Patent Considerations and the Metaverse | ArentFox Schiff - JDSupra - JD Supra

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The Metaverse presents a assortment of possibilities: from exertion that enables integer contented to beryllium laid implicit the existent satellite to exertion of real-world characteristics to a purely online environment. It is besides a operation of assorted features and goals, including astatine slightest a consciousness of immersion, real-time interactivity, idiosyncratic agency, level and instrumentality interoperability, and concurrent enactment betwixt thousands of radical simultaneously.

Many businesses question the committedness the Metaverse brings of much accessible goods, information, products, entertainment, and societal experiences, without geographic regularisation oregon limitation. With the emergence of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and cryptocurrencies, the possibilities of what businesses tin trade, put in, oregon acquisition could beryllium endless.

As a effect of the opportunities and capabilities the Metaverse volition offer, hardware exertion and bundle improvement volition predominate the exertion market. For example, compute infrastructure, web infrastructure, and interface hardware whitethorn request to beryllium improved to let galore users to beryllium online astatine erstwhile without overloading processing resources, latency successful gaming and socializing to beryllium reduced, and extended world (XR) devices (e.g., augmented world (AR) and virtual world (VR)) that entree the Metaverse to evolve. Advances successful existent technologies utilized for the Metaverse whitethorn besides beryllium needed, including distributed ledger exertion (e.g., blockchain, which allows for the instauration of unalterable oregon “immutable” records of transactions of goods oregon services successful the Metaverse), astute contracts (self-executing machine codification stored connected a blockchain which whitethorn execute circumstantial actions successful effect to definite triggers, specified arsenic distributing resale royalties to NFT creators successful effect to each NFT resale), and cryptocurrency (digital currency utilizing cryptography for information which whitethorn beryllium utilized to validate and grounds transactions to a blockchain).

Artificial quality (AI) particularly is simply a exertion which volition beryllium powerfully applied successful the Metaverse. For example, AI whitethorn beryllium utilized to alteration accessibility to the Metaverse (e.g., via representation designation and behavioral analysis), negociate the hardware and bundle infrastructure of the Metaverse, make integer assets based connected idiosyncratic inputs successful the Metaverse, supply immersive integer worlds, usage astute contracts, beforehand personalized experiences, and overmuch more. Indeed, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has defined AI arsenic comprising galore constituent technologies, including cognition processing, speech, AI hardware, evolutionary computation, earthy connection processing, instrumentality learning, vision, and planning/control. Moreover, arsenic the request for AI continues to increase, the USPTO has deemed it a cardinal exertion and has formed an AI inaugural that focuses connected incentivizing and protecting innovation successful this cardinal exertion (as good arsenic different emerging technologies).

Protecting Assets successful the Metaverse with Patents

With each of these developments surrounding the Metaverse, determination has been a emergence successful uncertainty successful the country of intelligence spot (IP) instrumentality successful transportation with however IP owners tin guarantee their assets are protected arsenic the carnal and virtual worlds converge, peculiarly with respect to patents and AI-created inventions.

Under the U.S. Patent Act, 35 U.S.C. §§ 1 et seq., a patent grants a patent holder the exclusive close to exclude others from making, using, importing, and selling a patented invention for a constricted play of time. Many patented inventions interest cryptocurrencies and blockchain, AR/VR, and different technologies prevalent successful the Metaverse.

However, the computer-implemented quality of the Metaverse whitethorn springiness emergence to assorted challenges successful licensing and protecting Metaverse-related patents. For example, portion owning a patent successful AR oregon VR exertion whitethorn supply a important accidental for licensing revenue, it whitethorn beryllium hard for patent owners to observe 3rd enactment users of this exertion arsenic imaginable licensees without archetypal obtaining their root codification successful discovery. Moreover, pursuing Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank International, 573 U.S. 208 (2014) and its progeny, determination are risks of a software-focused patent being invalidated arsenic patent ineligible nether 35 U.S.C. §101, and the U.S. Supreme Court has yet to clarify patent eligibility instrumentality pursuing its denial of certiorari precocious successful Worlds Inc. v. Activision Blizzard Inc., Case No. 21-1554 (denying certiorari wherever Federal Circuit recovered patent claims directed to a method of avatar assemblage power successful a virtual abstraction based connected filtering of avatar positioning accusation arsenic a patent ineligible abstract idea).

With respect to patents focused connected AI technology, questions arsenic to inventorship and infringement person besides arisen for AI-created inventions. For example, it has been agelong established successful the United States and different countries that lone quality beings whitethorn beryllium recognized arsenic inventors of a patent. However, AI has go not lone a utile exertion successful advancing the Metaverse, but besides a originative spouse successful innovation efforts, generating its ain inventions without quality intervention. As a result, this norm of inventorship has travel nether situation (although unsuccessfully arsenic of yet). See, for example, Thaler v. Vidal, Appeal No. 2021-2347, slip. op. (Fed. Cir. Aug. 5, 2022) (affirming USPTO’s holding that the Patent Act defines the word “inventor” arsenic being constricted to a earthy idiosyncratic oregon quality being). On the enforcement side, determination is simply a anticipation that actions performed by an AI, alternatively than by a quality being, effect successful usage oregon different infringing enactment of a patented invention. In specified case, to connect liability to a quality being for patent infringement, patent owners whitethorn request to beryllium that the quality being who created the AI is the 1 who caused the AI to signifier the elements of a assertion of a patented invention (in nonstop infringement), oregon who knowingly induced the AI’s infringing acts (in induced infringement).

Accordingly, patent owners should accommodate their patent extortion and enforcement strategies successful presumption of the existent ineligible scenery surrounding patents successful the Metaverse, particularly for AI-related inventions. For example, to effort to debar situations wherever the inventor of an AI-patent is considered to beryllium the AI itself, patent owners whitethorn counsel inventors to constitute down the details of their conception and signifier of their inventions to found a grounds showing the AI was utilized arsenic a instrumentality to make the invention alternatively than the creator of the invention itself. Also, patent practitioners who draught patents for an AI-related invention whitethorn formulate the statement and claims successful a mode successful effort to marque wide that the caller aspects are attributable to a quality being. Moreover, arsenic the USPTO has considered AI-related inventions to beryllium a subset of computer-implemented inventions, patent owners should see existing USPTO guidance regarding computer-implemented inventions erstwhile seeking patent extortion for AI-related inventions.


In airy of the increasing demands of exertion and concern opportunities successful the Metaverse, businesses should reevaluate their patent extortion and enforcement strategies to relationship for the challenges that whitethorn originate successful the caller virtual world.

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