RPG Notebook: Campaign Manager

1 year ago 33

Whether you're a subordinate that wants to person their notes tightly organized oregon a GM that needs to negociate each their tabletop RPG run material, RPG Notebook is an awesome instrumentality that volition streamline each that tedious enactment for you.

Here are immoderate large features of the app:

*CAMPAIGNS AND GROUPS: Start creating caller RPG run consecutive distant oregon marque groups to signifier them in. Groups tin besides beryllium utilized wrong the campaign, truthful you tin person towns, NPCs, etc., stacked together.

*VERSATILE CAMPAIGN ENTRIES: The halfway constituent of the app that you volition beryllium utilizing the most. They tin beryllium built from 6 types of elements (called sections) that you tin add, sanction and put arsenic you like: statement (a substance field), notes (multiple substance fields that tin beryllium added arsenic memos), checklist, tags (reusable successful each campaign), images and links (you tin manually nexus different entries and groups and connect abbreviated comments to them).

*TEMPLATES: With endless possibilities of creating antithetic entries, templates are a useful diagnostic that volition assistance you beryllium much efficient. You tin prevention colors, icons and conception arrangements for aboriginal use.

*HYPERLINKS: All descriptions and notes are automatically checked for matching introduction oregon radical names and if immoderate is found, a hyperlink is created. Tapping connected it volition instantly nonstop you to the corresponding entry/group.

*MAPS: Every run has a dedicated conception wherever galore maps tin beryllium added.

*MAP PINS: You tin adhd pins with your chosen colors and icons to people important places, items, NPCs, etc., that you tin freely determination astir connected the representation (so if a NPC oregon subordinate moves to a antithetic location, you tin easy relocate them). The pins person their ain names and descriptions, truthful hyperlinks tin beryllium created for swift entree to further information.

*JOURNAL: Journal notes volition assistance you support way of important events and NPCs you've encountered connected your journey. Every enactment has its instauration day recorded and tin person images added to it (and, of course, hyperlinks enactment present arsenic well).

*THEMES: 7 unsocial run themes (Cthulhu, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Cyberpunk, Post-apocalyptic, Steampunk and Wuxia) complement galore tabletop RPG systems and evoke a much immersive experience. Every taxable has a airy and acheronian mode!

*BUILT-IN MATERIAL: With implicit 4000 icons and 40 colors already added to the app, gathering your RPG run is creaseless and easy.

*CUSTOM CONTENT: If the disposable icons and colors are not enough, you tin freely adhd your own.

*BACKUP: You tin make a backup of each your enactment and store it locally, oregon export it truthful it tin beryllium shared with different devices.

*EVERYTHING IN YOUR POCKET: No much forgotten oregon mislaid notes. You volition ever beryllium prepared for the adjacent tabletop RPG league oregon beryllium capable to instantly constitute down ideas that abruptly travel to your caput wherever you are! :)

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