Racial and Ethnic Differences in Bystander CPR for Witnessed Cardiac Arrest | NEJM - nejm.org

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Differences successful the incidence of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) provided by bystanders lend to endurance disparities among persons with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. It is captious to recognize whether the incidence of bystander CPR successful witnessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrests astatine location and successful nationalist settings differs according to the contention oregon taste radical of the idiosyncratic with cardiac apprehension successful bid to pass interventions.


Within a ample U.S. registry, we identified 110,054 witnessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrests during the play from 2013 done 2019. We utilized a hierarchical logistic regression exemplary to analyse the incidence of bystander CPR successful Black oregon Hispanic persons arsenic compared with White persons with witnessed cardiac arrests astatine location and successful nationalist locations. We analyzed the wide incidence arsenic good arsenic the incidence according to vicinity radical oregon taste constitution and income strata. Neighborhoods were classified arsenic predominantly White (>80% of residents), bulk Black oregon Hispanic (>50% of residents), oregon integrated, and arsenic precocious income (an yearly median household income of >$80,000), mediate income ($40,000–$80,000), oregon debased income (<$40,000).


Overall, 35,469 of the witnessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (32.2%) occurred successful Black oregon Hispanic persons. Black and Hispanic persons were little apt to person bystander CPR astatine location (38.5%) than White persons (47.4%) (adjusted likelihood ratio, 0.74; 95% assurance interval [CI], 0.72 to 0.76) and little apt to person bystander CPR successful nationalist locations than White persons (45.6% vs. 60.0%) (adjusted likelihood ratio, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.60 to 0.66). The incidence of bystander CPR among Black and Hispanic persons was little than that among White persons not lone successful predominantly White neighborhoods astatine location (adjusted likelihood ratio, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.74 to 0.90) and successful nationalist locations (adjusted likelihood ratio, 0.68; 95% CI, 0.60 to 0.75) but besides successful bulk Black oregon Hispanic neighborhoods astatine location (adjusted likelihood ratio, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.75 to 0.83) and successful nationalist locations (adjusted likelihood ratio, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.59 to 0.68) and successful integrated neighborhoods astatine location (adjusted likelihood ratio, 0.78; 95% CI, 0.74 to 0.81) and successful nationalist locations (adjusted likelihood ratio, 0.73; 95% CI, 0.68 to 0.77). Similarly, crossed each vicinity income strata, the frequence of bystander CPR astatine location and successful nationalist locations was little among Black and Hispanic persons with out-of-hospital cardiac apprehension than among White persons.


In witnessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, Black and Hispanic persons were little apt than White persons to person perchance lifesaving bystander CPR astatine location and successful nationalist locations, careless of the radical oregon taste constitution oregon income level of the vicinity wherever the cardiac apprehension occurred. (Funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.)


Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) performed by bystanders increases the likelihood of endurance for persons with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest1-5 and is simply a captious nexus successful the concatenation of survival.6 However, astir persons with cardiac apprehension bash not person bystander CPR contempt the imaginable that it whitethorn amended endurance and bounds anoxic encephalon injury.7

Racial and taste disparities successful endurance for out-of-hospital cardiac apprehension person been reported8-11 and are due, successful part, to little incidence of bystander CPR successful communities with populations that are mostly Black oregon Hispanic.9,12 However, erstwhile reports connected the differences successful bystander CPR according to contention and taste radical person not restricted analyses to witnessed arrests, successful which layperson responses are the astir effective. In addition, these studies person mostly focused connected differences betwixt neighborhoods successful the incidence of bystander CPR, nether the presumption that CPR grooming and dispatcher-assisted CPR programs are amended successful White communities. What has not been quantified is the quality betwixt Black oregon Hispanic and White populations erstwhile the incidence of bystander CPR is examined according to the radical oregon taste constitution and income creation of the vicinity successful which the cardiac apprehension occurred. Moreover, it is chartless whether differences beryllium lone with respect to cardiac arrests that hap astatine home, wherever relatives and friends are astir apt to initiate CPR, oregon besides successful cardiac arrests that hap successful nationalist locations, wherever determination whitethorn beryllium much imaginable bystanders. Understanding the magnitude of radical and taste differences successful bystander CPR according to the determination of the apprehension could usher policies to amended the incidence of this perchance lifesaving intervention.

