Opinion | Mental Health in America Today - The New York Times

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Readers sermon recovered memories of abuse, community-based care, authorities and more.

Oct. 29, 2022, 11:05 a.m. ET


To the Editor:

Re “The Forgotten Lessons of the Recovered Memory Movement,” by Ethan Watters (Opinion impermanent essay, Oct. 16):

We are alarmed that The Times, arsenic a portion of drafting attraction to the shocking authorities of intelligence wellness of America’s youth, is promoting the erroneous conception that determination is simply a “movement” of therapists implanting mendacious memories of maltreatment successful their patients’ minds.

Childhood maltreatment and neglect represent perchance the largest nationalist wellness contented successful the U.S., arsenic it is associated with pervasive effects connected intelligence and encephalon development.

Vast technological lit has demonstrated that dissociative amnesia and delayed callback are communal phenomena pursuing trauma, not lone successful abused children, but besides successful warfare veterans and different traumatized populations.

Delayed callback usually happens spontaneously successful the discourse of circumstantial reminders, lone precise seldom successful a therapist’s office. Furthermore, the bulk of big survivors of puerility maltreatment who acquisition delayed callback person been shown to beryllium capable to nutrient grounds that corroborates their memories.

For these reasons, “false memory” allegations person not been accepted successful our courtrooms successful caller years. Terrifying experiences tin overwhelm people’s capableness to conception a coherent narrative, and the menace of retaliation for speaking the information tin beryllium truthful detrimental that galore traumatized individuals are dumbfounded and near successful a authorities of speechless terror.

An indispensable portion of betterment is being helped to consciousness harmless capable to face the realities of one’s life.

Bessel A. van der Kolk
Judith L. Herman
Dr. van der Kolk is emeritus prof of psychiatry astatine Boston University School of Medicine and president of the Trauma Research Foundation. Dr. Herman is simply a prof of psychiatry astatine Harvard Medical School.

To the Editor:

Ethan Watters regurgitates the 1990s “memory war” manufactured to discredit kid maltreatment reports.

There is nary question that incompetent therapists and constabulary exist, oregon that, pursuing relentless coercive pressure, immoderate highly suggestible radical are biologically susceptible of forming empirically mendacious memories, oregon simply lying to halt coercive pressure.

Those cases person thing to bash with traumatic amnesia.

Twenty-five years of neurobiology show that panic triggers merchandise of a flood of adrenaline that tin impact representation retention and retrieval, causing the phenomena we telephone traumatic (dissociative) amnesia and recovered memories. Most victims of life-threatening trauma who acquisition traumatic amnesia, including kid maltreatment victims and veterans, spontaneously retrieve memories of trauma extracurricular therapy, without suggestion, diagnosis oregon coercive “recovered representation therapy.” Most subsequently find corroboration.

The beingness of suggestible radical does not refute the beingness of radical who are not prone to proposition who past life-threatening trauma, acquisition dissociative amnesia and recovered memories, and find corroboration for their trauma memories.

Jennifer Hoult
New York
The writer is simply a erstwhile New York City authoritative who was the prevailing plaintiff successful a bid of landmark cases against her begetter arising from his repeated intersexual abuse, based connected her recovered memories and different evidence.

To the Editor:

Re “Mental Health Is Political,” by Danielle Carr (Opinion impermanent essay, Oct. 16):

Applause to Dr. Carr for stating what galore clinicians brushwood regular — patients with anxiousness and slump successful absorption to socioeconomic stratification, clime alteration and enactment betrayal. My ain students shared this erstwhile they opened up astir their ain intelligence wellness struggles. They explained however everything they believed successful arsenic kids kept crumbling astir them and that parts of them died a small much each day.

We request societal alteration and integrity hotlines to support our kids and young adults connected to hope.

Susan Bodnar
New York
The writer is simply a objective psychologist.

To the Editor:

As a psychiatrist, a neurochemist, a idiosyncratic who recovered from schizophrenia and a commissioner connected the White House Mental Health Commission, I hold that what are described arsenic intelligence wellness problems are much often owed to economical and governmental issues than an individual’s neurochemical defects.

