Periodic Table 2021. Chemistry

1 year ago 51

The champion Mendeleev's periodic array connected Google Play. A caller mode to larn chemistry.

Chemistry is the subject of substances, their properties, operation and transformations that effect from chemic reactions, arsenic good arsenic the laws that govern these transformations.

All substances are composed of atoms, which are susceptible of forming molecules owed to their chemic bonds. Chemistry chiefly deals with these interactions astatine the atomic-molecular level, that is, astatine the level of chemic elements and their compounds.

The periodic strategy of chemic elements (Mendeleev's periodic table) is simply a classification of chemic elements that establishes the dependence of assorted properties of elements connected the complaint of the atomic nucleus. The strategy is simply a graphic practice of the periodic instrumentality established by the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev successful 1869. Its archetypal mentation was developed by Dmitri Mendeleev successful 1869-1871 and established that the properties of elements depended connected their atomic mass.

Mendeleev’s periodic array is an interactive exertion that volition assistance you plunge into the fascinating satellite of chemistry and find retired however the satellite astir you works. The periodic array successful your smartphone that is ever with you successful your pouch volition assistance you rapidly larn each the indispensable accusation astir the chemic elements and usage it successful an exam, successful a laboratory, oregon conscionable successful a chemistry lesson. The periodic array is suitable for some schoolchildren who are conscionable starting to survey chemistry, and students of chemic departments oregon specialists successful the chemic industry.

Our periodic array has a long-period form, which has been adopted worldwide by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) arsenic the main one. In this form, the array consists of 18 groups and presently presents 118 chemic elements.

Elements are divided into 10 categories:

• Non-metals
• Noble gases (Inert gases)
• Alkali metals
• Alkaline world metals
• Metalloids (Semimetals)
• Halogens
• Post-transition metals
• Transition metals
• Lanthanides (Lanthanoids)
• Actinides (Actinoids)

Our array contains a immense magnitude of accusation astir each chemic constituent and presents atomic, thermodynamic, electromagnetic, atomic properties, worldly properties and reactivity for each element. Besides, an animated diagram of physics shells is displayed for each element. The exertion has a convenient hunt instrumentality that helps you rapidly find a peculiar constituent by symbol, sanction oregon atomic number.

In summation to each of the above, the paid bundle contains specified absorbing things as:

1. A photograph of an constituent that shows what a peculiar chemic constituent looks similar successful world oregon successful laboratory conditions.

2. A database of isotopes of elements and their respective properties. An isotope is an atom of a chemic constituent that differs from different atom of the aforesaid constituent by its atomic weight.

3. The solubility array of salts, acids and bases, which is indispensable for studying chemistry, particularly astatine school. Solubility is the quality of a substance to signifier homogeneous systems with different substances - solutions successful which the substance stays successful the signifier of idiosyncratic atoms, ions, molecules oregon particles. The solubility array is utilized to verify the absorption conditions. Since the enactment of a precipitate (irreversibility of the reaction) is 1 of the prerequisites of the reaction, the solubility array volition assistance you cheque whether a precipitate is formed and thereby find whether the absorption occurs oregon not.

4. A molar calculator, which volition assistance successful calculating the molar wide of a chemic compound that consists of a acceptable of chemic elements.

5. No ads

6. 4x zoom array view

Discover the fascinating and mysterious satellite of chemistry by means of our application, and you volition larn galore absorbing answers to the questions that you whitethorn person portion studying specified an absorbing subject arsenic chemistry.

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