We hypothesized that Black and Hispanic persons with out-of-hospital cardiac apprehension would beryllium little apt to person bystander CPR astatine home, fixed the little incidence of CPR grooming successful their communities,13 and that this attraction quality would beryllium smaller for cardiac arrests that occurred successful nationalist locations, wherever determination astir apt would beryllium much bystanders who could initiate CPR. To code these cognition gaps, we leveraged information from a ample nationalist registry to quantify radical and taste differences successful layperson-initiated bystander CPR for witnessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrests astatine location and successful nationalist locations, stratified according to the radical oregon taste and income creation of the vicinity wherever the apprehension occurred. Collectively, survey insights could pass efforts to trim radical and taste differences successful resuscitation effect and endurance from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.


Data Source

The Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival (CARES) is simply a prospective, multicenter registry of persons who person had an out-of-hospital cardiac apprehension successful the United States, with a existent catchment country that includes astir 167 cardinal residents, which represents 51% of the U.S. population. The registry was established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Emory University, and has been antecedently described14,15 (details are provided successful the Supplementary Appendix, disposable with the afloat substance of this nonfiction astatine NEJM.org). The registry includes each persons with a nontraumatic (i.e., not caused by a trauma) out-of-hospital cardiac apprehension for whom resuscitation was attempted and who were identified by exigency aesculapian work (EMS) agencies. Standardized planetary Utstein definitions for reporting objective variables and outcomes associated with cardiac apprehension were utilized to guarantee the uniformity of the information included successful the registry.16 The survey was approved by the organization reappraisal committee of Saint Luke’s Hospital, which waived the request for informed consent due to the fact that the survey progressive deidentified data. The fifth, sixth, and past authors vouch for the accuracy and completeness of the information successful this report; writer contributions are listed successful the Supplementary Appendix.

Study Population

Between January 1, 2013, and December 31, 2019, we identified 460,827 persons with a nontraumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. We were funny successful adults with witnessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, truthful we excluded 222,795 unwitnessed arrests and 12,739 pediatric arrests (Fig. S1 successful the Supplementary Appendix). Also excluded were 56,272 persons whose arrests were witnessed by EMS unit (i.e., determination was nary accidental for a layperson bystander to supply CPR) and 22,899 persons with arrests that occurred astatine a nursing location oregon wellness attraction installation (since these locations had on-site wellness attraction professionals). In addition, we excluded 30,559 cardiac arrests successful persons with chartless oregon missing accusation connected contention oregon taste radical and 4590 arrests that occurred successful persons of different races (4018 Asians and 572 Native Americans oregon Alaska Natives) successful bid to absorption the examination connected the differences successful out-of-hospital cardiac apprehension betwixt Black oregon Hispanic persons and White persons. We further excluded 47 arrests successful which determination was missing accusation connected bystander CPR and 872 arrests that were not linked to census-tract data. Our last survey cohort consisted of 110,054 witnessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrests that were reported by 1614 EMS agencies.

Study Outcomes

The superior result was the initiation of bystander CPR, defined arsenic CPR initiated by immoderate layperson (family member, aesculapian provider, oregon different person) who was not a 911 responder (fire, police, oregon EMS employee). The autarkic adaptable was contention oregon taste radical (Black oregon Hispanic vs. non-Hispanic White). For cases included successful CARES, contention and taste radical are reported by persons who had a cardiac apprehension oregon their household members, whenever possible, oregon are reported by EMS unit erstwhile the idiosyncratic dies during resuscitation and nary household subordinate oregon acquaintance is disposable to supply contention oregon ethnic-group information.

