Rod Stewart calls on Tories to make way for Labour

2 years ago 58

Rod StewartImage source, PA Media

Image caption,

Sir Rod Stewart performed astatine the Platinum Jubilee celebrations astatine Buckingham Palace past year

Sir Rod Stewart has called connected the authorities to "stand down" and marque mode for Labour, successful an impromptu call-in to Sky News.

The singer-songwriter, 78, phoned successful to the broadcaster's "your say" conception discussing problems successful the NHS.

Sir Rod said helium had ne'er seen the state "so bad".

"I've personally been a Tory for a agelong clip and I deliberation this authorities should basal down present and springiness the Labour enactment a go," helium said.

Sir Rod told the programme helium had attended a backstage session connected Thursday that was fundamentally "empty" and was prompted to telephone successful to the amusement aft proceeding astir the "ridiculous" concern successful the NHS.

"There are radical dying due to the fact that they cannot get scans," Sir Rod said.

He pledged to wage for up to 20 scans "to bash immoderate good".

"If different radical travel maine I'd emotion it," helium added.

He told the broadcaster the "NHS needs to beryllium rebuilt with billions and billions" and that nurses who had been striking implicit the past 2 months over wage were "not asking for much".

Sir Rod, who has had six fig 1 hits successful the UK charts, said: "Poor nurses, I'm connected your side."

He concluded his telephone telephone telling viewers to "change the bloody government".

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