Renewable energy projects worth billions stuck on hold

1 year ago 34

Workers walk  stored upwind   turbine blades astatine  the Harland & Wolff shipyardImage source, Getty Images

By Esme Stallard & Justin Rowlatt

BBC News Climate and Science

Billions of pounds' worthy of greenish vigor projects are connected clasp due to the fact that they cannot plug into the UK's energy system, BBC probe shows.

Some caller star and upwind sites are waiting up to 10 to 15 years to beryllium connected due to the fact that of a deficiency of capableness successful the strategy - known arsenic the "grid".

Renewable vigor companies interest it could endanger UK clime targets.

National Grid, which manages the system, acknowledges the occupation but says cardinal betterment is needed.

The UK presently has a 2035 people for 100% of its energy to beryllium produced without c emissions.

But gathering the people volition necessitate a large summation successful the fig of renewable projects crossed the country. It is estimated arsenic overmuch arsenic five times much star and 4 times arsenic overmuch wind is needed.

The authorities and backstage investors person spent £198bn connected renewable powerfulness infrastructure since 2010. But present vigor companies are informing that important delays to link their greenish vigor projects to the strategy volition endanger their quality to bring much greenish powerfulness online.

A caller upwind workplace oregon star tract tin lone commencement supplying vigor to people's homes erstwhile it has been plugged into the grid.

Energy companies similar Octopus Energy, 1 of Europe's largest investors successful renewable energy, accidental they person been told by National Grid that they request to hold up to 15 years for immoderate connections - acold beyond the government's 2035 target.

'Longest grid queues successful Europe'

There are presently much than £200bn worthy of projects sitting successful the connections queue, the BBC has calculated.

Around 40% of them look a transportation hold of astatine slightest a year, according to National Grid's ain figures. That represents delayed investments worthy tens of billions of pounds.

"We presently person 1 of the longest grid queues successful Europe," according to Zoisa North-Bond, CEO of Octopus Energy Generation.

The occupation is truthful galore caller renewable projects are applying for connections, the grid cannot support up.

The strategy was built erstwhile conscionable a fewer fossil substance powerfulness plants were requesting a transportation each year, but present determination are 1,100 projects successful the queue.

Torbay Council has been deed by the delays. The diggers are already clearing the crushed for a 6-hectare star works it is gathering successful Torquay. It is owed to beryllium finished adjacent year.

The assembly plans to usage wealth raised from selling the vigor to assistance money section services, but it has been told the works volition not beryllium connected for 5 years.

And adjacent that day isn't certain. "Worryingly, determination are immoderate indications that that could gaffe into the mid 2030s", said Alan Denby from Torbay Council. "That's a existent occupation for the assembly successful that we declared that we wanted to beryllium c neutral by 2030."

With projects incapable to get connections, operation is either being paused oregon projects are being completed but are incapable to nutrient immoderate power.

Image source, Esme Stallard/BBC News

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Torbay Council's star tract was owed to decorativeness successful a twelvemonth but volition not beryllium connected until 2028 astatine the earliest

National Grid, which is liable for moving energy crossed England and Wales, says it is tightening up the criteria for projects to use truthful lone the truly promising ones articulation the queue.

But a immense caller concern is besides required to restructure the grid truthful it tin woody with much powerfulness sources, says Roisin Quinn, manager of lawsuit connections.

"Fundamental betterment is needed", she told the BBC. "More infrastructure is needed. We are moving precise hard to plan and physique astatine a faster gait than we ever person done before."

The Energy Network Association represents the operators, known arsenic DNOs, which link people's homes to the main strategy owned by National Grid. It says that the authorities needs to velocity up the readying process truthful energy infrastructure tin beryllium built much quickly.

The authorities announced successful March that it was looking into however to velocity up readying decisions.

The vigor regulator, Ofgem, which oversees the operators, said that each stakeholders were playing drawback up with the government's targets.

Rebecca Barnett, nonstop of networks astatine Ofgem said: "The targets person been expanding successful the past 2 oregon 3 years dramatically and determination is simply a agelong pb successful concern clip that is needed to commit, develop, and present these truly large assets.

"I deliberation that has caused a existent problem; we decidedly request to drawback up. The incremental attack of the past is not acceptable for purpose."

Ofgem says it has agreed to let the National Grid to rise an further £20bn implicit the adjacent 40 years from lawsuit bills to wage for the immense upgrades the grid needs.

Customers person seen household prices soar implicit the past twelvemonth pursuing the penetration of Ukraine by Russia and a run-on gas.

But Ms Barnett said this caller concern volition person a minimal interaction connected customers bills and volition assistance enarthrosis the load of immoderate of the volatile vigor prices.

"The aboriginal is for green, much unafraid and successful information cheaper energy. We cognize determination is immoderate concern outgo needed to get america there, but successful the agelong tally it is going to beryllium cheaper for america all," she said.

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