Reminder: Deadline extended: Recognize colleagues with a HOPE Award nomination - Michigan Medicine Headlines

2 years ago 83

The Office of Patient Experience is arrogant to denote the telephone for nominations for the yearly Evan Newport HOPE Awards!

The information signifier is unfastened and the deadline has been extended. Please instrumentality a infinitesimal to admit a workfellow and/or squad that goes supra and beyond to exemplify the values of diligent and household centered care. Nominations volition beryllium accepted done Oct. 28.

The recipients volition beryllium announced astatine the HOPE & JOY Awards ceremonial connected Dec. 7 astatine 2 p.m. Be definite to prevention the date! 

About the Evan Newport HOPE Award 

The HOPE Award was developed and designed by Scott Newport and his lad Noah — inspired by those who allowed Evan, Scott’s son, to person a blessed puerility portion helium was a diligent astatine C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital. Not lone does Evan’s bequest unrecorded connected astatine Mott, but his grant has fixed an accidental to admit those who enactment hand-in-hand with patients and families crossed the full wellness system. For much astir Scott, Evan, and Noah, delight work their communicative here.

Please stock this connection wide and promote your colleagues and teams to taxable nominations. If you person immoderate questions oregon request assistance with the form, delight email

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