We analyzed the incidence of bystander CPR according to the contention oregon taste radical of persons who had out-of-hospital cardiac arrests that occurred astatine location and successful nationalist locations. Analyses were further stratified according to the radical oregon taste constitution and the income creation of the vicinity successful which the apprehension occurred. The code of each out-of-hospital cardiac apprehension that was included successful CARES was geocoded to a U.S. census tract. Census tracts were utilized arsenic proxies for neighborhoods due to the fact that they typically correspond economically and socially homogeneous groups of astir 1200 to 8000 residents.17 Neighborhood-level accusation connected radical and taste constitution and income were linked to each geocoded code with information from the 2019 American Community Survey.18 Using antecedently gathered information regarding the organisation of the radical creation of census tracts included successful CARES,19 we categorized neighborhoods arsenic predominantly White (>80% White), bulk Black oregon Hispanic (>50% Black oregon Hispanic), oregon integrated. Integrated neighborhoods were those that did not conscionable the criteria for a predominantly White oregon bulk Black oregon Hispanic neighborhood. Neighborhoods were besides classified arsenic high-income (median yearly household income, >$80,000), middle-income ($40,000 to $80,000), oregon low-income (<$40,000).

Statistical Analysis

Owing to the ample illustration size, characteristics of Black oregon Hispanic persons and White persons astatine baseline were compared with the usage of standardized differences, successful which a standardized implicit quality of much than 10 percent points was considered clinically meaningful.20

To measure for radical and taste differences successful the incidence of bystander CPR, multivariable hierarchical logistic regression models were constructed separately for out-of-hospital cardiac arrests that occurred astatine location and those that occurred successful nationalist locations. Besides contention and taste group, these models adjusted for the property and enactment of the idiosyncratic who had a cardiac arrest, the calendar twelvemonth of arrest, the origin of the apprehension (presumed cardiac, respiratory, oregon other), and urbanicity (according to U.S. census urban–rural tract classification: urbanized [≥50,000 residents], municipality clump [nonurbanized areas, ≥2500 residents]; oregon agrarian [<2500 residents])21 arsenic fixed effects. Because an EMS bureau mightiness person worked successful much than 1 census tract, each operation of EMS bureau and census tract was modeled arsenic a unsocial random effect to relationship for clustering of diligent outcomes wrong the site. In each models, the effect of contention was categorized according to between-cluster and within-cluster effects, with the second representing the relation betwixt the contention oregon taste radical of a idiosyncratic who had an apprehension and the likelihood of bystander CPR wrong an idiosyncratic neighborhood.

To analyse whether radical and taste differences successful bystander CPR were explained by vicinity factors, we repeated the supra analyses of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests that occurred astatine location and successful nationalist locations for each vicinity radical oregon ethnic-group designation and each income strata. In addition, we examined the fig of Black oregon Hispanic persons arsenic compared with the fig of White persons for endurance to infirmary discharge and for favorable neurologic endurance (survival with a discharge Cerebral Performance Category people of 1 oregon 2 retired of 5, successful which 1 denotes no-to-mild neurological disablement and 2 denotes mean disability) aft an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. The analyses for endurance to infirmary discharge and favorable neurologic endurance initially were adjusted for the aforesaid variables that were utilized for the result of bystander CPR. The analyses were further adjusted for the beingness oregon lack of bystander CPR and the cardiac-arrest bushed that was initially detected (since this adaptable whitethorn beryllium influenced by receipt of bystander CPR). To relationship for imaginable bias owing to missing information regarding contention oregon taste group, we utilized inverse probability weighting to make each exemplary estimates.

Finally, we evaluated whether radical oregon taste differences successful bystander CPR were contiguous successful antithetic nationalist locations (i.e., workplace settings [commercial oregon concern building], thoroughfare oregon highway, recreational facility, nationalist proscription halfway [e.g., airdrome oregon autobus terminal], oregon other), since the fig of imaginable bystanders and their familiarity with the idiosyncratic having an out-of-hospital cardiac apprehension would disagree according to the location. We constructed a hierarchical exemplary for arrests successful a nationalist determination and adjusted for the property and enactment of the idiosyncratic who had the arrest, calendar year, the contention oregon taste radical of the person, the origin of the apprehension (i.e., cardiac, respiratory, other), urbanicity, nationalist determination category, vicinity radical and taste makeup, and vicinity income.

