Opinion | Predictive Analytics Can Boost Medical School Diversity - Medpage Today

1 year ago 38

There's presently a important deficiency of diverseness among U.S. physicians. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), only 5% of American physicians are African American, 5.8% are Hispanic, and conscionable 5% of aesculapian students' families are successful the lowest household income quintile. This deficiency of diversity, and its accompanying scarcity of taste competence, has been shown to make immense negative wellness outcomes among number and debased socioeconomic presumption (SES) patients.

While aesculapian schoolhouse admissions committees are the gatekeepers that tin make a much divers doc workforce, there's a structural impediment to specified affirmative change: these committees don't employment close information tools to assistance them admit the imaginable that racially divers and debased SES aesculapian students possess. And now, the close of aesculapian schools to usage a race-conscious approach to the admissions process is being threatened. However, predictive analytics that instrumentality into relationship a wide scope of factors -- adjacent if it is yet ruled that contention cannot beryllium considered -- tin play an important relation successful expanding aesculapian schoolhouse diversity.

At Ponce Health Sciences University (PHSU) -- the aesculapian schoolhouse wherever I americium president -- we devised a predictive exemplary that seeks to find whether there's a amended indicator of doc capableness among number and debased SES students than the MCAT, the trial presently utilized arsenic the main determinant successful the aesculapian schoolhouse admissions process.

The results frankincense acold person been revelatory: according to our PHSU predictive model, determination is simply a beardown affirmative narration that shows number and debased SES "pipeline" students volition people arsenic good arsenic connected the USMLE Step 1 aesculapian committee exams arsenic "direct" students from much advantaged backgrounds. The USMLE Step 1 exam is the superior screening instrumentality utilized by hospitals to prime applicants for residency interviews.

Below are 2 adjuvant definitions to unpack earlier I proceed my analysis:

  • A pipeline pupil is 1 who has entered PHSU aft earning a Master of Science successful Medical Science (MSMS) degree, which is simply a 1-year program offered astatine a wide scope of institutions, designed to assistance students who would similar to heighten their world credentials for introduction into medical, dental, doc assistant, veterinarian, oregon different nonrecreational healthcare programs. We see MSMS to beryllium a longitudinal show appraisal programme due to the fact that these students indispensable recognize and maestro MD-level curricula. Also, according to the Liaison Committee connected Medical Education (an accrediting assemblage for U.S. aesculapian schools), longitudinal show appraisal tin beryllium a amended measurement of a student's knowledge, skills, and abilities compared to a one-time standardized snapshot, specified arsenic the MCAT.
  • A nonstop pupil is 1 who has entered PHSU straight from an undergraduate program.

In our analysis, we recovered that our pipeline students -- particularly those from number and debased SES backgrounds who graduated from precocious schools that didn't person the resources to adequately hole them for the rigors of undergraduate academics -- person importantly little mean MCAT scores compared to our nonstop students. However, these students achieved the aforesaid people levels connected the USMLE Step 1 arsenic did nonstop students with precocious MCAT results.

We contend that a pipeline programme coupled with predictive analytics (which instrumentality into relationship factors specified arsenic MCAT score, undergraduate GPA, and first-generation status, among others) tin supply a caller metric -- predicted Step 1 pass/fail people -- for aesculapian schoolhouse admissions committees to see erstwhile evaluating applicants from a pipeline program. The caller metric wouldn't regenerate existing MD admissions processes; rather, it would beryllium supplemental and would lone use to applicants from pipeline programs.

This further metric could assistance admissions committees ascertain the world readiness of pipeline applicants with a reduced accent connected the MCAT. For example, if a pipeline pupil has demonstrated mastery of the MSMS program but has a anemic MCAT score, the longitudinal show appraisal (pipeline programme coupled with different predictive analytics) tin beryllium weighted higher than the one-time snapshot of cognition (MCAT).

It's wide understood that usage of the MCAT arsenic the pre-eminent aesculapian schoolhouse admissions information constituent affects nationalist rankings: the higher the accepted students' mean MCAT scores, the much prestigious the schoolhouse is regarded. However, this reliance connected a azygous information constituent undercuts advancement towards a much divers doc workforce.

According to an AAMC abstract by C.R. Lucey, MD, the enforcement vice dean astatine UCLA Medical School, San Francisco, and Aaron Saguil, MD, MPH, the subordinate dean astatine F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine and vice seat astatine AAMC's Medical College Admission Test Validity Committee, "...assigning excessively overmuch value to the highest MCAT scores successful admissions determination making makes it hard to physique aesculapian schoolhouse classes that are typical of diligent communities."

Two of the recommendations Lucey and Saguil connection to aesculapian schools to boost the diverseness of incoming cohorts are:

  • Increase the availability of pipeline programs for aspiring doctors from number and debased SES backgrounds.
  • Implement a much holistic enactment attack that reflects a wiser information of MCAT scores.

The conclusions of Lucey and Saguil would elevate the diverseness of aesculapian schoolhouse students -- and aboriginal doctors -- without compromising the world aptitude oregon nonrecreational preparedness of pupil cohorts. The summation of a predicted Step 1 pass/fail people to the aesculapian schoolhouse admissions criteria would further this effort. It would supply reliable information that pipeline students from divers and debased SES backgrounds tin not lone adequately grip the rigors of aesculapian school, they volition besides people arsenic good connected the USMLE exam and beryllium arsenic prepared for a infirmary residency arsenic nonstop students.

David Lenihan, PhD, JD, is the president of Ponce Health Sciences University, a aesculapian schoolhouse with campuses successful St. Louis, MO and Ponce, Puerto Rico. He is besides the CEO of Tiber Health, a exertion institution focused connected innovating aesculapian schoolhouse acquisition and helping to lick the planetary doc shortage.

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