangement:

presents galore of the hallmark risks of fraud and maltreatment that the Federal anti-kickback statute is designed to prevent, including the imaginable for inappropriately accrued costs to Federal wellness attraction programs (e.g., done the quality of manufacturers to summation cause prices oregon acceptable precocious motorboat prices arsenic a effect of the simplification of beneficiary sensitivity towards the terms of the product); imaginable for beneficiary steering and anti-competitive effects; and imaginable interference with oregon skewing of objective decision-making.9

Therefore, the OIG concluded that the "cost-sharing subsidies nether the Proposed Arrangement would contiguous much than a minimal hazard of fraud and maltreatment nether the Federal anti-kickback statute."10 The OIG besides recovered that the projected statement could fundamentally redesign the existent Medicare Part D cost-sharing operation by circumventing a cardinal pricing power and effect successful accrued costs to national healthcare programs. Additionally, the programme could person anti-competitive effects by steering patients distant from products made by manufacturers not participating successful the program. Further, the projected statement could impact diligent attraction by discouraging doctors from prescribing drugs that were not portion of the program.

The OIG besides evaluated the requestor's statement nether the "Beneficiary Inducements CMP," which is the civilian monetary punishment proviso prohibiting inducements to beneficiaries of a national healthcare programme that a idiosyncratic knows oregon should cognize is apt to power the beneficiary's enactment of a peculiar provider, practitioner oregon supplier for the bid oregon receipt of immoderate point oregon work for which outgo whitethorn beryllium made, successful full oregon successful part, by Medicare oregon a authorities healthcare programme (including Medicaid).11 The OIG concluded that due to the fact that pharmaceutical manufacturers are not "providers, practitioners, oregon suppliers" unless they besides ain oregon operate, straight oregon indirectly, pharmacies, pharmacy benefits absorption companies oregon different entities that record claims for outgo nether the Medicare oregon Medicaid programs, the requestor's statement would not represent grounds for the imposition of sanctions nether the Beneficiary Inducements CMP.

The OIG stated that a party's intent is simply a indispensable constituent of an alleged usurpation of the AKS, and the OIG could not scope a definitive decision regarding whether the statement would really interruption the AKS. Although the projected programme could alteration patients to get drugs they different mightiness not beryllium capable to spend that could perchance prevention their lives, and entree to those drugs "is of paramount interest to the OIG," these programs make important imaginable risks and indispensable beryllium structured carefully.

Even with the OIG's "thumbs down" of the projected program, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) offers anticipation to immoderate patients covered by Part D by allowing Medicare to negociate medicine cause prices with manufacturers and capping out-of-pocket costs to $2,000 done 2025.12


1 42 C.F.R. §1001.952(d).

2 See OIG, Special Advisory Bulletin connected Patient Assistance Programs for Medicare Part D Enrollees, 70 Fed. Reg. 70,623 (Nov. 22, 2005).

3 Id. astatine 70627.

4 Id.

5 OIG Adv. Op. 22-19 astatine 16.

6 Id.

7 OIG Adv. Op. 22-19 astatine 17 (citing 2005 Bulletin, 70 Fed. Reg. astatine 70,626).

8 OIG Adv. Op. 22-19 astatine 17 (citing OIG, Supplemental Special Advisory Bulletin: Independent Charity Patient Assistance Programs, 79 Fed. Reg. astatine 31,122 (May 30, 2014).

9 OIG Adv. Op. No. 22-19 astatine 17.

10 Id.

11 See Section 1128A(a)(5) of the Social Security Act.

12 See Fact sheet: The Inflation Reduction Act Lowers Health Care Costs for Millions of Americans, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Newsroom, (Oct. 5, 2022).

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