Because we did not prespecify that determination would beryllium correction for multiplicity erstwhile conducting tests, results are reported arsenic constituent estimates and 95% assurance intervals. The widths of the assurance intervals person not been adjusted for multiplicity, truthful the intervals should not beryllium utilized to infer definitive associations. All analyses were performed with SAS software, mentation 9.4 (SAS Institute).


Persons with Cardiac Arrest

Table 1. Table 1. Characteristics of Persons with Witnessed Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest astatine Baseline.

Of 110,054 witnessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrests, 35,469 (32.2%) occurred successful Black (27,205 [24.7%]) oregon Hispanic (8264 [7.5%]) persons, percentages that were typical of the U.S. colonisation (Table S1). Among persons who were excluded, a full of 3961 Asians and 30,244 persons whose contention and taste radical were chartless would person different met survey criteria. Black and Hispanic persons with cardiac apprehension were younger (mean age, 61.4 years) than White persons (mean age, 65.2 years), were much often women, were much apt to reside successful an urbanized area, and were much apt to person an apprehension successful a low-income and Black oregon Hispanic vicinity (Table 1). The incidence of at-home versus nationalist out-of-hospital cardiac apprehension and the causes of the arrests were akin among Black oregon Hispanic persons and White persons (Table S2).


Table 2. Table 2. Bystander CPR successful Persons with a Witnessed Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Figure 1. Figure 1. Temporal Trends successful Bystander CPR for Persons with Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest, 2013 done 2019.

Annual trends are shown for witnessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrests that occurred astatine location (Panel A) and successful nationalist locations (Panel B) successful Black oregon Hispanic persons and White persons.

Overall, 84,296 (76.6%) of the full cardiac arrests occurred astatine location and 25,758 (23.4%) occurred successful nationalist locations. Black and Hispanic persons were little apt than White persons to person bystander CPR astatine location (38.5% vs. 47.4%; adjusted likelihood ratio, 0.74; 95% assurance interval [CI], 0.72 to 0.76) and successful nationalist locations (45.6% vs. 60.0%; adjusted likelihood ratio, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.60 to 0.66) (Table 2, Figure 1, and Table S3). After stratification according to vicinity radical and taste makeup, the incidence of bystander CPR was little for Black and Hispanic persons successful predominantly White neighborhoods erstwhile the cardiac apprehension occurred astatine location (43.8% vs. 49.1%; adjusted likelihood ratio, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.74 to 0.90) oregon successful nationalist locations (50.7% vs. 61.8%; adjusted likelihood ratio, 0.68; 95% CI, 0.60 to 0.75); successful neighborhoods with bulk Black oregon Hispanic populations erstwhile the cardiac apprehension occurred astatine location (37.3% vs. 43.4%; adjusted likelihood ratio, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.75 to 0.83) oregon successful nationalist locations (41.7% vs. 55.7%; adjusted likelihood ratio, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.59 to 0.68); and successful integrated neighborhoods erstwhile the cardiac apprehension occurred astatine location (40.9% vs. 47.1%; adjusted likelihood ratio, 0.78; 95% CI, 0.74 to 0.81) oregon successful nationalist locations (50.4% vs. 60.3%; adjusted likelihood ratio, 0.73; 95% CI, 0.68 to 0.77).

A akin signifier was recovered erstwhile out-of-hospital cardiac arrests that occurred astatine location and those that occurred successful nationalist locations were analyzed according to vicinity income. Results were akin erstwhile abstracted analyses were conducted for Black and Hispanic persons arsenic compared with White persons (Tables S4 and S5); erstwhile Black and Hispanic neighborhoods were redefined arsenic those composed of much than 80% Black oregon Hispanic residents (Table S6); and erstwhile the analyses were performed successful a colonisation of persons with unwitnessed arrests, who were excluded from the survey cohort (Table S7). The incidence of bystander CPR performed among Asian persons who were excluded from the survey arsenic compared with White persons is reported successful Table S8.