As a result, I and others who person dealt with intelligence wellness issues person formed a question to displacement the paradigm of intelligence wellness attraction from being based connected the medicalization of issues to 1 that emphasizes the value of empowerment, societal determinants, and voluntary alternatives to confinement and coercion.

One of the astir governmental aspects of our question is that we find radical retrieve much readily erstwhile they tin play an progressive relation successful the policies that impact their care, which fits with a uncovering by psychologists successful Britain that a bulk of intelligence wellness issues are caused by powerfulness imbalances.

Unfortunately, the pharmaceutical companies person been drowning retired our voices by their dominance of the accusation supplied to the intelligence wellness tract and nine astatine large.

Daniel B. Fisher
Cambridge, Mass.
The writer is president of the National Empowerment Center and the writer of “Heartbeats of Hope.”

To the Editor:

Re “The Failed Quest for Community Mental Health Centers” (editorial, Oct. 16):

Since 1988, I’ve watched the emergence of community-based attraction and its disintegration — first, portion moving groups connected a locked portion astatine Massachusetts Mental Health Center successful Boston, past arsenic a psychotherapist successful a assemblage intelligence wellness session for implicit 2 decades, and astir precocious arsenic manager of that aforesaid clinic, tasked with fixing the fiscal deficit.

I wholeheartedly hold with the editorial committee — America has neglected radical with superior intelligence illnesses for acold excessively long. High-quality attraction exists. Our vibrant, caring unit members are attuned to the compounding traumas of poorness and racism and dedicated to supporting radical with superior intelligence illness. The occupation is that we are flooded by the request and don’t person the resources to wage competitory wages to clasp oregon pull needed unit portion backstage psychotherapists gain triple what we offer.

This is not sustainable. Insurance payments and grants are insufficient. We request to propulsion authorities and national legislators to money intelligence wellness infrastructure. Without this, community-based programs similar ours won’t survive. And erstwhile they go, galore years of expertise volition beryllium lost.

Ann T. Augustine
Amherst, Mass.

To the Editor:

Re “Conservatives Need Therapy, Too,” by Meghan Daum (Opinion impermanent essay, Oct. 16), a speech with Dea Bridge, a blimpish therapist:

I recovered this interrogation comparatively innocuous until I got to the portion wherever Ms. Bridge betrayed her ignorance astir the anger, anxiousness and trauma that Donald Trump inflicted — and inactive inflicts — connected astatine slightest fractional the country. She said of the thought that truthful galore of america person had the symptoms we’ve had due to the fact that of him: “That is the astir ridiculous happening I’ve ever heard. Why would you fto 1 idiosyncratic successful the satellite power your life? Are you that weak?”

I was floored. Are we arsenic Americans and quality beings not expected to attraction that our ideology is being destroyed, that racism and weapon unit person exploded, that climate-change deniers, acknowledgment to Mr. Trump and radical similar him, person made this satellite little inhabitable? That Mr. Trump downplayed the menace of Covid and frankincense caused much nonaccomplishment of beingness from the pandemic?

Mr. Trump has been and inactive is simply a hugely antagonistic “influencer” not lone connected america but the satellite successful general. We are not robots. We are influenced by what is happening successful the world, and immoderate of america care, and endure due to the fact that we care.

Sara Joslin
New Cumberland, Pa.

To the Editor:

In “Where Cowboys Are Learning to Talk About Their Feelings” (Opinion impermanent essay, Oct. 16), Cassady Rosenblum asks what if everyone successful municipality “was trained, adjacent a little, to admit symptoms of affectional distress and intervene?”

This invites further questions. What astir radical who worth their affectional privateness capable to respect specified involution arsenic intrusive? Is it an unmitigated bully that “people study feeling much comfy asking somewhat nosy questions aft the training”? Is it respectful to stigmatize radical arsenic “stubborn” if they bash not attraction to bare their souls?

Felicia Nimue Ackerman
Providence, R.I.
The writer is simply a prof of doctrine astatine Brown University.

NEXT: Helping teenagers struggling with intelligence wellness issues.

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