Saratoga Senior Center seeking volunteers - The Saratogian

2 years ago 69

SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y. — The Saratoga Senior Center is seeking volunteers for some in-house activities and to spell retired successful the assemblage done their Community Connections Program.

In-house volunteers assistance successful a assortment of ways astatine the Senior Center. Community Connections volunteers are linked with seniors successful Saratoga County to assistance them stay autarkic for arsenic agelong arsenic imaginable and property successful spot with grace and dignity.

Community Connections helps adjacent the gaps successful services that a elder mightiness request to stay autarkic and successful their homes.

The programme matches seniors successful request of assistance with assemblage volunteers who tin supply transportation, affable visits, respite, telephone check-ins, assistance with market shopping, transportation of nutrient to their homes, household chores, airy repair projects, errands, machine skills assistance, and different services.

The Senior Center volition bid Community Connections volunteers. The Center’s unit volition bash a location sojourn to the recipients of the assistance, successful beforehand of transportation with volunteers. In-house volunteers whitethorn assistance astatine a dinner, unit our beforehand desk, greet members, assistance astatine our play nutrient bank, oregon successful different ways.

If you are funny successful volunteering, oregon you oregon idiosyncratic you cognize is successful request of assistance delight interaction the Center astatine (518) 584-1621.

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