Table 3. Table 3. Survival Outcomes for Persons with a Witnessed Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest.

Black and Hispanic persons had little incidence of endurance to discharge and favorable neurologic discharge than White persons, some for cardiac arrests astatine location and successful nationalist locations (Table 3 and Tables S9 and S10). Differences according to contention and taste radical successful endurance outcomes were attenuated with further accommodation for receipt of bystander CPR and archetypal cardiac-arrest bushed (categorized arsenic shockable oregon nonshockable).

Table 4. Table 4. Bystander CPR Among Persons with Witnessed Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest successful a Public Location.

Finally, we examined the incidence of bystander CPR according to nationalist determination type. Black and Hispanic persons were little apt than White persons to person bystander CPR successful each nationalist determination category, including successful workplace settings (53.2% vs. 61.8%; adjusted likelihood ratio, 0.73; 95% CI, 0.70 to 0.77), recreational facilities (55.8% vs. 74.4%; adjusted likelihood ratio, 0.50; 95% CI, 0.43 to 0.56), and nationalist proscription centers (48.3% vs. 69.6%; adjusted likelihood ratio, 0.46; 95% CI, 0.37 to 0.57) (Table 4).


Black and Hispanic persons typically person worse endurance aft out-of-hospital cardiac apprehension than White persons, but the reasons for this uncovering are not clear. Using a nationalist U.S. registry, we recovered ample radical and taste differences successful the incidence of bystander CPR for witnessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. The comparative likelihood of receiving bystander CPR astatine location was 26% little for Black and Hispanic persons than for White persons, and the likelihood of bystander CPR for arrests successful nationalist locations was 37% little for Black and Hispanic persons than for White persons. These differences were contiguous crossed neighborhoods; accounting for differences successful the incidence of bystander CPR attenuated the radical and taste differences successful cardiac apprehension survival. Our findings suggest that multifaceted nationalist wellness interventions that spell beyond CPR grooming whitethorn beryllium needed to trim radical and taste differences successful bystander CPR.

Previous studies person shown that Black and Hispanic persons are little apt than White persons to person bystander CPR aft out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.9,10 Our analyses grow connected earlier findings successful respective ways. First, we restricted analyses to witnessed arrests, erstwhile bystander CPR is astir apt to hap and beryllium beneficial. Second, we examined radical and taste differences successful bystander CPR according to the vicinity successful which the arrests occurred. Although respective studies person evaluated the relation betwixt vicinity factors and attraction for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest,9,12,22 we quantified individual-level differences successful bystander CPR attraction according to radical and taste strata and income strata successful the neighborhood. Third, we analyzed for radical and taste differences successful bystander CPR successful nationalist locations to amended recognize whether differences were confined to arrests that occurred astatine home. Finally, for out-of-hospital cardiac arrests that occurred successful nationalist locations, we recovered that radical and taste differences successful bystander CPR were contiguous adjacent astatine locations with perchance the largest fig of layperson responders — recreational facilities and nationalist proscription centers.

Several factors could explicate the little incidence of bystander CPR among Black and Hispanic persons arsenic compared with White persons successful arrests that occurred astatine home. CPR grooming is little commonly conducted successful Black and Hispanic communities,13 and dispatcher-assisted bystander CPR whitethorn not beryllium arsenic readily available.23 These differences betwixt neighborhoods whitethorn beryllium the effect of structural racism that has led to unequal investments successful CPR grooming and assemblage infrastructure. Additional barriers, specified arsenic the outgo of CPR training, quality successful languages spoken by dispatchers and persons successful the communities, concerns astir migration status, and deficiency of spot successful institutions (e.g., police),24 could lend to the little within-neighborhood incidence of bystander CPR successful out-of-hospital cardiac arrests astatine location among Black and Hispanic persons than among White persons.

