Severe neck pain: A signal of something serious? - Harvard Health

1 year ago 34

In uncommon cases, a torn cervix artery tin pb to a stroke. Learn astir the imaginable causes and symptoms.

Last summer, quality reports astir a young pistillate who had a changeable aft a sojourn to a chiropractor brought renewed attraction to a uncommon but perchance devastating condition. Known arsenic a cervical artery dissection, it’s a teardrop successful the lining of 1 of the main arteries that transportation humor to the encephalon (see illustration). The quick, jolting cervix movements oregon "adjustments" (also known arsenic cervical manipulative therapy) done by immoderate chiropractors and different attraction providers whitethorn trigger oregon exacerbate a tear.

"In my practice, I’ve taken attraction of a fig of radical who had a changeable connected the chiropractor’s array oregon soon aft the visit," says Dr. Natalia Rost, a Harvard Medical School prof and main of Stroke Services astatine Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital. However, a big of different activities and situations that origin sudden, jerky cervix movements tin besides origin tears successful the delicate arteries successful the beforehand and backmost of the neck, she says.

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