Image source, urbazon
Long-promised plans to halt landlords successful England evicting tenants without giving a crushed could beryllium scrapped.
A prohibition connected no-fault evictions was owed to go instrumentality adjacent twelvemonth aft being promised by Boris Johnson astatine the 2019 wide election.
But the authorities present says "no decisions person been made" astir it.
Ministers are besides considering relaxing rules connected however galore affordable homes indispensable beryllium included successful caller developments, which they accidental volition boost housebuilding.
The authorities says it remains committed to ensuring renters get a "fair deal" - but lodging charities and absorption parties person accused them of betrayal.
"No-fault evictions mean that families tin look the disruption and upheaval of moving location and often schools with conscionable 2 months' notice," said run radical Generation Rent.
It besides means that "unscrupulous landlords tin bully tenants into accepting shoddy conditions oregon unaffordable rent increases," it added.
Osama Bhutta, manager of campaigns astatine Shelter, said deciding not to prohibition no-fault evictions "will determination substance connected the lodging exigency and marque thousands homeless".
"The authorities indispensable alteration its mind, it tin bash it present oregon bash it aft grasping the choler of millions of people," helium added.
'Boost growth'
Banning Section 21 no-fault evictions was included successful the 2019 Conservative predetermination manifesto and was owed to go instrumentality adjacent year, arsenic portion of a "new deal" for backstage tenants.
Announcing the authorities successful May, the past Levelling-Up Secretary Michael Gove said: "Too galore renters are surviving successful damp, unsafe and acold homes, powerless to enactment it right, and nether the menace of abrupt eviction."
But Mr Gove's successor Simon Clarke is considering scrapping the prohibition connected no-fault evictions arsenic portion of a reappraisal of policies that bash not "boost growth", according to The Times.
Mr Clarke is besides considering relaxing rules connected affordable housing.
Under existent readying rules, developers indispensable see affordable homes successful immoderate strategy of much than 10 homes. Mr Clarke reportedly wants to summation this threshold to 40 oregon 50 to boost housebuilding.
'Break promise'
"The authorities is committed to exploring policies that physique the homes radical need, present caller jobs, enactment economical improvement and boost section economies," a authorities spokesperson said.
But Labour's shadiness levelling-up caput Lisa Nandy said relaxing affordable homes targets "beggars belief" - and she urged the authorities to instrumentality to its committedness connected no-fault evictions.
"Millions of radical are lone a fewer weeks from losing their location done nary responsibility of their own.
"The Tories promised to halt this successful their predetermination manifesto and the Queen's Speech. It would beryllium shameful to interruption this promise."
Asked whether Liz Truss thought it was close to scrap no-fault evictions, the premier minister's spokesperson said: "No decisions person been made."
The spokesperson added: "This is thing the caput of authorities is considering successful presumption of however to amended the rental market.
"Clearly, ensuring a just woody for renters volition ever stay a precedence for this government."
Ben Beadle, main enforcement of the National Residential Landlords Association, said that immoderate the authorities decided to do, a "wide scope of reforms are desperately needed to enactment the sector".