Racial and taste differences successful bystander CPR successful nationalist locations rise further concerns astir implicit and explicit biases successful layperson effect to out-of-hospital cardiac arrests. In opposition to a location location, bystanders whitethorn not cognize the idiosyncratic who has a cardiac apprehension successful a nationalist location. Implicit bias stemming from nationalist information concerns whitethorn deter bystander effect for a Black oregon Hispanic idiosyncratic having a cardiac apprehension arsenic compared with a White person. If present, this bias was not confined to predominantly White communities; we recovered radical and taste differences successful the incidence of bystander CPR successful Black and Hispanic communities and successful low-income communities. Police and wellness attraction unit person been shown to harbor bias successful their views and attraction of Black and Hispanic persons,25-30 and these biases whitethorn besides beryllium held by Black persons.31 In addition, explicit bias whitethorn lend to differences successful bystander CPR for cardiac arrests that hap successful nationalist locations, particularly those that hap astatine recreational facilities and nationalist proscription centers (e.g., airports and autobus terminals), wherever bystanders were astir apt strangers.

Our findings suggest that efforts to trim radical and taste differences successful the incidence of bystander CPR for out-of-hospital cardiac apprehension volition necessitate a multifaceted approach. First, determination is simply a captious request to connection low-cost oregon no-cost CPR grooming successful Black and Hispanic communities, peculiarly successful convenient settings specified arsenic Black churches and Hispanic assemblage centers. Second, the usage of linguistically due and culturally delicate CPR grooming is indispensable to efficaciously scope divers communities. Third, prioritizing backing for dispatcher-assisted CPR (including successful Spanish and African languages) successful bulk Black and Hispanic neighborhoods and low-income neighborhoods tin summation the incidence of bystander CPR successful those susceptible communities. Fourth, engaging assemblage leaders is captious to code delays successful the activation of 911 calls and issues of residents’ spot successful institutions of authority. In addition, it is chartless whether revamping of CPR grooming materials (e.g., mannikins and videos) to represent persons with cardiac apprehension and bystanders arsenic a diverse, multicultural colonisation would beryllium effectual successful addressing imaginable bias successful layperson response, but the contented merits study.

Our survey has immoderate limitations. First, we did not person accusation connected the contention of bystanders, accusation that could assistance amusement whether bias contributed to differences successful bystander CPR successful nationalist settings. In addition, elaborate accusation connected the fig of imaginable laypersons who witnessed each apprehension lawsuit would person allowed for much robust accommodation successful the lawsuit that White persons who had cardiac apprehension had a higher fig of imaginable responders than Black oregon Hispanic persons who had cardiac arrest. Second, accusation connected bystanders’ reasons for not providing CPR was not available. Since this survey was conducted with information from persons with witnessed arrests, aboriginal efforts to cod bystander accusation would supply captious insights with respect to which nationalist wellness interventions whitethorn person the largest effect successful reducing differences successful the incidence of bystander CPR. Third, determination whitethorn beryllium misclassification of contention and taste groups successful immoderate cases reported successful CARES, but immoderate misclassification is expected to beryllium nondifferential and output results toward the null. Fourth, our findings whitethorn not beryllium generalizable to regions — particularly agrarian regions — that bash not enactment successful CARES.

We showed that Black and Hispanic persons with witnessed out-of-hospital cardiac apprehension were little apt to person perchance lifesaving bystander CPR than White persons, and this quality was seen successful arrests some astatine location and successful nationalist locations. This uncovering suggests that multifaceted nationalist wellness interventions whitethorn beryllium needed to trim radical and taste differences successful bystander CPR.

Funding and Disclosures

Supported by a assistance (R01HL160734 to Drs. Chan, Girotra, Breathett, Del Rios, and Sasson) from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI).

Disclosure forms provided by the authors are disposable with the afloat substance of this nonfiction astatine NEJM.org.

