Orlando Dream Center (St. Cloud) Turkey Trot and Harvest Fest -- Oct. 29 & 30 - Osceola News-Gazette

2 years ago 60


Registration is unfastened for the St. Cloud Dream Center's Turkey Troy Against Individuals successful Crisis 4K tally connected Oct. 29 astatine the Lakefront.  The lawsuit volition diagnostic food, music, crafts and games for the kids. Go to www.orlandodreamcenter.com to register.

Then, connected Oct. 30, travel to URCHURCH.LIfe at 2563 E. U.S. Highway 192 (just westbound of Osceola County Sheriff's Office) for Harvest Fest from 6-9 p.m. The assemblage lawsuit volition diagnostic unrecorded music, food, games, car big contests, FUN and more. Go to the website to registry to go a car host.

At the Orlando Dream Center, our Mission is to supply assistance to astatine hazard individuals and families to assistance determination them into self-sufficiency rebuilding stories 1 beingness astatine a time. We are a assets halfway with a nutrient pantry, babe and elder assistance, and younker improvement programs. For years, our enactment person held tiny groups and outreach services successful assorted locations with the intent of warring hunger, unite communities, and spreading emotion and hope. Each of our groups and partners are committed to conscionable physical, emotional, arsenic good arsenic spiritual needs.

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