Image source, James Brown
The craft crashed into the oversea disconnected Porthcawl, Bridgend
By Jared Evitts & Eben Leonard
BBC News
An craft has crashed into the oversea disconnected the southbound Wales coast.
HM Coastguard was called retired connected Tuesday greeting aft reports of a airy craft going into the oversea astatine Porthcawl, Bridgend.
It said the alarm was raised astatine astir 09:20 BST arsenic the aviator was making his mode connected to adust land.
One idiosyncratic has been taken to infirmary for further treatment, the Welsh Ambulance Service said.
Resident Margaret Kendrick said she looked retired of her model to spot the upside-down aircraft.
Image source, Wales News Service
Image caption,The craft crashed into the oversea disconnected Porthcawl
"He was precise fortunate wherever it landed, I walked retired of my location and saw a reddish shape," she said.
"Somebody not acold distant saw it coming down, each of a abrupt the level was quiescent and the motor went off."
Image source, Lynne Davies
Image caption,The coastguard said the aviator made his mode to adust onshore aft the crash
"There's RNLI boats, the constabulary and a chopper determination - the tide is coming successful now," said Ms Kendrick.
"The aviator walked distant apparently, helium was truthful adjacent to the rocks - I thought I was seeing things."
James Brown, 75, saw the level clang portion walking connected adjacent Lock's Common.
The retired religion curate said helium heard the aircraft's motor "stutter" earlier the level "swooped" into the water.
Image source, Lynne Davies
Image caption,Onlookers said the clang was a "near miss" from the adjacent rocks
He told the PA quality agency: "As I was observing the bay I could perceive a reasonably debased sound of a level and arsenic I looked to the Swansea absorption I saw a airy aircraft.
"It was a agleam reddish colour, precise visual, and it passed maine close by connected the borderline of the rocks.
"Then 3 oregon 4 seconds aboriginal I heard the motor statesman to splutter and stutter. As I watched it, the motor died wholly and past precise rapidly it conscionable swooped close down into the water.
"I couldn't spot the nonstop infinitesimal of the crash, but I walked implicit and could spot it had upended, with the chemoreceptor successful the h2o and the process sticking up successful the air."
Mr Brown described the incidental arsenic "a precise adjacent miss" and said if the aviator had landed connected adjacent rocks, it "would person been a precise antithetic outcome".
Image source, RNLI/Chris Page
Image caption,Emergency services attended the country aft being called soon earlier 09:30
Chris Page, from the RNLI, said the squad were "incredibly relieved" to get connected country to find the aviator was capable to beryllium safely recovered.
The Air Accidents Investigation Branch said it was alert of the incidental and was investigating.