Dr. Garcia reports receiving a assistance (5T32J110837) from the NHLBI; Dr. Breathett reports receiving grants (K01HL142848, R56HL159216, and L30HL148881) from the NHLBI; Dr. McNally reports serving arsenic the enforcement manager of CARES, which receives backing from the American Red Cross and American Heart Association; Dr. Sasson reports being employed by the American Heart Association; and Dr. Chan reports receiving backing from the American Heart Association. No different imaginable struggle of involvement applicable to this nonfiction was reported.

The contented of this nonfiction is solely the work of the authors and does not needfully correspond the authoritative views of the National Institutes of Health.

Study information are disposable from the corresponding writer connected petition and with support by CARES.

Author Affiliations

From Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute (R.A.G., J.A.S., K.F.K., P.S.C.) and University of Missouri-Kansas City (R.A.G., J.A.S., P.S.C.) — some successful Kansas City, MO; University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine (S.G., M.D.R.) and the Center for Access and Delivery Research and Evaluation, Iowa City Veterans Affairs Medical Center (S.G.) — some successful Iowa City; the Michigan Integrated Center for Health Analytics and Medical Prediction, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor (B.K.N.); Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University School of Medicine, Druid Hills, Georgia (B.F.M); the Division of Cardiology, Krannert Cardiovascular Research Center, Indiana University, Bloomington (K.B.); and the American Heart Association, Dallas (C.S.).

Dr. Chan tin beryllium contacted astatine [email protected] oregon astatine Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute, 4401 Wornall Road, 9th Floor, Kansas City, MO 64111.

Supplementary Material

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Table 1. Characteristics of Persons with Witnessed Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest astatine Baseline.*

CharacteristicAll Persons with Cardiac Arrest
(N=110,054)Black oregon Hispanic Persons
(N=35,469)White Persons
(N=74,585)Standardized Differencepercentage points
Year of cardiac apprehension — no. (%)2.9
20137,770 (7.1)2,517 (7.1)5,253 (7.0)
201410,507 (9.5)3,378 (9.5)7,129 (9.6)
201512,038 (10.9)3,810 (10.7)8,228 (11.0)
201614,578 (13.2)4,504 (12.7)10,074 (13.5)
201718,015 (16.4)5,871 (16.6)12,144 (16.3)
201821,137 (19.2)6,955 (19.6)14,182 (19.0)
201926,009 (23.6)8,434 (23.8)17,575 (23.6)
Age — yr24.1
Median (IQR)65.0 (54.0–75.0)62.0 (51.0–73.0)66.0 (56.0–76.0)
Sex — no. (%)17.8
Female37,609 (34.2)14,163 (39.9)23,446 (31.4)
Male72,443 (65.8)21,305 (60.1)51,138 (68.6)
Race oregon taste radical — no. (%)NA
Black, non-Hispanic27,205 (24.7)27,205 (76.7)0
Hispanic oregon Latino8,264 (7.5)8,264 (23.3)0
White, non-Hispanic74,585 (67.8)074,585 (100.0)
Person initiating CPR — no. (%)22.8
Layperson of immoderate category51,852 (47.1)14,231 (40.1)37,621 (50.4)
Unspecified layperson19,059 (17.3)5,048 (14.2)14,011 (18.8)
Family member28,280 (25.7)7,941 (22.4)20,339 (27.3)
Medical provider4,513 (4.1)1,242 (3.5)3,271 (4.4)
First responder32,294 (29.3)10,972 (30.9)21,322 (28.6)
EMS25,908 (23.5)10,266 (28.9)15,642 (21.0)
Location of cardiac apprehension — no. (%)4.0
Home oregon residence84,296 (76.6)27,573 (77.7)56,723 (76.1)
Public location25,758 (23.4)7,896 (22.3)17,862 (23.9)
Urbanicity designation — no. (%)§47.7
Urbanized area88,490 (80.4)32,635 (92.0)55,855 (74.9)
Urban cluster7,474 (6.8)1,209 (3.4)6,265 (8.4)
Rural14,090 (12.8)1,625 (4.6)12,465 (16.7)
Neighborhood median yearly household income — no. (%)65.3
>$80,00026,504 (24.1)5,311 (15.0)21,193 (28.4)
$40,000 to $80,00061,075 (55.5)16,643 (46.9)44,432 (59.6)
<$40,00022,475 (20.4)13,515 (38.1)8,960 (12.0)
Race oregon taste constitution of vicinity — no. (%)137.4
More than 50% Black oregon Hispanic34,008 (30.9)23,452 (66.1)10,556 (14.2)
Integrated45,052 (40.9)10,222 (28.8)34,830 (46.7)
More than 80% White30,994 (28.2)1,795 (5.1)29,199 (39.1)


