Placer County shifting universal public benefits system, - Roseville Today

2 years ago 59

Local News

System for food, healthcare, employment assistance

Auburn, Calif. – On October 31, Placer volition articulation dozens of different California counties successful transitioning to a new, easy-to-use cosmopolitan nationalist benefits system. With this change, the existent MyBenefits CalWIN (MyBCW) nationalist portal volition alteration to a caller website:

This volition beryllium a caller elemental mode for assemblage members to use for, presumption and renew benefits for wellness coverage, nutrient and currency assistance. BenefitsCal volition marque it easier than ever to use for benefits online, upload documents, study changes and renew benefits. The modulation from MyBCW to BenefitsCal volition not interaction clients’ existent benefits, but they volition request to make a caller relationship to usage BenefitsCal aft Oct. 31.

“We are precise excited for the improvements and besides inquire for a spot of patience during this transition. In the extremity we look guardant to a much seamless acquisition for our customers.”

Greg Geisler, Human Services director

Supported Program Applications

The BenefitsCal website volition enactment applications for CalFresh, Medi-Cal/County Medical Services Program, CalWORKs, General Relief, Disaster CalFresh and the Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants.

To accommodate the transition, the Human Services telephone halfway and offices successful Rocklin, Auburn and Tahoe volition beryllium closed aft 12 p.m. connected Oct. 26 and each time connected Oct. 28. There volition besides beryllium 2 weeks of modified hours erstwhile the offices and telephone halfway reopen connected Oct. 31 with details disposable connected the Human Services website.

Wait times whitethorn beryllium impacted during the modulation arsenic unit set and lawsuit questions increase. Customers who whitethorn person started an exertion successful the aged strategy should program to decorativeness by Oct. 26, oregon volition request to statesman a caller exertion aft creating an relationship successful BenefitsCal starting Oct. 31.


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