Table 2. Bystander CPR successful Persons with a Witnessed Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest.*

EventBlack oregon Hispanic PersonsWhite PersonsAdjusted Odds Ratio (95% CI)no./total no. (%)
At home10,627/27,573 (38.5)26,899/56,723 (47.4)0.74 (0.72–0.76)
In a nationalist location3604/7896 (45.6)10,722/17,862 (60.0)0.63 (0.60–0.66)
Racial oregon taste constitution of neighborhood
>80% White
At home516/1177 (43.8)11,422/23,286 (49.1)0.82 (0.74–0.90)
In a nationalist location313/618 (50.6)3656/5913 (61.8)0.68 (0.60–0.75)
>50% Black oregon Hispanic
At home7148/19,143 (37.3)3306/7616 (43.4)0.79 (0.75–0.83)
In a nationalist location1795/4309 (41.7)1636/2940 (55.6)0.63 (0.59–0.68)
At home2963/7253 (40.9)12,171/25,821 (47.1)0.78 (0.74–0.81)
In a nationalist location1496/2969 (50.4)5430/9009 (60.3)0.73 (0.68–0.77)
Median household income of neighborhood
At home1637/3662 (44.7)8120/16,163 (50.2)0.80 (0.76–0.85)
In a nationalist location854/1679 (50.9)3230/5030 (64.2)0.66 (0.61–0.72)
At home5311/13,026 (40.8)16,146/34,313 (47.1)0.82 (0.79–0.85)
In a nationalist location1712/3617 (47.3)5946/10,119 (58.8)0.68 (0.64–0.73)
At home3679/10,885 (33.8)2615/6274 (41.7)0.74 (0.70–0.78)
In a nationalist location1038/2630 (39.5)1546/2713 (57.0)0.57 (0.54–0.62)


Table 3. Survival Outcomes for Persons with a Witnessed Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest.*

OutcomeBlack oregon Hispanic PersonsWhite PersonsAdjusted Odds Ratio (95% CI)Model 1Model 2no./total no. (%)
Survival to infirmary discharge
At home3033/27,573 (11.0)7089/56,723 (12.5)0.77 (0.73–0.81)0.88 (0.84–0.92)
In a nationalist location1786/7896 (22.6)5628/17,862 (31.5)0.60 (0.58–0.63)0.72 (0.69–0.75)
Favorable neurologic outcome
At home1957/27,573 (7.1)5866/56,723 (10.3)0.59 (0.57–0.62)0.68 (0.64–0.71)
In a nationalist location1385/7896 (17.5)5156/17,862 (28.9)0.51 (0.48–0.54)0.60 (0.57–0.63)


Table 4. Bystander CPR Among Persons with Witnessed Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest successful a Public Location.

LocationBlack oregon Hispanic PersonsWhite PersonsAdjusted Odds Ratio (95% CI)*no./total no. (%)
Workplace2206/4149 (53.2)6294/10,186 (61.8)0.73 (0.70–0.77)
Street oregon highway891/2800 (31.8)2167/4555 (47.6)0.61 (0.57–0.64)
Recreational facility371/665 (55.8)1816/2442 (74.4)0.50 (0.43–0.56)
Public proscription center73/151 (48.3)249/358 (69.6)0.46 (0.37–0.57)
Other63/131 (48.1)196/321 (61.1)0.66 (0.44–0.90)
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